As I woke up to the sound of alarm clock. I opened my eyes and my vision was blur.
I tried to regain my vision by blinking continuously which succeeded in the end.
When I looked at the clock, its 7am. Suddenly, I experience a huge headache which I didn't felt for a while.
Then I remembered the cause of this headache. I wonder how Jellal was able to find the address.
Realisation striked me, if he was able to find my address and leave me here.
Then he must have come to know about Juvia and who she is to me.
What I fear is that Jelly bean will tell about this to his wife. She will screw me and bury me alive when she comes to know about the contract stuff.
"Ahh!! it hurts."
I couldn't take this pain anymore. I go downstairs and saw Juvia in the kitchen cooking.
She was humming her favourite song while cooking the dish. As I touched her shoulder, she startled and shouted out of shock.
"Hey calm down, it's only me. Ahh...can you get me coffee? My head is aching...ahh..ahh.."
I groaned in pain and caught hold of the sink as the pain became a bit unbearable.
"Gray-sama, I will make one. Come first, you have to sit down."
She threw my arm around her shoulders and caught hold of my torso to balance my weight and helped me reach the couch.
Soon she went inside the kitchen to make coffee for me. I tried to massage my temples to ease the pain but still it didn't have any effect.
Juvia came with a cup of coffee and a glass of water and bowl.
"Here Gray-sama, first gargle your mouth with this warm water.
I'm sure you wouldn't have brushed your teeth with this pain."
She gave me the water and holded the bowl in front of me.
I blushed even in my state of pain, as she was taking care of me like a baby. I listened to her and gargled the water. Then drank the coffee.
Suddenly I remembered my mother how she used to take care of me when I was sick.
Even though, I don't remember much about other stuffs she used to do for me as I had no memory of it except this one.
Juvia smiled and left me on the couch. After sometime, the headache began to fade. Now I'm relieved.
"Juvia, come here now."
I called her.
When she came I caught hold of her wrist and made her sit on my side and looked into those stunning blue orbs.
"Tell me what happened yesterday? How did I get home?"
I asked her.
Slowly she told me everything how Jellal got me here and how he helped her to move me upstairs. And what she told him about us.
As expected the fear began to kick in inside my body thinking about the wrath of that scarlet friend of mine.
"Gray-sama, please don't look worried. I told Jellal-san to keep this matter a secret and he agreed.
Now relax and go take bath. If you are feeling fresh and active go to office or else stay at home.
Don't stress yourself too much. You will get the happy news which you were hoping for."
Juvia smiled and placed her palm over mine to squeeze it as a way of assurance.
I could make out from her last sentence she was referring to Stella.
Suddenly I had an urge to hug her which I did nevertheless and rested my head on her shoulder.
She called out due to shock, "Gray-sama, what-what are you doing?"
"Just be quite. Let me hug you for few minutes. Juvia, thank you and sorry…"
I said my heart felt words while my cheeks burned and that warmth spread across my face making me red.
"Bu-but why?" Juvia asked.
"No reasons as I felt like to say this to you. Thank you for taking care of me and sorry if I caused any trouble. I really don't remember what happened yesterday."
I said and didn't let go of her.
" It's okay, Gray-sama. It's wife's duty to take care of her husband. Isn't it?"
She hugged me back. Her reason made my heart skip a beat. But I didn't answer her.
Then she began to run her fingers in my hairs which gave me a tingling and happy sensation to my body.
Like that we stayed for few minutes without letting go of other from our arms.
Suddenly Juvia's mobile rings and she breaks the hug. I could see the huge blush and red face of hers which made her look cute like a tomato.
She went inside the room to attend the call and came back soon with the mobile in her hands,
"Gray-sama, it's a call from Erza-San. And she wants to speak to you."
I gulped as I knew what was the purpose behind this call.
I sheepishly chuckled and greeted her,
"Hi Erza, what a surprise? You called me this early in the morning. Hahaha!! how is Rosemary doing?"
"Gray, I guess, you and our little Juvia has got something really huge to explain.
Why don't you come to Mira's cafe at 10am along with her?"
Erza spoke calmly.
From her calm voice, I can make out the amount of anger which raging within her.
"Well I have some office work like attending meetings and she has college to attend. Why don't we talk about this at the weekends?"
I tried to convince her.
"I said at 10am. Got it?"
She kept the call. I knew that jelly bean won't hide anything from his wife.
"Gray-sama, looks like Erza came to know about us. Don't worry Juvia will handle this."
She assured me.
I waved my hand,
"Nah! Don't worry she won't do anything besides yelling and beating me.
Let me get freshened and meet her. Take a day off from the college."
"Sure Gray-sama."
She smiled and went to kitchen to finish preparing the breakfast.
So it looks like I will be taking a day off from the college.
I don't get what has gotten into Gray-sama. Why did he hug and thanked as well as apologised to me?
Is he feeling something bit different towards me?
Nah! It's impossible. He still loves Stella and now she's back he will get together with her in no time.
