Bocephus Twilliger Chapter 1
"Chandler you are so DISGUSTING!!!" Bocephus Twilliger said to his best friend.
"I am NOT disgusting Boce! It was just a saying I made up!"
"Saying 'Poopy fart button' is not acceptable!" Boce explained.
"Guys guys break it up!" Scalene said. "Come on, I thought you were supposed to be 'Best Friends.'"
"We are. Can't you see? We are showing the glory of friendship right here. Right now. Right Boce?" Chandler said.
"Um...not really."
"Boce, Chandy. Stop. If you keep on fighting like this you will not be friends anymore!" Scalene pointed out. "And we don't want that to happen, do we?"
"...No we don't. I'm sorry Chad."
"And I'm sorry for calling you a Poopy Fart Button."
"Apology accepted."
"Great!" Said Scalene. "Now let's go to Fish Palace as a celebration!"
"OK! But you know I'm not paying for it right?" Chad said.
Boce quick slid a little bit of his claw on Chad's fur. "Ouch!" Chad exclaimed.
You deserve it Boce thought. Calling me a Poopy Fart Button and then saying you are not going to pay for your own dinner! ROTTEN HOG!!! Boce, not noticing that he did not say it out loud, he quick clapped his paw to his mouth.
"Boce?" Scalene said. "Are you alright?"
Once again Boce clapped his paw to his mouth.
"Boce, answer me!"
"I-I'm ok! Nothing's wrong!"
Scalene eyed him suspiciously. Hmmm... I wonder what Boce is hiding.
"Like seriously dude, you're freaking me out." Chad said. "You're acting really weird."
"You guys! I'm fine. I promise."
"Are you sure?" Chad said.
"Are you really sure?"
"Chad, I'm FINE!"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm not speaking anymore."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh, Chad stop poking fun at Boce." Scalene said. "Can't you see that he doesn't like it?"
Chad burst out laughing. "Of course! Just as you said, I'm poking fun at him!"
"Well it makes me feel uncomfortable." Boce growled.
"Like seriously guys, stop!"
"OK ok fine!" Chad chuckled.
"I'm not mad at you Chad." Boce explained. "But next time can you make me happy when you pull a joke too?"
Just a split second after Chad said 'Agreed' an explosion ripped into the air which was loud enough to make the three cats jump out of their fur.
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