Chapter 3 《♡》《♥》《☆》《★》
"ARE YOU TWO ON A DATE!?" ...........Wait.....WHAT DID SHE SAY "Ummm."I was stun at the spot, I never dealed with people like this they're just crowding me, throwing questions at me, this is too much
"Excuse me, pardon me, can I get through? Eden, wow people really like you huh." He just stood there with a smile
"Yeah, umm to answer your guys questions, he was buying something for us to eat, yes you two can, and no were not." I could hear the girl groan, then the staff came and shooed the people away.
"Thank you." I tell them "No problem." A guy tells, then they go back to work.
"Well.... that" Thomas had an uneasy smile, I start laughing.
"What did I say something funny." Thomas started laughing a little too. "No, its just... that was so unexpected and you're right it was kinda fun." I say relieved "and thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it."
"Well anything for a friend." He pulled me in a tight hug.
"Yep you're my new best friend and stop hugging me, you're squeezing my lungs." I say out of breath.
"Sorry." He lets go,
"It's fine."
"Oh and uhh here's your cup." He hands a cup to me and I gratefully take it.
We got our drinks and sat down and waited for our food. "So that was exciting." I tell Thomas.
"Yeah more like crazy." I smile and chuckle a little.
"So why did your family move here?" He asks me
"Oh, my dad got a better job here it pays more than his old job." I answer him
"Do you miss your old friends?" Wow he just has loads of questions doesn't he
"Of course I miss them, we been there for each other, they will always have a special place in my heart." I start to smile when I think about them.
"Are you thinking about them." I look up at see Thomas smiling at me, I sigh
"Yeah I do.... but I'll move on and make new friends, the pasts is in the past and the future I have to look forward to, so for now I'll focus on the present ." I gave a little speech.
"Wow even quoting frozen, you're serious." He laughs at me, I gave him a little shove
"Shut up." We both share a laugh, I feel like I'm still in Merced laughing with a friend I known for ages, but I'm not..... I need to make more friends.
"Number 63, Stewie your order is ready."
"Well I should probably go get that." I lift an eyebrow
"Stewie? Really?"
"Well I used his voice so yes." He gets up and leaves to get the food.
I pull out my phone and turn on the recording
"Hey YouTube I'm at McDonald's here with a friend and you all won't believe who."
"Hey Eden what are you doing?" Thomas said
"Yep I'm here with the Thomas Sanders. Say hi to all my fans Thomas." I turn the camera towards him
"Hey everyone, in a world where a youtuber and a viner get together in a video ."
"God don't y'all love that voice, it's so cool I wish I could do that."
"Well I am Thomas Sanders."
"Shut it, so should we eat?"
"Yes we should." I pause the video
"You done already?"
"No I just paused it so we can eat." (( A few minuets later )) I unpause the recording.
"Well now I feel satisfied, but before we go Thomas, I have to do something." I tell him
"Well what is it?" I get on top of the table
"LET IT GO, LET IT GO WHEN I RISE LIKE THE BREAK OF DAWN, LET IT GO, LET IT GO THAT PERFECT GIRL IS GONE, HERE I STAND AND HERE I'LL STAY, LET THE STORM RAGE OOOOOOOOOOOOON, the cold never bothered me anyway." I hear people clapping and cheering, I look down and see Thomas laughing a little while clapping.
"Well lets go I done my thang here." I get off from the table Thomas goes to throw our things away and jogs over to me, he opens the door and I walk through.
"Wow I can't believe you did that." Thomas says surprised
"Well believe it son." He and I laugh
"So that's all for now, See you later BYE!" I yell into the camera
"Thomas say bye." He smiles
"Bye guys." And I stop the recording.
"Hey Eden what time is it?"
"Oh its....." I check my phone....... " 11." -.- "Why are that many people at McDonald's this late." I hear him laugh.
"Well I'm more worried about what my parents will say to me." I groan "Don't remind me..... we should probably go back."
"Yeah we should." We both get into his car and he drives us back home.
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