Day 74
March 15, 2015
Word of God:
1Co 15:31 I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
"...I die daily." That is the core of my message today.
When we decided to follow Jesus, becoming a true christian because that is what christians should be followers of Christ... we should deny ourselves to the point of being dead to the world and to the flesh because that is the only way we can be alive in Christ Jesus. Truth be told the flesh and the Spirit can't dwell in the same body, you can only have one and disregard the other. It can either be the flesh or the Spirit of God. You have the choice...the decision is yours to make since God has given us freewill.
I have read a book, Passion, i really liked it. There's one statement there I'd like to goes,
"A change in which you die to a life that's all about you, and Christ comes to life within you." -Louie Giglio
To declare that you die daily is to declare that you die, everything about you dies- your goals, your ambitions, your way of life...everything and Christ lives in you.
I'd like to quote again from the book,
"The goal for you is to live a life that mirrors Jesus-to have the same way of thinking in your mind as Christ has in His. That's the new standard and the new goal for your life." -Louie Giglio
To die daily is to let go of yourself and let God.
Instead of trusting yourself, trust God. Instead of relying on yourself, rely on God. Instead of loving yourself, love God. Instead of praising yourself, praise God. Instead of doing things for your own selfishness, do it for God...for His glory.
Everything for His glory & honor for the world to see. Also know that, a life glorifying God is a life reflecting Christ.
As christian be dead to the world, in its system and ways that leads people to their destructions... There are a lot of distractions and traps in this world that leads to eternal damnation and only one way to eternal life, and that way is Jesus Christ. Be sure to walk in the Way God has prepared for all of us. The only way for us to take that path of righteousness is to not conform with the world rather renew your minds, being dead to the world and alive in the Word of God. Remember you can't be alive in the Word and at the same time enjoying the world there's no such thing as i have mentioned earlier, you can't have both flesh and the Spirit of God.
And so Paul in this verse said "I die daily." Its the only way he can imitate Jesus...and be like Him if he die then that's the only way Christ can live in Him.
May we believe and do the things Paul did so that the life we have today can be a reflection of God's grace, love and life on earth thru you.
To God be the glory!
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