Bocephus Twilliger Intro
so before i give you the first chapter of Bocephus Twilliger, there are a few things you need to know.
1. Bocephus and his friends are cats. i was (and still am) obsessed with cats so i decided to write a book about them
2. you may have noticed that Bocephus Twilliger is an extremely retarded name. i got that name from googling "what to name a cat" and a generator came up and i used that to name it. idk why i thought Bocephus was a totally normal name, or why people thought it was ok to name a cat Bocephus, but i used it anyways, and i generated another name for one more character which will appear later in the book.
3. speaking of retarded, everything in this book is retarded. like, everything. retarded and cringy. but i was 9 what can i say??? get ready for a roller coaster ride ladies and gents
i think that's all i have to say rn so enjoy bOcEpHus tWiLliGer
haha not
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