donbass(1) 🖤💙❤
1. Kingdom of Donbass( Королевство Донбасса)
Native people:donbass( Донбасс)
Start establishing a country: 500 million years ago to 300 million years ago.
Ethnicity:Tunisia/tunus, Rainbow, dll.
Official religion: Orthodox Christianity
Favorite food: Roti Kurma Donbass
Favorite drink: vodka.
Culture: donbass (especially similar to Russia. The difference is that the population speaks donbass)
Cause of the collapse: the king died without descendants. That's why the kingdom of Donbass officially disbanded and became the Donbass Empire with its white eagle symbol.
Ideology: monarchy
What is the popularity of its citizens: 10 million Donbass residents
2. Donbass empire( Империя Донбасса)
Native of donbass:donbass
Start the standing country: 300 million years ago to 100 million years ago.
Ethnicity: tunus, rainbow, moonlight, kubulus dll.
Official religion:Ortodoks Christian
Ideologis: Monarchy
Favorit food:kurma
Favorit drink: Sweet mango juice.
Cause of collapse: many people want the Donbass empire to disband until the king and his family are slaughtered by the Red Army of Luhansk. There is a civil war between the Black Army (Donetsk) and the Blue Army (Luhansk) against the Communist regime army led by Tara Lenin.
Population: 2 million Donbass residents( As a result of the massacre of Red Army soldiers against civilian religious people. Finally, the Red Army was completely crushed by the black and blue army. 10% penduduk asli donbass terpaksa mengungsi ke galaksi lain)
3. Kingdom of Luhansk ( Королевство Луганск)
Native of donbass:donbass(in Donetsk) and Luhansk
Star the standing country: 100 million years to 50 million years ago.
Ethnic: Donetsk, Luhansk, Khaviv, and Mariupol.
Official religion:Ortodoks Christian
Favorit food: Red radish soups
Favorit drink:vodka
Причина обвала: проигрыш в борьбе с Москвой-Санкт-Петербургом (kalah melawan Moscow-saint Petersburg)
Popularitas warganya:20 juta warga donbass
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mohon maaf sekali🙏😭 saya gak bisa membuat versi countyalien Federasi Palestine family karna pikiran saya ni my au countyhuman donbass dulu. Karna saya lagi buat versi donbass.
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