That's why he didn't respond back when I told him my reason.
I should stop thinking about those little possibilities of us getting together or else at the end, it will kill me if things don't go according to my way.
As I turned off the gas and took the stew from stove to place it on the dinning table.
I arranged our plates with rice and omelette and bowl of soup.
I wonder how Erza-san will react. Hope she doesn't get angry on me for hiding this from her.
Again my mobile rings and this time it's a call from Meredy-chan,
"Good morning, Meredy-chan. What's up?"
"Hi Juvia-chan, sorry but today I won't be coming to college just mark me absent. I'm going out with Lyon."
She said in a happy tone.
When Meredy-chan told few days back that she and Lyon-San are now dating.
I felt really happy for them and was shocked initially by this sudden development.
But both of them are good, caring and lovely friend and those two look adorable as a pair. I ship them.
Meredy-chan deserves this happiness. I pray to God may their beautiful relationship last forever. Hope Lyon-san doesn't break her heart.
I guess, Gray-sama doesn't know about this still or else he would have told me this news beforehand.
I told her even I will be absent and kept the call.
At the end, she teased me and suggested to make some move on Gray-sama.
"Stupid Meredy-chan!!"
I though myself as she induced unwanted thoughts within me.
"Juvia, come let's eat. I'm feeling hungry."
Gray-sama came downstairs just wearing shorts. I blushed seeing him like this.
I closed my eyes and covered my face with hands,
"Gray-sama, wear some t-shirt. Please don't be like this."
I told him still my eyes shut.
I heard him chuckle and felt his hands on my palms to uncover my eyes.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw his handsome face in close vicinity. My blush grew even more.
My heartbeat increased so do my body temperature, when I saw his smiling face.
Ever since he started to talk with me, I have seen him only with a smiling face which contradicted the personality which he showed 3 months prior.
"Didn't I say get used to it? It's very hot inside and I can't take up much heat. Come let's eat."
Gray-sama made me sit down on the chair and he sat across me.
"But Gray-sama, it's mid-October. Soon the winter season will began and you will catch cold."
I advised him which he brushed it off with a chuckling.
"Okay got it, Juvia. Now thank you for the food."
He began to eat.
"Okay guys, listen I'm sorry. I didn't inform you about my marriage as it was sudden.
Moreover, we didn't have any ceremony just a court marriage."
Currently I'm at Mira's cafe with my friends explaining them about my sudden marriage which they were not informed.
Erza informed others about this as well so Natsu, Lucy and Levy, Gajeel have come to know more about this by taking a day off from their work.
They such a good and caring friends. I feel proud to be their friend.
Juvia sat in between the girls who questioned her about various things.
"Idiot, at least you could have told us afterwards. Are we not your friends?
Do you see us as strangers? And you too Juvia, don't you see us your sisters?"
Lucy questioned us clearly showing she was hurt by this in her words.
"No, Lucy-san, it's nothing like that. As Gray-sama said we were married off suddenly and it took us sometime to get used to this new atmosphere and life.
Please don't say that I don't consider you girls as my sisters."
Juvia began to cry. Seeing her cry, my heart ached.
"Yeah guys, that's the actual reason, nothing much. Believe us."
I tried to convince them.
"But Ice-princess, when we all gathered here last weekend, you could have told us that time right!! Now I get it, how you knew Juvia's age that day?
I wondered how he was able to correct guess the age of a person who he just met."
Natsu rolled his eyes at me clearly not convinced by my reasoning.
And it looks like Jellal has hid the matter of contract from them.
I'm thankful to him for hiding this important matter.
"Yeah, that's why he looked pissed that day when Loke flirted with rain drop.
See Stripper, now that you are married to her, I must kill you before for this very reason.
But let's keep that aside for now, if you make her cry. I break you and feed youto those hungry dogs in the alley."
Gajeel threatened me which made my eyes twitch. I never knew this metal head share such a close bond with anyone else apart from Levy.
I'm really impressed. I nodded my head to indicate that I understood his words.
Now Erza got up and looked seriously into my eyes,
"Mira, take Juvia outside. We want some personal conversation with this man."
Juvia looked confused so do I.
"But why Erza? Whatever it is talk here in front of them. Anyways both of them needs to know eventually. "
Mira asked her doubt to the my girl best friend.
"Just take her to the park which is down the lane. Lissanna and Evergreen will look after your cafe for awhile.
Just it's an important matter. I don't want Juvia to get hurt after hearing this."
Erza patted Juvia's head and smiled softly.
This shows she is going to talk some heavy topic which is concerned about Juvia as even Lucy and Levy looked serious.
"But Erza-San, don't worry about me getting hurt by this. I have been through many such situations and my heart is strong enough to endure anything. I won't leave, talk about it here in front of me."
Juvia spoke determinedly.
"No Juvia-chan, don't worry its nothing much. Just we want to do a personal talking session with our friend who is here. Just for an hour, please."
Levy smoothly tried to convince her.
"No Buts...Rain drop. Come let's go. It's been awhile since we hanged out together. I want to refresh our bond.
