09. Death threat
Jungkook turned, searching for the soft warmth of the woman next to him. But the bed was empty. He opened his eyes and sat, looking for her, but the room was all empty.
His gaze fell on the corner where he had thrown the travel bag last night, it was gone. He jumped and ran into the kitchen, empty, the living room too.
"Nabi?" he called her, but didn't received answer. He ran to his own bedroom, quickly put on some t-shirt and jeans and turned to the living room looking for his phone and keys. It was impossible for her to leave.
Where the hell were his keys,Nabi would know! He searching frantically, angry that he was wasting time for such a nonsense. Where could she go, maybe Ae Ri? Where are the fucking keys.
"Bunny?" he turned sharply.
Nabi, Namjoon and Jin stood in the door way, staring at him curiously. He toosed his phone on the couch, ran to hur and hugged her tightly, almost lifting her off the ground.
"Jungkook, I can't breath" she cried, but he wouldn't let her go, instead pocked face into her neck, inhaling her scent.
"Jungkook... no..." she struggled to free herself, breathing harder and harder, but he kept tightened the grip on her. "Jungkook, you're suffocating her, for God's sake!" Namjoon tried to open his arms, starting him.
Jungkook turned to Namjoon confused, then looked at Nabi, her face flushed from trying to fight him. He loosened his embrace, but didn't let go.
"Jungkook, are you okey?" she asked breathlessly, he nodded and hid his face in her neck again. "I woke up and you were gone. I thought Ae Ri had really taken you, but I couldn't find the fucking keys" he wishpered in her neck. "WOW, Ae Ri really scared you last night, huh?" Namjoon laughed.
"What happend last night?" Jin asked curiously. "My wife got all nonsense out of out maknae's head." Namjoon smirked. "I gess that's the result" he pointed at the couple. "What, how?" Jin stared. "She almost killed him, threatening to take Nabi away" Namjoon laughed. "It's not funny!" Jungkook gritted, starting deadly at his friends. "
" Jungkook! " Nabi was still trying to get out, but he didn't seem to notice. Jungkook looked at her, her face inches from his, she had bitten her lower lip, doing her best, trying to push him away. Why hadn't he noticed how cute she's when she's angry?
Namjoon and Jin walked past them, shaking heads with smiles and settled to the living room.
"Jungkook, you're crushing our breakfast" Nabi cried. "If you keep fighting, i'll have breakfast with you" he moaned and she froze.
Jungkook released her and watched her head to the kitchen, leaving her bags on the counter. He joined Namjoon and Jin, relaxing on the couch opposite them.
"You look good" Namjoon smiled and also looked at Nabi, she was distribing the food in bowls. So, you're a couple now? " asked Jin." I gess" Jungkook kept his eyes on Nabi. "It's weird" he turned to Namjoon and Jin and his smile faded. "Did you feel that way in the beginning?" he asked, frowning.
"What do you mean?" Jin looked at him in surprise. It wasn't typical for Jungkook to talk about feelings, let alone ask questions. "She..." Jungkook looked at Nabi again. " It's as it you have a knife in your heart and every time you think it's not true or you can lose her, the knife start spinning and fear grips your throat?" Namjoon smiled and Jungkook nodded. "Yep, that's the feeling" Jin grinned.
"I don't know what to do now" Jungkook sighed and ran hand through his hear. "You don't hav'to do anything, just trust her and follow your heart" Namjoon winked.
"Lord, i'm starving" Nabi left the tray of food on the table between them. Jungkook made an arrogant face, thinking about the reason for her hunger. Namjoon and Jin laughed as they watched their friend proudly,whi seemed to find it easier to accept the fact that he's in love.
"You eat, i'll be back in a minute" she said and headed for the bedroom. Jungkook noticed that Namjoon narrowed eyes after her and turned to see why. He could only see her back, when she close the door. "Hyung?" he turned questioningly to Namjoon, who shook his head and began to eat.
