Donbass (finální část) 🖤💙❤
Ukrainian federation Socialist Soviet republic(UFSSR)
The main ethic:Donbass
Ethnicity:bani israel(85%), donbass(80%), Ukrainian (75%), Arab(70%), Kanaan(65%), Russia (60%), Filistin(55%), Poland(50%), and others.
The main religion:Ortodoks muslim.
Religion:90%(muslim), 80%(atheist), 70%(Christian), 65%(jews), 60%( Hindu), 55%(slavic Pagitsme), and 50%(folk)
Status: rebellious (fighters for Donbass independence) and the territory occupied by the Ukrainian territory of the Soviet Union.
Causes of the collapse: it took the form of a rebellion against the Soviet Union for the independence of Donbass from communist oppressors.
Start building a nation: 1953-1988
Culture do they use:donbass, Ukrainian, Arab dan Russian.
The rebellious of donbass
Start building a national:1954-1988, 2000-2008 and 2014-now
The main ethnicity:donbass
What culture do they use: Arab, donbass and Russia.
The main religion:muslim
Status: The freedom fighters of Donbass fight for their people and their homeland. The Arab nation, Russia, Donbass, and Ukrainians (people who do not want to colonize other lands) rebelled against the Soviet Union.
Religion:muslim(95%), jews(90%), Christian(85%), slavic Pagitsme(80%),folk(75%) and atheist(20%)
Cause of collapse: the Donbass region successfully gained independence from the Soviet Union and Ukrainian. The region was divided into 2. The eastern part became Donbass and the western part became Ukrainian. But the Ukrainian nation violated the CSTO agreement not to colonize Donbass. Because Donbass is recognized as a sovereign state. But the Ukrainian nation attacked the Donbass nation from 2000 to 2008. And the Ukrainian nation's attack on the Donbass nation again in 2014 until now. Because the Ukrainian nation considers the Donbass and Russian nations as trash.
Federation of donbass
Penduduk asli:donbass
Etnis:donbass, Arab, Russia, Ukrainian, kubulus dan lainnya.
Mayoritas agama:islam Ortodoks.
Agama:islam, Yahudi, Kristen, slavic Pagitsme, folk dan atheist
Senjata dipakai:roket, rudal, nuklir, pedang yg sering dipakai umat islam, batu dan pistol
Pendiri negara:Anna Mayudina(19 age)
Tanggal berdiri negara:7 August 1988.
Penyebab runtuh:Ukrainian Brutal attacks and genocide against the pro-Russia residents of Donbass. The Western government acknowledges that Ukraine is a sovereign state. The Western government supports Ukraine in committing genocide against the Donbass people. Is the nation itself being genocided or other nations as well?
Tahun berdiri negara:1988-2000
Pecahan negara federation of donbass itu ada banyak berbagi etnis.
onestk people republic (DPR)
Penduduk asli:donestk
Mayoritas agama:islam Ortodoks (donestk Ortodoks)
Agama:islam(70%), Yahudi(60%) dan Kristen(50%)
Pendiri negara:Komander Gavi(sebelumnya) dan sekarang Tara Namurai(sekarang)
Tanggal berdiri negara:tidak diketahui.
Penyebab runtuh:-
Tahun berdiri:2000-now
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