Start From the Beginning
I burst into laughter.
"Lola...I am not pregnant." I said completely sure of myself.
"Really?" She asked, a small smile still playing on her lips.
She nodded, "So you've only been unconsciously resting your hand on your belly for no reason...I can also see your hair has a bit more shine to it."
I shook my head, "My appetite is normal, my sleep patterns are normal, I have no morning sickness..."
"And how about the truth this time doll?" She said a little more seriously this time. "I can see the dark circles forming under your've got a little acne springing up as well, and all in all you're looking a bit peaky."
I blushed at her honesty.
"It's from the stress of the challenge is all." I admitted. "When I get to sleep I would have the worst nightmares about the challenge, and for whatever reason I'd been getting nosebleeds as well from it...-"
"And what about your monthly?"
I opened my mouth to answer her but stopped as I had to think, the truth was I honestly couldn't remember when I had my last period. And I should know that off the top of my head as I have always been very regular.
"Maybe we should go back in and get a pregnancy test?" She sounded softly now as we had essentially gotten into the car but never left. "I could go in for you if you're worried about being seen."
I looked at her and shook my head, "They'd still know it was for me." I sighed.
Lola told me which one to get and as I walked back into the store I couldn't help but feel sad.
'I should be here with Dean...we should be going through this moment together.'
I went and grabbed the exact one she's told me to get and I quickly paid for it, not wanting to linger and be seen by anyone other than the cashier. I rushed back to the car and put the box and receipt into my purse.
Lola started he car and we finally left.
"You don't have to take it if you don't truly want to, it's more of an ease of mind...if you are, your body will tell you soon enough, if you're not then and Dean can have fun trying."
I shook my head at her easy breezy attitude, "you make it sound like it's nothing."
"I know it is a big thing Doll, but I always try and see the bright's the only way to look at things when you know your time is limited." She said.
I felt bad now, As sweet and cheerful as Lola always is, it's easy to get lost in the fact that she is sick and one day she will leave us sooner than we are ready for.
When we got back to the pack house I asked my Dad for any updates but he shook his head. I gave them all leave so they could rest or get to work if they needed to but they all refused, stating they felt better being close to Dean and I, I was truly grateful for it.
"If there's anything please call me...I'm going up to be with Dean for the evening."
"Would you like us to call you down for dinner?" My mom asked gently, "Or would you prefer to eat in your room."
"Honestly...I don't have much of an appetite." I admitted before shooting Lola a look.
I grabbed a couple of bottles of water and took Dean's medicine up to our bedroom.
I carefully entered the room, trying to make as little noise as possible and put down the bag of medicine and water onto our bedside table before removing my purse and setting it onto one of the chairs we had in the room.
As I kicked off my shoes I got into the bed with Dean, He was still sleeping peacefully and I decided to have a shower.
I stood under the water trying to wash away the events of the day.
I sighed, I knew Dean was fine...he'd be in pain but he'd live and he was still here with me...the alternative was almost unfathomable to me. I worried about the Council still even though everyone agreed that I was in the right to make the calls for our pack as the Luna.
Then I thought about the backlash I could receive once everyone finds out Jace will be killed on my orders.
'Everyone will be frightened of me.'
'I'm sure everyone will always be unsure or hesitant around me in fear they'll upset me.'
'They're going to think I'm blood thirsty.'
'I'll be a murderer.'
I felt queasy at the thought, I had literally sentenced someone to die without so much as a second thought.
I got out of the shower and rushed over to the toilet and couldn't hold back my uneasy stomach.
When I finished I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I wrapped a towel around myself and sat on the edge of the tub and just cried.
I looked up and cleared my face quickly before I stood up.
"Dean...get back into the bed, You shouldn't be up." I sounded with worry now.
He shook his head, "What's wrong?"
"Please love...please just go back to the bed." I sighed tiredly "I'll get dressed and be right with you." I assured him.
He looked at me with genuine concern in his eyes, "And you'll tell me what's troubling you?"
"I promise...I'll tell you everything."
He nodded and turned to leave and I followed him out of the bathroom. I watched as he got back into our bed, his face winced a bit as his body bent near the broken ribs. I felt horrible just watching my mate in pain. I quickly went into the closet and grabbed some fresh underwear and one of my pajama sets.
"Interesting choice of nightwear." he said with a handsome grin.
I was pulling my hair into a top knot as I grabbed one of the water bottles and handed it to him before removing his medicines and handing them to him. "Take them, they'll help with the for my pajamas, to be honest with you just about anyone could walk in here to check on us or report I don't want anyone to see me in just one of your t-shirts and my underwear." I said of my usual sleep ware
He took the pills and sighed. "Okay...start from the beginning."
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