presents (part 1)
Okay, lets just call these people Tall, Sweet, Chubby, Funny and Chill. They're my classmates and they were so sweet to give me presents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Tall:
This cute little light green rabbit foot keychain!!! And yes my table is made of glass, so you can see right through it😊
Being held up
She got another thing as well:
And its inside this box!!!
Come on, keep going...
You can see a bit already...
The cover's now open...
Going to take it out...
TA DA!!!!!!!! Its this cute little tiny brown cat squishie on a keychain!!! Isnt it adorable???
Behind view
When its dangling
From Chill:
It came in this bag peeps!
Woo she got a necklace for me!!! So sweet!
Okay before we go on to my other friends, lemme say what my aunt and uncle got for me!!! My very first phone!!!😍😍😍😍😍
Although tbh, i dont really think its much......i mean its not a touchscreen phone..........but at keast it actually has freakin games! And can call and message and can take pictures and can email people too! But no internet connection, which means no wattpad!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 so sad.
Side view (ITS PURPLE)
Back view
From Chubby:
Okay well she got a lot of stuff for me so lets get rollin!!! (And hope that the 20 pictures per chapter doesnt come otherwise i'll have to continue this in another chapter!!!)
And of course it says im reaching the 20 pictures per chapter thingy.😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 me pissed off. Anyways, this is just a note that she gave me. Its actually an envelope, and thats the front. And no, im not gonna show the back or the letter cause privacy people!!!
First up is this cute little polka dotted pouch, and trust me, the material is really really soft.😍
Back view
A cute little panda pouch, but this ones made of plastic
Back view
Gah nuuuuuuuu ive reached the limit. I hate this😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
Sigh, i'll just have to do this in a seperate chapter then.........well until then, sayonara peeps!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘
Kayli, out.
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