Your Choice
"So how'd it go?" I asked Stephanie excitedly.
"Um can I at least put my Purse down first?" Steph asked sarcastically, "I mean geez Cassie, I literally just walked in."
I sighed and walked toward the living room. I took a seat patiently on one of the large sofas.
Quietly, Stephanie put her purse down on one of the accent tables near the front door before she made her way over and joined me on the same sofa. " be honest I will admit that I may have been too quick to judge the guy." She said first. "Today he kinda wanted to see the more real side of the pack, I don't know Cassie...he seemed genuinely interested in the well being of the people, but he also mentioned that he has to talk with his own Alpha first."
I nodded my understanding, "well here's to hoping I guess."
"Anyways enough about Beta business, lets talk about your Luna checklist."
At this I groaned, "I don't even remember all we're suppose to do in order for me to be considered the official Luna." I admitted.
"Well lets see, you've been marked and you two have obviously already mated...I think all that's left to officially be the Luna is the Presentation ceremony, the wedding is extra but not expected, same with kids."
I nodded quickly as I wanted to move away from the topic of children as fast as possible.
"Well as soon as we get a Beta named then we can have the presenting ceremony so all of the official leaders of the pack are present."
She seemed to understand.
"Anyways I have a slight confession to make." I said a little weary, I knew my friend well and because of that I knew she wouldn't take this news lightly. "So I invited you over for dinner to meet Jaxon because I sorta hoped you two would hit it off and I kinda wished he would've been your mate."
She shook her head and sighed heavily, "Cassie, I know you have this power now but you can't just throw orders around to get people to do what you want all the time."
I hung my head, "I didn't see it as me abusing any power, I just want you to be happy and have your own mate."
She offered me a soft smile, "that time will come for me when we aren't expecting it...for now I'm just going to continue doing what I'm doing and maybe my mate will just walk into my life unexpectedly...and as obvious as it should've been, Jaxon is NOT my mate."
"Ooh I have a text from Dean." I sounded as I felt the phone in my hand vibrate.
[Dean: Jax's coming to dinner tonight, he's bringing a guest, fingers crossed for good news.]
I read the text a loud, "so I will invite you to dinner but it is completely up to you if you'd like to join us...and before you answer, remember that from now on I won't order you to do anything but you should grow use to me asking you to important dinners and get togethers because you are my best friend and an important part of my life."
Stephanie laughed a little, "I think I can live with being the Luna's best friend, and as I said before, Jaxon was actually a nice guy and surprisingly decent company." She smiled, "so I'll come tonight...what should I wear?"
I thought about it a little "I suppose we can do a cocktail hour before dinner, this way if the guys have business to discuss they can talk and we can socialize with whatever person Jaxon is bringing."
She nodded, "think it's a girl?" She asked teasingly.
"Actually I wouldn't even be surprised." I smiled. "From what Dean's told me, his cousin LOVES women."
She shook her head, "and what if he's changed...I mean Dean and Jaxon haven't seen each other in a while."
I smirked. "...If I didn't know any better I'd think you're defending Jaxon."
She shrugged, "stranger things have happened.
I agreed, but it still didn't stop me from thinking how lucky I was to have found Dean as my mate...I'm his only girl past, present, and future. "What would you do if you found out your mate is basically, a man whore?" I asked.
She sighed, "as much as I'd want to be disgusted or sad or even angry about it...from what I've learned, when we meet our mates we just sort of accept them no matter what but of course that's a two-way sort of deal."
I felt crappy now, I wonder if Dean hated the fact that I had been with someone other than him but never mentioned it because of what Steph just mentioned.
"Well how about we go and look for a dress for tonight." She sounded.
"I have a ton of dress." I said in the hopes to sway her from shopping.
"You may have a mother in law who keeps your closet stocked with fabulousness, but I don't so I need a dress for tonight."
After that we left to find her a nice dress for this evening. We also had lunch nearby and almost three hours later she finally found a dress to her liking.
"I've been giving it some thought..." she sounded a little nervously.
"Giving what some thought?"
She picked at the food on her plate. "So, I don't think I'm going to college."
"What?!" I asked completely surprised, I mean this is Stephanie, always went to school, was never out past curfew, didn't have any boyfriends or go to many parties.
"Your parents are going to kill you."
She smiled a little, "I'll be done with school and turning 18 this coming year...not much they can do expect kick me out, but I honestly don't mind moving out...Like I mentioned, I've been looking at some apartments in town and I took a job as an office lady answering phones overnight at some insurance company."
I shook my head, "aren't most insurance companies closed at night?"
"It's basically their answering service to collect messages or transfer them to 911 in case of an emergency."
"Wow...when do you start?" I asked.
She gave me an apologetic sort of look. "I've actually been working there since I was sixteen, never told you because I thought you'd try and talk me out of working."
"That's dumb, I'd never try and talk you out of getting your money girl." I sounded, "well I'm glad you've got some sort of plan, right?"
"Of course I do, I've already been looking at apartments here in town and once I find one I like and get the keys I will slowly start moving my stuff into the place...I'll graduate as planned and then I'll break the news to my parents."
I looked at her in awe, I was actually a little jealous of her freedom and independence. I was still uncertain about every aspect of my life.
" plan on getting a boyfriend now too?" I asked a little teasingly but honestly intrigued.
"Maybe I will...who knows." She smiled.
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