Chapter 8
~Time skip day of the dance~
Today was the day of the party. And yet again last night your mother ripped up another dress that you made. You sighed as you was cleaning the floor of the hotel. "Alright girls come down and show us!" Your mother called out for your sisters.
Both of them came down wearing there dresses and had a smile on there faces. You looked at them and sighed as you saw this. You did want to go to the dance but how could you? You didn't have a dress.
You saw them all leave. The dance is tonight and they leave right now. They have to get there hair done, they have to look nice so the prince could pick one of them. Eh, maybe he will pick on of them who knows. I won't know of he would pick me since I can't go. Which sucks I just want a break from this stupid hotel. Ugh I wish my dad would actually have written a will.
As you continued to clean the floor a certain prince was up to something too.
Bakugou's POV
Great! Just fucking perfect, the day has arrived and I want to jump out the window but can't because this world is not ready for my awesomeness to die yet.
(You can't tell me that's not something he would say. Hahaha)
Everyone was rushing to get things ready for later. But.... What if I don't find a bride tonight?
I turned around and saw Deku going to run past me. I stopped him. "Do you need something Kacchan?" He asked me. I looked at him and nodded my head.
"Deku I need you to look out for that girl. You know what she looks like so look out for her." I told him.
"You think she's the one?" He asked me.
"Alright! You need calm down Kacchan."
I glared at him and as soon as he saw he ran away.
~Time of the Ball~
Nobody's POV
Now it was time for the ball. It was dark and you have to keep working at the hotel. "Why ain't you at the ball?" You looked up and saw who spoke it was one of your customers. She's a regular here every month she's come. It was Momo. She couldn't go to the ball since she's already engaged to someone.
"I haven't got a dress, I have got any shoes I can go in. And I have no way to get there unless it's in my car but then my mother and sisters would notice me. So there's no point." You explained to her.
"Hmm follow me." She said while walking up stairs.
You done as she said and walked up stairs with her. She took a dress and shoes and started to message someone on her phone. You raised an eyebrow at her. "Here wear this and these. A car will come and pick you up. However you have to leave at midnight." She explained to you.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the dress she held up.
She had glass blue shoes to go with the dress. You smiled at her and went to put it on.
Once you walked out she looked at you and smiled. "You look so beautiful! Now let me do your hair." She said to you and pointed to the seat.
You laughed a bit and sat down on the seat to let her do your hair.
Once she was done you looked in the mirror and smiled. "Thank you so much Momo! I really do appreciate it." You told her.
"It's the least I can do since what you do for us all the time. Now go have fun. And tell me all about it when you get back." She told you.
You nodded your head and left. Denki came up to the hotel. "Not to worry Y/N. I'll take care of the hotel for you while your gone." He said to you.
You smiled and went into the car that Momo called for you.
Once you made it to the dance you walked in. Some people looked at you as you had a huge smile on your face. You looked around and couldn't believe your inside the castle.
That's when the prince walked up to you and held out his hand. He wanted to dance with you. You took his hand and smiled. The both of you started to dance and you even had a conversation. "It's a nice party your highness." You said to him.
"Yeah, it's alright." He answered then looked at you. "You seem really happy." He stated.
"It's because I am." You said to him.
"Why's that?"
"I got to have a break. I work in a hotel and I never leave. Now I have it's great!" You said to him still with a smile on his face.
He looked shocked.
As your conversation continued your smile stayed there. The both of you would talk about anything and you saw that the prince wasn't such a bad guy because of all the yelling coming from the castle you assumed he was. But he's not.
As you was having fun when talking to the prince you didn't notice the time. You only noticed them the clock struck 12 times. Your eyes widened as you saw the time. "Is that clock right?" You asked.
"Yeah it is why?" He asked you.
"I .... I'm sorry I have to go!"
You got out of his grip and started to run. "Wait!" He shouted after you and ran too. You was already gone by the time he ran out.
He looked down and saw one your shoes. He picked it up and looked in the direction you went off too.
8 chapters! 🥳
I have no idea.... Go with it. I'm in a weird mood.
Also.... DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT SAY ANYTHING LIKE "aw but that means it could go either way." "This ending wasn't really that good." "Could be better." I TRIED!! THEN ENDING IS THE ENDING ALL I COULD THINK OF FOR IT!!!!
And don't hate comment.... I have had enough of people commenting like that for the ending. Please guys. I am trying to make a good ending.
Thanks for reading!
Bye for now
To be continued!
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