Come show me around the town.
Okay bye, do whatever shit talks you want with that stripper. We are out of here."
Gajeel grabbed her wrist and made way towards the door and left.
"Gray, seriously tell us what do you planned to do with her? Jellal told me about that contract.
Now I guess, even Stella is alive and is living somewhere in this town."
Erza spoke.
"So he told you about this as well. He surely shares everything with you, huh Erza!!"
I laughed but failed miserably to amuse them.
"Stop talking about Erza and Jellal. Focus on your matter. So after taking over your dad's company, you leave her right?"
Lucy asked with tone of hatred.
"And get along with Stella!"
Levy finished the lingering question.
"Don't you think you guys are invading my personal space here. It's my decision what I'm doing with my life.
Even if you guys are my friends, don't you think you have some limits to follow."
I yelled at them so that they can stop questioning me. I feel bad for hurting them with such words.
I may have been cold and harsh to others but I was never like this to someone who is close to me like my friends.
'I'm sorry, guys. Hope you stop questioning about this.'
I thought to myself.
"Yeah only if this matter concerned you and someone else. But the other person involved here is Juvia. We are like a sister to her who shares no blood relation.
We care for her life and wellbeing. If uncle Rave were to be alive, she won't have fallen into this trap."
Erza shouted back in same intensity.
"See I don't plan to leave her empty handed after our divorce. She can have her share of wealth from my portion.
And she can now also pursue a relationship with anyone she is interested in. I won't be any hindrance to her any matter."
I said casually even though I felt a piercing feeling in my heart. What's happening to me?
"Shut up, Gray. How can you be so cruel? Can't you see the she loves you and is willing to wait for you.
All she wants is love not money and wealth. These things won't buy you happiness and peace.
Yesterday, you were really a trouble maker after consuming alcohol. She was the one who took care of you and cleaned your vomit."
Erza told me which I didn't knew. I guess, indeed I caused her trouble yesterday. But why didn't she say anything about that?
"But I don't see her more than a friend, Erza. I don't want her to waste her life on someone like me who doesn't deserve any happiness.
Moreover now, Stella is back. I want to continue our relationship."
I told them my reasons even if the last one is just a lie as I'm still confused.
"Who said you don't see her more than just a friend? Did you know what all you spoke to Jellal yesterday after getting drunk?
You love her, idiot and slowly you are falling for her. And I don't think you love Stella the same way anymore, Gray."
Erza said sternly.
What she said was true as I don't feel the same towards her. Was this an effect of living with Juvia?
How did she manage to change me and my opinion within a short period of time?
"See moreover, we don't know if that person is really Stella. And we must clarify all our doubts on her.
See Gray, we want you and Juvia to be happy at the end of all this confusion.
One thing is clear you are Juvia's happiness. Now its upto you to decide. But we won't force you.
We just told you our point of view and our doubts."
Natsu finally added his piece of mind.
I can understand their point but I'm still confused about my feelings towards Juvia and Stella.
For past few weeks, I'm really not myself in Juvia's presence. I really love to spend my time with Juvia.
She is really genuine, caring and lovely girl. Who won't fall in love with her? I just don't want to hurt her further.
"See I get your points and feelings. I'm sorry. I didn't really mean to say those hurtful words to you guys.
You are my friends and you guys mean a lot to me. Please accept my apology.
I can't promise you guys that I will live with Juvia as right now I'm very confused about my feelings. Please I need time to think and reflect on it."
I bowed my head down to show my apology to them.
They began to chuckle, Erza patted my shoulder,
"See you have changed a lot in these few months.The Gray, we knew would never apologise to his mistake.
We know you didn't mean any of those words to us. Come sit down and relax a bit."
She smiled and made me sit.
Soon Mira bought our juices and some snacks. Then they began to tease me with inappropriate jokes involving myself and Juvia which made me blush.
"Shut up, Natsu."
I pouted and began to eat my tart.
"See even Juvia's habit has brushed upon him. She is the one who usually pouts.
Now even you have got her habit. You both look adorable together. I must say a cute couple."
Lucy and Levy teased me.
"Idiot, you don't go passing your stripping habit to her or else Gajeel will kill you."
Natsu smacked my back hardly and soon we began our bickering session.
Then Juvia and Gajeel joined us. Juvia held a hand bag and a cloth bag.
"What's that Juvia?"
I asked her as she sat next to me.
"Gajeel-kun bought me a new dress and this new hand bag. Doesn't it look awesome? I told him not to buy but he insisted. So I took it."
She smiled brightly.
"Once again thank you, Gajeel-kun." She thanked him.
Gajeel ruffled her hairs, "Anything for my sister." He grinned.
Then girls teased her by the way she calls me. She grew red due to embarrassment which made her look cute.
She really lightens up my gloomy days with just her radiant smile and those stunning blue orbs. Hope I had met her before Stella.
"I guess, they are right. I'm falling for you, my wife."
I though to myself and smiled.
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