Freshman Year Begins!
Author's note: Hey sorry for the late update I was really busy... sleeping. I know, I know, but it's not my fault ok? They put the chubby teen in advanced P.E. Yes, advanced freaking P.E. God is dead and the devil lives to torture me. Alright without further ado lets get into it.
Beep beep beep!
The sound of my phone alarm woke me up. 5:30 in the morning is way too early to wake up.
"Why does this school start sooooo early!? I yelled as I sat up and disabled my alarm. "I better get ready for my first day".
I rolled out of bed and face planted on the floor. "Oh this is my day I can feel it" i groan sarcastically as I get up and try to salvage what little dignity I have left. I walk over to my bathroom and start the shower after doing my business. I took a short 20 minute shower and proceeded to freshen up.
I entered my room to find that the sun was starting to come up. I looked outside to see a beautiful mix of colors. The mix of red, orange, and pink in the sky with the orange sun in the background was a beautiful thing to wake up to. "Huh maybe this day won't be so bad after all". I say staring at the beautiful scenery in front of me.
After taking 5 minutes to enjoy the the beautiful sunrise I grab my stuff and proceed downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen raiding the fridge for a diet coke. This was a routine for her whenever she took me to school. I guess she just needs a caffeine pick me up in the morning to get going.
"Hey sweety are you ready for your first day?" she asks groggily and then proceeded to take a swig of her ice cold beverage.
"Yeah sure mom, but we should go I got to get to the bus stop in 10 minutes." I say getting a little anxious. I have anxiety so I get nervous when I have to rush to get something done. It's one of the reasons why I hate being late.
"Oh shit- I mean shoot!" She says trying to cover up her curse.
"Mom you've cursed in front of me before you don't have to censor yourself."
"I know I just don't want you to get in a habit of cursing."
"Mom I'm a 15 year old adolescent male nothing you can do can prevent me from cursing somewhere down the line." She snickered at my funny, but true, comment and proceeded to grab her purse and make her way to the garage. I followed her and entered the garage opening it so that the car can leave. We packed into the familiar kia and started to head towards my bus stop.
We arrived with 5 minutes to spare. There were quite a few kids packed in the vehicles that surrounded us. Just as I was getting used to my new surroundings the bus came in, parked, and opened its doors to us. It started to sink in that this was really happening, and that I was going to begin the path to my feature.
"This is gonna be good." I say to my mom before quickly hugging her and rushing towards my bush backpack in tow.
"See you later alligator!" She yelled after me as I entered the bus.
The kids on the bus were interesting. Some of them were interesting, and some of them were quite and kept to themselves (like me). The ride to the school was short and quiet. I was filled with a mix of emotions fear, anxiety, excitement, and overall hope for the new year.
There were a bunch of teachers that gathered at the entrance of the school with signs that read "welcome back" or "ready for a great year!?". They seemed happy, but I knew that this was just a facade to appear like they were excited for the new year. After all what teacher is gonna be excited about disrespectful students, creating assignments, and staying up all night grading papers? None of them, just none of them are excited its gonna be chaos.
Yeah hey fourth wall break here. The first day actually wasn't that bad, but it got significantly more chaotic as the year progressed. Seriously some of these freshmen were freaking animals! Alright back to the story loyal readers.
I went to my first period which so happened to be... Spanish. This was great I am naturally talented when it comes to learning Spanish (don't know why I just pick it up quickly). Let's see if I can't knock off some of that rust.
I entered the class, and was greeted by a great atmosphere. There were posters on the walls, decorations, and a power point that stated it would be explaining what we would be doing in this class. I took a seat in the back of the room so that I wouldn't draw attention to myself.
Spanish went by quickly as we just went over the syllabus and talked about the power point presentation at the beginning of the class. I then went to P.E. and it was the same thing as Spanish. I started to notice a pattern after going to World History, and finishing out the day at Science. The science teacher was a man in his 60's and he was the funniest teacher that I have met.
Yeah, but in all seriousness my science teacher is the best teacher ever. As of now he is trying to replace the desks and chairs with furniture. He calls his classroom the learning lounge it is so cool!
Time Skip to next crazy event> 2 months
I walked out of science class after a long day and was ready to go home. Why? because I was going to Florida! I walked into the house after my daily 2 mile walk home from the bus stop (before you ask yes its really 2 miles). I walked in and saw Josh and my mom sitting on the couch watching TV. Something was off thought they were wearing big smirks on their faces.
"What's up family?" I asked cautiously and proceeded to place my backpack in a chair.
"Oh nothing, honey didn't you have to do something in your office?" she asks Josh who gets up and walks off without saying a word.
"Gabe honey go put your backpack in your room please." mom says to me and I comply
I love my mother and she's really great and all, but she doesn't know how to conceal a secret. I started up the stairs and noticed that their was a lack of typing coming from Josh's office. Now I knew something was up and it was taking place in my room. Oh god they booby trapped my room I'm gonna get pied in the face or something I think to myself as I reach for the door. Nothing on god's green earth could have prepared me for what I saw next.
My room had pink balloons all over and Josh was in the corner of the room with his phone camera set to record. I looked at the pink tags attached to the balloons and froze. The tags on the balloons read "It's a Girl!".
"Surprise I'm pregnant" my mom shouts from behind me. Apparently in my initial shock she had managed to sneak behind me. I pulled mom into a hug and held it for a few seconds. I had always wanted a sister. Even if we were going to be 15 years apart I didn't care I was so happy.
"We got you huh?" Josh says from his corner,looking like a creeper.
"Yeah you guys got me" I responded breaking the hug off with my mom.
"Are you excited?" Mom asked
"Well yeah I've always wanted a little sister."
"Well good cause now your gonna be a big brother." She says and then quickly grabs a shirt from my bed and throws it at me.
I remove the shirt from my face and take a look at it. It read "Big brother rookie department". I was excited now, and with the trip to Florida coming up tomorrow I was the happiest I've ever been. We talked for a bit before Josh actually went to do the work he needed to do in his office, and mom went to take a nap.
As usual I spent the rest of my day reading before getting ready for bed. I put on white noise and lied in bed with the pink balloons parted down the middle of where I was laying so that it made an organized row leading to me. I closed my eyes and smiled knowing I was going to look forward to the next nine months. I felt as if nothing could go wrong, or would go wrong.
I couldn't have been more wrong...
To be continued...
Author's note: Hey guys sorry if the detail of this chapter is a little iffy the only time I'm free to work is from 10:30-12:00 at night. I will try and do some touch ups here and there and I will try to update as frequently as I can. Later guys.
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