Positive? Positive.
When dinner ended I just wanted to be back in bed with Dean so we cut our time with everyone short and made our way back upstairs.
And try as he might, Dean couldn't hide his pained expression from me as he took each step going back up to the room."It's just the incline Love." He sounded honestly.
When we reached the bedroom I felt a little more tired and yawned.
Dean kissed my cheek before going into the closet, no doubt he wanted to get much more comfortable before bed.
As I pulled the blankets back from my side of the bed Dean called for me and I panicked thinking he'd hurt himself or something, so I ran in with worry.
I found him down on the floor but he was kneeling and holding out a ring box.
I looked at him and he smiled, "Cassandra Love...I have been thinking about his moment every since you decided to give us a chance as a couple, I love you entirely and can only love you more and more with time, You are my Mate, and My Luna, But will you also be my Wife?"
I was so shocked that he was doing this and I just stood there, he smirked. "Love...?"
"Oh Dean...I'd love to marry you, but I also can't help but internally freak out watching you down there knowing you're hurt so please satnd up."
He rolled his eyes but obliged me, and just like I guessed he was putting his body through strain being in that position and then standing back up straight as was evident in his very telling face.
"So is that a yes then Love?" He asked as he walked over to me now..
I nodded and smiled, "Yes that's a yes."
"Postivite?" He asked as he took the ring out of the small box, "Because once this is on, there's no going back."
I smiled at his playful mood.
"Positive...Absolutely positive." I assured him before he smiled and I lifted my hand so he could place the ring on my left ring finger.
He kissed my hand afterward and together we reentered the bedroom and I got into the bed while he went to the restroom.
I was finally able to lay down in bed and as my head touched the pillow Dean called for me once again.
I sat striaght up and rushed to the bathroom. "If you're going to propose again I'm going back to bed." I teased as I walked in and he held up the pregnancy test I had left on the counter.
"Love...it says, pregnant."
"What?" I asked confused now. "But the tests, they were blank when I looked at them...and the other one?'
He put the one he was holding down and lifted the other one too, "Both of them, they both say pregnant."
"I-I'm pregnant...?"
He nodded
"You positive?" I asked.
"Pretty positive it's a positive Love." he smirked then got serious once again, "Are you alright love?" He asked with so much care now.
I looked at him and smiled, "Well it's a little sooner than we'd planned for, but I can't lie and say I wasn't kinda hoping it'd say pregnant." I confessed,
"Is it bad that I was praying it would say pregnant too?" He also admitted.
I laughed and my emotions overcame me suddenly, "Dean," I said with watery eyes. "...We're going to be parents."
His smile was soft and caring as he stepped forward and hugged me against his chest and kissed my hair.
I was happy, but scared.
I didn't know what being a mom would entail, but I knew one thing for sure...I had Dean, and we'd get through this together, just like everything in life.
As we went to bed that night I was beyond filled with joy, I was going to bed someone's fiancée as well as a mommy to be.
I smiled and rested my hand comfortably on my belly...it was hard to fathom a tiny human in there, but I knew no matter what, I'd do everything to protect my little one from here on out.
Dean and I made a face of discomfort as Lola screamed and her mate had to calm her down.
"Congratulations." My dad sounded as he and Dean hugged (careful of his shoulder and ribs) "You'll make a wonderful Husband son."
All of our close family and friends that happened to be in the pack house congratulated us happily.
The feeling of elation filled the room now and I couldn't help but remain all smiles.
And after the excitement of the news of our Engagement died down Dean was looking at me, he was anxious to tell everyone I was expecting as well, but he promised he'd let me tell everyone.
"So after Dean proposed and we got ready to go to bed...we actually found out we're also pregnant."
Turns out I had miss read the box, the instructions had said to allow the test to sit in the fresh sample for 5mins and wait 15 minutes for the most accurate read. As I had simply dipped the absorbant ends into the urine until I felt they were fully coated I was lucky the tests read at all.
There was a very solid gasp from my mother who looked to my dad now, I knew they were probably thinking about my age and oddly enough Lola wasn't in hysterics this time around.
Steph and Carter were the ones to congratulate us on the baby before Jax...and that was it.
"Um...so obviously we didn't plan for something like this, but Dean and I are beyond thrilled, and we're also kinda nervous and scared and unsure about everything that comes with being a parent." I said as I took his left hand. "So we're really gonna need your help with all of this...I have an appointment this week to find out how far along I am then Dean and I can start getting a birthing plan together."
"We aren't announcing it to the pack just yet." Dean said now, "Of course as Cassandra mentioned we are so very, very overjoyed with this news and eventually we want to gladly share this with everyone in the pack... but with every thing that's happening currently with Jace still somewhere out there we don't want to risk that information getting to the wrong person."
They all nodded their understanding.
"Also...We will still have the presenting to get over with finally...and I'm sure many people will see the engagement ring, but that's hardly a secret though...I mean we love each other and are mates, so that's obviously the next step for many mates."
"And when is the presentation?" His dad asked.
"Originally it was suppose to be set for today, but with everything that happened yesterday...We figured we'd just push it back a day and go ahead with the presenting tomorrow, do it while we still have Alpha Carter in town with his men who can assist us in keeping the event safe.
"Which means there's a ton of calls to make seeing as the original presenting was suppose to take place today...we've got to get everything pushed back one day." I said. "Now I called the caterers first thing this morning so they're on board still and fortunately they hadn't started cooking as they wanted the food to be as fresh as possible."
"Just give us a list and Lola and I will take care of that for you." Mom said.
I nodded and told them everyone who needed to be called and soon everyone sort of dispersed.
"Wanna go for a small walk?" I asked Dean...really I just needed a moment alone with him to speak privately.
He smiled and nodded before opening the back door for me.
I smiled at him, even injured he was still very much a gentlman.
"What's bothering you Love?" He asked knowingly once we got far enough away from the house not to be heard, but close enough so everyone could still see us.
"I have a feeling our parent's are a little less than thrilled about us expecting than us being engaged."
"What makes you say that Love?"
"Well other than my mothers gasp almost as if in fear...no one exactly reacted to the news of us being pregnant...well other than our friends."
He shook his head, "Well... they were probably just taken by surprise...it is a pretty big announcment."
"Dean Love, not even your mom congratualted us...and she's the one who suggested I was pregnant in the first place." I said feeling a little let down now..."my love, something tells me they aren't ready for us to be parents yet."
He sighed, "Well it's not for them to want, like, or be ready for...we're having a baby regardless of what anyone thinks or says."
I watched as his wolf calmed down as his protectiveness faded away slowly. "I'm sorry we didn't get the reaction we were hoping for Love...we only get they one shot to tell our parent's we're pregnant for the first time."
Now I felt bad, I didn't want him to overthink this and confront anyone about it.
"Well I'm happy, and you're happy so I suppose that's all that really matters anyways."
He kissed me, "Exactly."
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