Collaborators x Junior!Reader; Yessir!
◇ Him: Sorry for not updating this book for awhile, I promise to make it up to you. Also, Despacitana and I are the collaborators, just in case that wasn't clear. ◇
◇ We write about each other in chapters and edit it together. It sounds too biased to write descriptions of ourselves. At least, that's what we agreed upon. ◇
◇ I, Finnegan, am writing this chapter about her! Just wanted to get that point across. So yep, you can either choose between me or her. ;) ◇
♡ Her: Lastly, for the sake of the story, we're going to say that your parents chose your classes and arranged your schedule. Whoops, sorry~ ♡
Scenario; After meeting Finnegan, you went to your classes (getting a bit lost here and there). You thought the day was going smoothly, that was until you meet her in 4th period.
My lips form a small smile. I'm glad those three periods were a breeze!
Today went by quite nicely, I thought, sauntering down the hall to my fourth period class. Hopefully, the rest of the day will be this peaceful. Though, I seriously doubt it.
There was a girl in front of me who seems to be walking in the same direction. She had a small floral backpack that seemed to be holding most of her stuff. She was holding a binder like a suitcase, which looked pretty convenient to grab papers or used to smack somebody in tight situations. At least, that's what I would do.
I noticed she had straight brown hair with a bit of blonde peeking out.
I wonder what it looks like in the front, I inquire.
She took a sharp right turn into a classroom. Too sharp, to be exact. Like she spun on her feet naturally.
I look at my schedule and the room number she went in. They matched, alright.
Oh wait, I thought. I just realized! Fuck!
My parents signed me up for R. O. T. C.
I inhale a little too deeply. It's okay, I'll be fine.
I walk into class and look for a spot to sit. I was a classroom that was way too big for the average thirty-six students. I don't want to be close to the board so the teacher can constantly look at me, but I also don't want to be too far from people to look like I lack social skills. I settle in the second to last seat in the fourth row. The girl I saw is to my left.
I turned to her to be ballsy and introduce myself.
My heart jumped to my throat and my head immediately snapped in the direction of the booming voice. It was the instructor, who looked to be in his fifties, with a stern look on his face. I glanced to my left to see the girl already stood up with her arms going straight down and her fists against her pants. It looked kind of uncomfortable, but she didn't show any signs of it on her face.
"Good morning, Chief Warrant Officer! Cadet Cao at standby for your personal instructions, sir!" She says, firmly.
My eyes widen. A student yelling at a teacher like that! Oh boy, this school is crazy! My head jolts to the instructor to see his reaction.
Surprisingly enough, his features soften to a smile. "Looks like you've gotten sharper over the summer, cadet. Last year you were lacking!"
A few people sitting around her chuckle. She smiles back at the instructor and eases into her seat.
"Thank you," she replies brightly.
The instructor suddenly snaps his attention to me.
My heart stops and I grab the edge of my desk to prevent me from jumping. Or falling.
I don't wanna die! I scream in my head.
"Ah," he laughs. "Looks like we got ourselves a freshman!"
Everyone in the class giggles at his remark. Well, everyone but the actual freshmen.
My eyebrows slightly furrow. I felt the need to defend myself. "Actually, I'm a junior."
Okay, now everyone is laughing.
"If you can't handle the pressure, then you can leave!" he teases. He looks at what seems to be the attendance paper. "Looks like we have one new student in this class. (L/N), right?"
I nod.
"That's supposed to be a 'yessir!'"
I jump out of my seat. His yelling can give someone a heartattack.
"That's more like it!" he responds back.
People in the room clap. I sit in my seat with a blush of embarrassment across my face. In the of my eye, I see the girl give me a reassuring smile. I relax I little bit and sigh.
"You all know the drill for the first day," the instructor starts. "take it easy and catch up with everybody around you. Maybe even meet new people." He winks at me. "But if I see any phones, I will through it across the room!"
Immediately, students stand up and scatter to other students, chatting with each other. Even the instructor has a few kids around him. I sigh and roll me eyes, ducking my head down.
"Whoa, the Warrant Officer being a dick? That's new."
I look up to see the girl. She has friendly, brown eyes behind her glasses. She wore a black leather jacket and a pair of skinny jeans, outlining her hips. She had this sass to her that was enough to make her funny yet respectable, but not overdue to make herself a bitch. Her aura and sense of style is very flamboyant and glamorous, similarly to a gay person.
(Finn: Please don't take that offensively, I just wanted to write a good comparison. Additionally, she's bisexual, so you can say it's the "bi vibe"? Well, that's what she says.)
I smile and chuckle politely.
"Come here often?" She plops onto the seat in front of me.
I jokingly roll my eyes. "It's my first time, er. . . Cao."
"Last name," she explains. "It's actually Quang Tam, but most call me Tammy."
"Cute," I inquire. "I'm (Y/N)."
Tammy looks at me quizzically. "(Y/N)? The same (Y/N) who laughed her ass off at lame jokes in front of a quarter of the school this morning?"
I let a groan escape from my lips. "Does everybody know about that?"
She giggles, waving her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry about it," Tammy answers in a sing-song voice.
"Damn," I mutter under my breath.
"You're lucky, though," Tammy smiles. "You get to meet a handsome gentleman by the name of Finnegan!"
"I guess everybody knows about that, too," I sigh. Rumors spread quick here.
"Well, I should know. He's mah boi!" Her eyebrows raise. "You in love, yet?"
I almost burst into a laugh. "What's that?" I needed to confirm what I just heard.
"Don't worry, everyone does!" Tammy smirks. "It'll take some time. But for you, this could work."
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