Zane... No
Backstory: Aaron broke his promise to not take aph and does not even know it
Author~kun:let's start the story already
Zane's P.o.v
My thoughts: I was at aphs, she told me to come back tomorrow but we did not hang out for a week
*Zane sees a cigarette store*
Zane: maybe they will help me feel better
*Zane buys a pack and goes home*
*He lights one and takes a puff*
Zane:man,why didn't I smoke before
*A couple hours later he went and bot another pack*
Zane:man, I need to go to the bathroom
*Zane goes to the bathroom and grabs a razor, he put it against his skin and spoke*
"no one loves you *cut* no one knows you *cut* you deserve to not take another breath *cut*"
~le time skip~
I cleaned myself up and bot another pack of cigarettes~
*Zane is smoking a cigarette when someone knocks on his door*
??:hay , it's aph
*Open the door*
Aph:hay I ju--
*Aph gasp to see Zane smoking*
Zane:what do you want??!!
Zane:yeah,not like you really should care??!
Aph:okay , if you want to smoke , you can , anyways I'm having a sleep over , do you want to come?
Zane:am i aloud to smoke at the sleep over?
Zane: sure than , what time is it going to be?
Aph:it's already begon but only 1 sec ago so come on *grabs his wrist and run to her house*
*They open the door and go in*
Gareth:hey baby bro--WHAT ARE YOU DOING SMOKING!!?!!
Everyone:*gasp* when did you start to smoke!!?!
Zane: this morning and I get to choose what I do with my body garroth!!?!
Garroth:I know but , SMOKING is bad for your health
Zane:I know that *puffs cigarette* but I like them!?!
Aph:Zane why did you start smoking??
Zane:the answer is personal so I won't tell anyone why but I will continue smoking *puffs cigarette and it goes out*
Garroth: well that solves that
*Zane gets in his pocket and gets another cigarette and lighter and lights it*
Zane:*puffs cigarette* so anyway what are we going to do
Garroth: you got another pack!??!
Zane:*puffs cigarette* two more after that, you got a problem with that!!?!
Garroth:*pushes Zane down to the ground but right before he got up he (only one)saw his wrist for a second*
*Zane gets up*
Zane: you made my cigarette break!!?!
Garroth:Zane...What was that I saw on your wrist!!?!
Zane:non of your business and I'm going home!!?!
Garroth:*grabs Zane's arm and pulls his sleeves up to see big cuts*
*Everyone gasp*
Garroth: why are you doing this to your self!!?!
Zane: because I don't deserve to waste another breath on my life, I don't have friends, family doesn't care, left alone to not be cared, I bet everyone would love me to just die!!?!!
Garroth:pushes Zane to the ground but Zane just gets up and says "see you later" and left
Group P.o.v
Garroth: what the hell did just happen??
Aph: we found out Zane wants to die?
*Aphmau starts to cry*
*They hug her*
Aph:I'm going to talk to Zane
Everyone:where all coming!
Aph:okay let's go!!
Zane P.o.v
Zane:*crying in his room from pain*
Zane*goes to the hospital and 10 minutes later he leaves with stitches, apparently his cuts opened up
Zane*went back home*
Zane:*lights cigarette**takes puff* I should just die *crys to sleep**wakes up to knocking on the door* *opens it and everyone rushes in
Zane: what the hell are you doing in my house!?!
Garroth:where were you earlier!!!?
Zane:at the hospital, when you pushed me I left cause the pain,an hour later it got wores, I figured out my cuts busted open and I had to get stitches!!
*Zane shows his arm*
*Everyone gasp*
Zane: now can you leave, I would like to watch t.v in peace!!?!
Everyone sits on the couch*
Everyone: well watch with you
Zane:fine , only because I'm tired
*Turns on "whats the point"
Everyone: what is this
Zane:it's a show about a kid who goes to the past and comes back to the present to a world apocalypse
Everyone:sounds cool
Time skip~
Zane: I'm going to the bathroom
Smokes in the bathroom and then takes a bath with bubbles*
Group P.o.v
Garroth*hears music*
What is that noise everyone said
*Goes to the bathroom to see Zane in the tub
Zane:*gasp*GET OUT!!?!?
Everyone:*runs down stairs*
Aph:we should have stayed down here
20 minutes later*
Zane:*comes down stairs and gets some food and a video game with a headset
Zane: don't desterb me for the next 30 minutes
Zane P.o.v
I go upstairs to my computer and press record on my camera
Zane:sup YouTube(Zane has a YouTube channel but non of his friends know)today I'm making a short video to play some games
*After done editing goes down stairs*
Everyone: what where you doing?
Time skip to everyone asleep besides aph~
*Zane goes upstairs and press the record button*
Zane:hello again , I just wanted to say thanks for 1k subscribers and I couldn't do it wi-
*Aph comes in with out Zane knowing
Zane: without you guys so thanks again *stops recording and sees aphmau*
Aph: you have a YouTube channel
Zane:n-n- *sighs* fine you caught me , don't tell the others, YouTube helps me feel better, I was just making a short video saying thanks to 1k subscribers
Aph: congrats, I'm subscribing,
What's your channel name?
Zane: remember, don't tell anyone else okay?
Hey guys, I hope you liked part one , part two will come out tomorrow or Saturday
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