Nabi scolded the door and leaned against it, wiping drops of sweat from her forehead. Pressing hand low on her stomach, she tried to reach the bed, but the pain pierced her and she slumped on knees, before she could reach him.
"Shit!" she growled as a new wave of pain swept over her as she tried to get up. When she decided to sleep with Jungkook, she didn't expect it would hurt so much in the morning.
She grabbed the edge of the bed and somehow she managed to stand up. Tired, Nabi leaned back on the bed and curled into the ball with a slight smile. The bed still smelled of him and she couldn't help, but think of the next time he'll held her in his arms.
"How are negotiations going on fot Kim's company?" Jin asked. "They'll squat" Jungkook shrugged. "Do you really plan to give that woman 60 percent of income when you get the company back on its feet?" Namjoon raised eyebrow. " The contract is a contract. Besides, i've already won more" he grinned.
The doorbell rang and Jungkook went to open it. A young woman looked at him with wide eyes in surprise. "May I help you?" Jungkook asked. "Well... I think I messed up the apartment, i'm looking for Kim Nabi" she stammered.
"And you are?" he asked again. "Jisoo, Nabi send me the address this morning" she showed him the messages. "She's in the bedroom" he nodded and moved away to let her in. "The first door around the corner" he explained and she headed there.
"Who is she?" Namjoon asked. "Nabi's friend" Jungkook returned to his seat.
"Dear God, Nabi are you okey?" Jisoo came down and helped her sit up. Nabi nodded and smiled. " Thanks for coming" Jisoo sat down and she hugged her. "For you, always" Jisoo smiled. "Did you see that handsome man, who opened the door for me?" she gasped and her eyes lot up.
"Which of the three?" Nabi laughed, but made a face when she felt pain again. "Are there three?" Jisoo gasped, ran to the door, opened it and stuck her head out. The three man looked up at her, she blinked few times in surprise and slammed the door shut.
"Blessed virgin Mari!" she turned to Nabi. " There are three gods of sex!" she groaned and Nabi burst out laughing. Her friend never been shy one. " It's just that all three are taken" she winked at her and laughed again as Jisoo dramatically mimicked fainting with a hand on her forehead.
"Don't they have an acquaintance who's free?" grinned Jisoo. "And if he could have come off the cover of men's underwear magazine too" she smirked.
"I may have one or two in mind" Nabi smiled. "And where did you find them?" Jisoo asked, sitting next to her again. "It's a long story. I called you, because I need help" Nabi looked down in embarrassment. "I see" grinned Jisoo impudently.
She pulled her bag and pulled out small paper bag. "Painkillers and contraceptives" she handed them to her. "You know how to drink, don't you?" she looked at her questioningly and Nabi nodded.
"So, will you tell me which of them took my friend's innocence?" she grinned again. "The one with the tattoos on his right hand" Nabi blushed. Jisoo jumped again, opened the door, approached the three men and looked them up and down.
Under their startled and astonished looks, she quickly found who she's looking for. With her arms across and serious face, she leaned over Jungkook." Name?" she asked. "Jeon Jungkook" he replied and her chin drooping. "That Jeon Jungkook?" she narrowed her eyes. "I gess" he replied,aware that his name was almost throughout the city.
Jisoo approached him, put her hands either side of him and bowed her head. "If you ever hurt her in any way, i'll castrate you!" she hissed, pulling away and letting him stare after her dumbfounded.
"Great choice!" Jisoo winked at Nabi as she returned to her. "You're awful" she chuckled.
They spend nearly two more hours talking and laughing.
"What was that?" Jin asked in astonishment. "I think I just received a death threat" Jungkook looked at him in disbelif. "Seriously?" Namjoon laughed. "She threatened me with castration" Jungkook grinned. "Knowing your reputation, it's not enouth" laughed Jin. "Whose side are you on?" Jungkook growled jokingly. Namjoon laughed, slapping Jin's shoulder, unprepared, Jin almost fell off the couch.
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