Chapter 2
I woke up to morning to Yūrei sleeping on me, she always purrs in her sleep and it's really cute. I poke her nose n she lazily opens one of her eyes to look at me.
"Morning sleepy head, get your fuzzy ass off me so I can make us some breakfast."
With that said, Yūrei leaped off the me and headed off for the kitchen. It was pretty boring that day since it was Sunday, I just sat in my room watching TV with Yūrei on my lap, or drawing in my sketch book. I never have any homework since I have study hall in school and spend my lunch hour in the library. The Librarian at my school, Ms. Kinder, was the only staff member at the school that liked me, I guess it's because she likes my drawings and how I love reading unlike the other students. I enjoy her company too, so I guess we're okay.
On Monday morning I did my daily routine to get ready for school, my parents were on another business trip, and my Aunt was bringing my little brother over since she has to get surgery on her hip and would be in the hospital for a few days. He's coming over around 5 PM so I would be out of school already so I don't need to worry about him coming here when I'm not home. I finished eating breakfast and was waiting at the bus stop to come and let me begin another day of hell. I can't wait for this week to be over.
The bus was a few minutes late today, it's probably because of the stupid substitute bus driver. I'm the first stop so I get a little price and quiet before the other retards I call my classmates get on.
The bus was terrible as usual with all the Jocks annoying the shit out of me with their stupid and mocking questions about my drawings and rude idiotic comments about my red eyes. I could here the Cheerleaders and Other popular people gossiping about me and making more unbelievable rumors that people seem to actually believe are true.
The ride was finally over and after stopping at my locker to rip all the sticky notes covered in insults off and get my math book for my Algebra class, I headed off to start my day in hell.
My Algebra class was boring with the occasional crumpled up paper balls thrown at me with more insults written on them saying things like "your a slut", "go do us all a favor and die", "everybody hates you, you dirty fucking whore", and several other nasty remarks. My other 4 classes were the same way, Science, Language Arts, Girl's Gym, and Health Class. I was relieved when it was lunch.
I was usually the first one to the cafeteria since I never have to go to my locker first, so I quickly buy my lunch and rush to the library.
I was almost there when I was suddenly tripped and I dropped all my stuff, including my sketch book. I looked up and saw Michael Jitsuno, the captain of the football team.
"Oh looky here boys, the cat freak tripped over her own feet", he said in his stupid mocking voice. "You're the one who tripped me you fucking bastard", I said as I started picking my stuff up, but I couldn't seem to find where my sketchbook went. "Aww did the little kitty loose something?", My eyes widen as I turned towards him only to see him waving my sketchbook in the air tauntingly. "Give me that back!" I yelled as I jumped up trying to get the sketch book, he laughed then had two other football players restrain me as he started looking through my sketchbook. My Sketchbook.
He started to crumple and rip the pages as he carelessly flipped through them and I snapped. I was so pissed off I couldn't control myself anymore. I kicked the two bastards who were holding me back right in their nuts then shoved passed them and lunged at Michael. He fell back in shock as I punched him dead in the face knocking him against the lockers behind him. I smirked as I picked up my sketchbook and looked at them writhing in pain on the floor. I felt a strange feeling of satisfaction in looking at the pain I had caused them. But I quickly brushed it off and went to the Library with the remaining scraps of my lunch and my stuff.
The rest of the day was actually nice, word spread on how I "beat up" Michael and his goons pretty quickly and no one came near me for the rest of the day, it was awesome.
Michael and his two followers were out of school for the rest of the week and everybody seemed more afraid of me than usual, I didn't get in trouble since the Ms. Kinder covered for me saying how I was using self defense since they were picking on me. Thank God that the principal believed her and let me off the hook. My other teachers didn't give me any homework either, instead they gave me all A+'s for every assignment. They all had the same look of fear in their eyes the other students have when they see me, and they smile and try to hide it but they suck at it. I felt this weird new feeling all week since my little "fight", and I love it.
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