1: Why was this made
Liy added Pillow, Tree, Pen, Pie, Remote, Bottle and Black Hole to Death P.A.C.T GC :>
Tree, Pen, Liy and Pillow are online
Tree: Uh Liy? May i ask why the trunk did you make this?
Liy: So then we can chat easier!
Pillow: Of course bro-
Liy: Anyways can we chat about somethin?
Pen: About what?
Pen: Wait a minute how the heck does bh have a account here?
Liy: His sister helped him
Tree: His sister?
Liy: Ya, starry, that's her name i think-
Pie,Black Hole and Remote are online
Pen: Wait his Online
Pie: Hi
Tree: Black Hole, May I ask how can you type?
Black Hole: My sister is currently typing this, Im saying the words and she's typing it.
Tree: Huh, I see
Liy: Nice!
Pillow: Anyways since we solved the "How can black hole type" mystery, What else guys? >:3
Tree: Talk about how annoying you are
Pillow: Fluff you
Liy: You can swear bro
Pillow: Bottle
Liy: Oh geez right-
Pen: How does she not even know what swearing is? She's 22!
Tree: Yeah i have no idea too but i just know that you're not supposed to swear WHENEVER she's here
Pillow: Yea, I knew that
Pillow: Also liy ready to annoy pie >:>
Liy: Hehe ya bet!
Pie: Are you serious
Pillow: Hehe
Pillow is offline
Liy: Lmao
Tree: What do you two even do again?
Pen: I feel like they do nonsense with her
Liy: Nah we ship her with someone
Pen: That's what I meant
Remote: Wait by who
Remote: *With
Liy: No time i gotta go-
Liy and Black Hole are offline
Tree: They ship her with someone?
Pie: Yeah they do, it's annoying as my siblings
Pen: Bro they ship you with who?
Pie: It's a girl.
Pie: I need to go offline they're getting annoying I'm gonna yell at them
Pie is offline
Tree: Ah geez
Pen: Well what now
Remote: Lets talk later for now
Remote: Tree, It's time to prevent death, Black Hole is calling us
Tree: Alright
Remote and Tree are offline
Pen: Welp I'm the only one left
Pen: Oh well, i guess i have to do nonsense later
Pen is offline
(A/N: First time I'm actually explaining my death pact AU, I feel cringe to post this again- since this AU is full of shipping and nonsense- anyways first chapter, Get ready for the 2nd one i guess-)
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