Day 119
April 29, 2015
"Seek good and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of host, shall be with you, as ye have spoken." -Amos 5:14
We will live and God shall be with us, if and only if we seek good and not evil things.
We all want to live, right? No one who is in his right mind would chose death when he can have life!
And that life we so desire is only when we do what God has commanded us to do, and in this verse, He wants us to seek good- that is to know what is good, understand what is good and to do what is good. Those 3 things are to be done.
The question 'What is good? How good is considered good? Or Who is good?' for us to know what is good. The Scripture states that God is the only good in this world even in the whole universe or creation. And He who forms all things has set a standard and that standard is the only considered good for it comes from where all goodness flow, to the one who is good, God.
If God is the only good then we have to know Him, understand His will/command and do what He does (imitate Him). Doing those things is seeking God and desiring His presence in our lives. If we have done it then we have pleased God, because seeking the good is seeking God, and to seek God requires a good amount of faith. If we possess this kind of faith, it is well with us thru Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. And so, we will live for sure because in every battle we will face God will be with us through it all.
But if we fail to seek good- we will end up seeking evil, evil things lead to nothing but destruction and worst death because only God can offer life, life everlasting apart from God are vain things that leads to sin.
This verse is so specific, 'seek good and not evil.' He is specific to make sure we go to the right way He has prepared for us. How awesome is that? Not only did He gave us the map of life but He will also guide us in this journey we call life, as He said, '...the God of host shall be with you...' thru God the Holy Spirit- He is our guide.
Truly God cares and loves us so much. That proves it!
And so why would we chose death over life? Do we even need to chose?
May we chose the way to life, God has prepared for us in Jesus' name.
To God be the glory!
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