Weird ass dream
So I was in the hallway and ryan comes up to me and starts beating the holy living shit out of me and then Cam,Brandon, and Nate come running and Cams by my side and I'm bleeding half to death and then Cams yelling "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO HER!!!!!" And Ryan's like "because she's a slutty ass whore." And the Brandon said "im about to beat the shit out of you." And then nate said "I don't care what u think of her YOU SHOULD NEVER TREAT ANYONE LIKE THAT ESPECIALLY A GIRL THATS JUST RUDE!!!" Then Cam said " Nate go get the group he messed with one of us so he messing with all of us." Then Nate runs off and then I feel cam picking me up and then I just hear everyone gasping and Sam was crying and went up to ryan and yelled "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE HOW DARE YOU LAY A HAND ON HER LIKE THAT IM GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH" then Cam hands me to everyone and fights with Ryan and then Ryan breaks cams arm and Brandon and Nate start and then Ryan ran away
And then I blacked out and I wake up in the hospital with Sam crying her eyeballs out and then she looks up and sees me awake and runs up to me and hugs me and crys into my shoulder and then runs out and tells everyone and then all I hears is Cam bolting down to my room in tears hugging me then Brandon and Nate come running in with Clint then they all hug me then everyone else in tears coming in huge me say " thank gosh your alive" and stuff like that then I say "what happened to ryan?" Cam looks down and says "I couldn't catch him." Almost in tears then I signal him to hug me and say " it means the world to me that you tried." Then I see ryan walk into the room and cam stands in front of me saying " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!??" Then he said I'm only here to say SHES STILL A SLUTTY ASS WHORE THAT NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE." Then cam breaks his nose then I woke up
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