Moving Forward
I watched as all of my boxes were being carried out of my old room.
"I still can't believe I'm moving out." I sounded as Steph helped me look around my room to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything.
She simply shrugged, "well you can't exactly expect to act the part of Luna while living at your parents house."
I knew she was right but it was all so crazy.
I mean I get it, most girls would be running to be with their mates the first chance they get. But I was looking at the more practical side. Other than spending the night at his place a few times I didn't know what living with Dean would be like?
Second and most importantly, I personally wasn't anywhere near financially stable to live without my parents.
Points I brought up to Dean, all to which he replied with "I'm your mate, I'll always take care of you."
And that was the end of that.
It had only been a week since the sudden passing of Ryan, and the day after the council officiated Dean's becoming the new pack Alpha...things have gone into hyper overdrive.
The minute the pack acknowledged Dean as their new Alpha, and along with his new title the keys to the pack house were handed over to him.
You see, much like the White House...every new pack alpha moves into the pack house, of course the newest leaders are allowed to decorate and renovate things however they'd like (the house is typically only upgraded to stay more modernized but essentially kept the same for tradition)...this ultimately sent Lola into shopping overload and I was dragged along for the ride.
She took me shopping and used phrases like:
"Don't worry about the price."
"Of course you should be here."
"It's going to be your house too!"
At first I was uncomfortable spending so much money on things to fill a house meant for Dean and I, but when I expressed my concerns with Dean the first evening he simply kissed my hair and assured me he'd be fine with whatever I picked...after that I knew there was no getting out of it.
But as our purchases came in Lola had everything set up as I still had to get everything situated at home, and honestly I was more than happy letting her take the lead on the organizing of getting our house ready, because to be honest...this was all happening really fast and kind of overwhelming...and if it weren't for Dean, I don't know how I would handle going through this.
My parents were (thankfully) understanding, then again I doubt they'd actually have a choice in the matter now.
"Sweetheart you're a grown woman, heck your dad and I imagined you'd move out the instant you found your mate." My mother had said upon requesting to move out.
Which brings us back to the present day.
"The moving truck is all full." Dad sounded from my room door.
I nodded, I knew it was time for me to go but I was still so unsure about a lot of things. I don't know how to run an entire household much less a pack, I'm basically just going to wing-it and hope for the best.
"You ready Cass...remember you have dinner tonight-"
"With one of the councilmen." I finished for Steph as I did in fact recall the dinner plans for tonight.
She nodded and I grabbed my purse, I looked around my still looked the same as my furniture remained and some of my pictures and trinkets stayed behind. But I knew this room represented the old me, and now I had to go and find the new me.
As I sat at my new vanity table applying the finishing touches of my makeup I often looked into the elegant mirror to watch Dean getting ready himself.
"My love, tell me again why this dinner is necessary?"
He stopped, donning dress pants and a nice button up top to go with tonight's suit, he was having a little trouble with buttoning his cuffs closed. I got up to help him, he smiled down at me in thanks and then spoke. "Well after the trail, it was one of the councilmen that had approached us afterwards, he could see your aversions...and he figured you were terrified at what was to come..."
It was true, and I hadn't spoken about that day since it happened...I couldn't just tell Dean I didn't want to be his Luna, the fact of the matter is not that I don't want to be his Luna, it's that I'm terrified that I'll screw everything up for him.
"...Anyways he's come to offer both of us a little relief in way of this whole position change." Dean finished. "Have I mentioned how amazing you look tonight?"
He snaked his arms around my waist and pecked my lips with his own, but that was it...nothing more like it normally would lead to.
"We better finish up in here, we don't want to keep our honored guest waiting too long." He suggested before picking up and putting on his suit jacket.
"I'll meet you both down there, just have to pick out which shoes to wear." I said, he nodded and then left me alone in our brand new master suite.
I sat down on the large bed and looked around the room, I knew I didn't have much time to myself as I should be joining them for dinner. With a sigh I got off the bed and made my way over to our closet and went to my side, I looked at my shoes and slid my feet into some black pumps that went well with this dress.
But before I turned off the light in the closet I couldn't help but look at Dean's side...his side of the closet housed clothes for two different people; his normal casual blue jeans, comfortable tops, and flannel...and on the opposite end held expensive suits, ties, bow ties, and elegant cuff links.
My Mate and The person, two titles.
I sighed and finally turned off the light and joined the men. I was greeted warmly but couldn't help but feel like the two spoke more to each other than anything else so I drowned everything out as I ate.
When the councilman actually spoke to me personally I was caught off guard. "Excuse me?" I asked as I was hardly paying attention.
He chuckled, "I apologize for my full conversation with your mate my dear...I asked if you're ready for becoming the Luna?"
I nodded, "I hope so."
He smiled, "well as I was mentioning to your mate the other day, you'll only have about a week from now until the official mating, then of course any more modern traditions will have to commence as you begin to work on your familial line."
I heard everything but it all meant nothing, Lola had told me I'd more than likely be confused by what he said, I knew I was definitely going to have to ask Dean about tonight's talk.
I smiled at the councilman and then looked over at my handsome mate who sat across from me, he looked at me in return before he took a sip from his glass and averted his gaze away from me nervously.
'How odd.'
I suddenly felt like something was going on with Dean, and when I tried to think back on these past few days I found that every instance that came forward always ended in him awkwardly cutting our embraces short or excusing himself from finishing conversations with me.
"I think it is time that I retire for the night." The Councilman sounded regally. "I've a long trip come morning, I want to thank both of you for your hospitality and look forward to the coming weeks."
With that he rose from his seat (as did Dean) and he left the table.
Dean looked over to me, "are you ready to head up to bed as well?"
I shook my head, "I think I need a little fresh air."
He nodded and remained rooted in his spot.
I got up from my seat "I'd love it if you could join me." I said, feeling slightly ridiculous that I would basically have to ask him to come with me when normally he'd make it a point to offer to come with me.
"If you insist." He smiled gently.
"If I insist?" I asked a little taken a back, "Dean is anything the matter?"
He just looked at me as if he didn't know what I was talking about.
" haven't been yourself lately." I added with concern now.
Just when I was beginning to wonder if I was crazy, if I had been freaking out about the move that i'd created this distance between Dean and I, he spoke up.
"You're right love, and I'm sorry...I guess we do need to talk."
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