11: Why are we talking abt Gacha designs
(A/N: The photos shown in this chapter aren't mine (Except for the last one) Soo yeah credits to the original)
Pillow, Lesbian Lightswitch Nature, Battery Lover, Blueberry Pastry, Cinnamon and 🅱️en are online
Pillow: I don't have my nicknam-
Lesbian Lightswitch: Just change it you lazy bum
Pillow: >:<
Pillow: I'm not that lazy!
Nature: Just change your name if you want to
Pillow: No-
Blueberry Pastry: Okay whatever it doesn't matter about your names
Pillow: Yeah your right
Pillow: But i did download some Gacha designs of us from the internet-
Lesbian Lightswitch: Again?
Battery Lover: Can't wait for what Liy looks like
Lesbian Lightswitch: Same with you-
Cinnamon: From the same person we saw before?
Pillow: No literally it's not from the same person
Pillow: Like, I saw on Google ones
🅱️en: Oh no
Pillow: hELP
Nature: The designs are not that bad, Just why does Liy have a cat hood or something that Pillow has
Pillow: And pen has cat ears
Lesbian Lightswitch: XD
🅱️en: Shut your mouth
Battery Lover: You shut your mouth Pen
Blueberry Pastry: Why do i have purple
Pillow: Ikr it's blue for cloth's sake-
Cinnamon: It still looks good! I like your colors pillow!
Pillow: Oh i didn't even notice I'm all pink-
Nature: Okay then, Did you download more?
Pillow: Yes
Lesbian Lightswitch: fRICK-
Pillow: Help me my hair-
🅱️en: Okay sure
Lesbian Lightswitch: IM NOT PURPLE C'MON-
Battery Lover: Sort of
Nature: This is the first time I've seen a design that didn't add glasses to me
Cinnamon: Oh yeah because your so smart!
Nature: I guess
Lesbian Lightswitch: Also the height isn't accurate at all i just noticed
Nature: Yeah
🅱️en: Fr
Blueberry Pastry: The- The only thing that's blue are my eyes
Blueberry Pastry: Seriously
Cinnamon: Hey it still looks good!
Battery Lover: A bit better than the last
Pillow: XD
Pillow: Okay nexxt
Pillow: Finally i have a normal look
Blueberry Pastry: Remote your a robot
Battery Lover: Oh
Lesbian Lightswitch: Why?
Battery Lover: Well i mean, I can't blame them, i am sort of a robot, I don't need to eat, drink, etc and i only need batteries to survive anyway
Nature: But still
🅱️en: Bruh i downgraded
Nature: My version looks odd what the heck-
Cinnamon: Looks good still!
🅱️en: You keep saying that
Lesbian Lightswitch: Same height again
Lesbian Lightswitch: Huh
Blueberry Pastry: At least im not short anymore
Pillow: Yes you are
Nature: Just get on with this
Pillow: Ok then-
Blueberry Pastry: IM NOT PURPLE
Lesbian Lightswitch: XD now you know huh?
Pillow: Why tf do i look like that
Battery Lover: Are my eyes okay?
Nature: What the heck-
Cinnamon: Why am i sad?
Nature: Your shades?
🅱️en: Yep
Lesbian Lightswitch: That's too much hair bruh
(A/N: Low quality i know-)
Pillow: None of these heights are accurate
Lesbian Lightswitch: LOOK AT BH WHAT
Nature: Oh heck no
Battery Lover: I'm the only one who's blushing, Weird
Cinnamon: Why is the quality so low?
Pillow: Idk
Lesbian Lightswitch: Pillow your skin color
Pillow: Wait why is my skin color literally white
🅱️en: The only shit that's blue is my hat-
Blueberry Pastry: My hair
Cinnamon: Black hole looks weird-
Nature: And again i have no glasses
Battery Lover: And the clothes are simple
Lesbian Lightswitch: Since when did i have yellow before
Pillow: Wow we have skirts
Blueberry Pastry: No
Cinnamon: You don't like skirts?
Blueberry Pastry: i don't have anything against it, I just don't like it
Nature: What's up with my hair this time
🅱️en is offline
Battery Lover: Am i literally the only one without front hair
Battery Lover: And Black Hole's eyes
Battery Lover: The heck-
Pillow: Ikr and rimot's the shortest
Battery Lover: No?
(A/N: ay the quality is good)
Pillow: Pie what you doin
Nature: Where is Black Hole?
Pillow: Bro the eyes
Nature: What
Cinnamon: Oh My hair color is white instead of light blue now!
Blueberry Pastry: I prefer the light blue hair color on you Bottle
Pillow: P i e
Blueberry Pastry: What
Lesbian Lightswitch: I'm half purple
Lesbian Lightswitch: Okay finally
Battery Lover: My shorts are gone
Nature: That's a short skirt too
Lesbian Lightswitch: Oh no
Pillow: Last one is the only good one-
Lesbian Lightswitch: Lemme see if it's actually good
(A/N: This one is mine-)
Nature: Hey the height is actually accurate now, A little
Lesbian Lightswitch: Oh mi gosh lookatrimot
Blueberry Pastry: Damnit I'm so short
Cinnamon: It's cute! All of you!
Pillow: Look at us boi
Battery Lover: They have natural eye colors, and we already saw the rest of their designs before but never saw Pen and BH
Pillow: I don't remember that help-
Cinnamon: Yeah same
Battery Lover: It's fine Pillow and Bottle
Nature: Is this the only version where we actually have natural eye color?
🅱️en Is online
(A/N: Yeah he likes meme shades)
Lesbian Lightswitch: Ay ay headphonesss
Lesbian Lightswitch: And yeah I'm not complaining about the light purple color because that's the correct color
Battery Lover: Your shade
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yea
🅱️en: Itsa thug life shades it's even betta
Pillow: Short woman XD
Blueberry Pastry: Shut up Pillow
Lesbian Lightswitch: What it's true
Nature: I think what makes this look good are the hats
Cinnamon: Yea!
Battery Lover: I just like how we all look here now
Battery Lover: Especially Liy <3
Lesbian Lightswitch: YOU LOOK CUTER
Pillow: XD
Nature: Your in the middle like your the main fricking character
Pillow: Yeah
Nature: But i'm just glad Black Hole looks good in this
🅱️en: And meh
Nature: No not really
Battery Lover: Just one thing
Pillow: Yea?
Battery Lover: Bottle's eyes are huge
Cinnamon: Oh-
Battery Lover: But it's still good
Pillow: Yep
Pillow: That's all the photos :>
Lesbian Lightswitch: Okay bye
Battery Lover: Yeah let me go with you
Lesbian Lightswitch, Battery Lover, Nature and 🅱️en are offline
Pillow: Looks like it's just us huh pie and bottle-
Cinnamon: Yea!
Blueberry Pastry: I don't wanna be with Pillow
Cinnamon: But with me?
Blueberry Pastry: Sure
Pillow: Hehe
Blueberry Pastry: Lets just go offline Bottle
Cinnamon: Oki
Cinnamon and Blueberry Pastry are offline
Pillow: Goddamit
Pillow is offline
To be continued
Lesbian Lightswitch - Liy
Nature - Tree
Battery Lover - Remote
Blueberry Pastry - Pie
Cinnamon - Bottle
🅱️en - Pen
(A/N: Most of the time when i see Gacha designs i go like: "Not bad just- Why-" Like- It looks a bit weird- some are good but the ones here are like, Odd- it's not that bad but like, If they turn them into furries, I'm gonna jump off a building-
No offense to those who made them, Clearly it's these Characters opinions, Yeah sure they're fine, just a bit weird-
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