XXI. Louis
I'm so sorry that the updates are late and stuff, but I've been as busy as a twelve year old could be. Blame it on the writer's block every time I start writing. I just sit and ponder on life for a while before writing bs and drifting away from my original plot.
I basically killed myself.
Should I delete the book?
Dedication to darlingkinglou! You guys should really comment more often. I feel a bit sad these days and those cheer me up. I'm not forcing you too, though. Do what you wanna.
Just hold on to the story, feathers. x
It was just a normal Friday at my house, Harry and I were sitting on a carpet in my living room, enjoying the rest for the day before he had to go home. We had been a lot closer since the start of the year. Thank goodness Niall bought me a shoe that day, and that I was a clumsy person.
"Hey, Haz," I spoke as he threw the dice. We were playing a game of Snake and Ladders. Needless to say, I was winning because there was one particular dark purple snake that hated Harry sp much. Every time he got around forties, the snake wouldn't let him pass, so he fell back to five.
"Shush, Lou. I'm trying to concentrate here," Harry replied. He kept blaming me for his lost, saying that I was so cute and too much of a distraction.
Me being me, I just took it as a compliment. Harry couldn't state a full sentence of mockery to save his life. He was too nice for his own good.
Harry threw the dice and closed his eyes. "What is it? Don't tell me it's six, please just don't tell me it's six," he pleaded with all his heart that it hurt mine.
I pursed my lips. "I'm so sorry, Haz," I apologized. He opened his eyes and sighed, moving his small, blue person to the fifth box. Harry looked so, genuinely sad that it took all of it in me to not just hug him.
I would, but last time we got close to each other, we almost-kissed. Sure, it wasn't awkward even after that, but I didn't want him to be mad at all. We haven't even gone to our second date yet. I only wanted to kiss after the third one.
That's just nonsense.
Yeah, I know that, too. I sighed in my mind, I was just too much of a coward. I didn't even have enough courage to talk to Harry in the first place if it wasn't for Niall's present.
"Lou," Harry called, waving his hand in front of my face. I raised my eyebrow as if asking what? "It's your turn," he reminded.
I nodded slowly, grabbing the dice and throwing it into the air. I watched as the dice fell onto the carpet and rolled for a few times before stopping at two. I gave Harry an innocent smirk as I moved my tiny red person to the FINISH square.
Harry frowned deeply before standing up. "I don't wanna play anymore. You've won seven times," he said with a pair of crossed arms, making me smile.
"Sure. So, what do we do now?" I asked, standing up with him. I've been a bit cautious with Harry because lately, he seemed a bit angry with something. I wished he trusted me enough to tell me about this thing he was bothered about.
Harry shrugged. He put the Snakes and Ladders game back to the box where it belonged and then to the rack. I felt bad for always letting him do all the cleaning stuff, especially since it was my house and he was supposed to feel welcome in it, but I had been like that in forever. Leaving things behind broken and unclean.
"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Harry replied with a little bit of an annoyed tone, but he quickly changed it back to the normal one. We didn't speak anything for a while, but once he was done cleaning up, we both sat down on the white sofa in silence.
"Haz," I spoke.
"Yeah?" was his simple reply. Typical.
I breathed. Hopefully, he wouldn't get mad. "Why do you seem a bit bothered since two days ago when Liam was at your house? Did something bad happen? Do you need help with anything?"
Harry looked over at me for a moment before sighing, his eyes slowly facing his lap again. "I don't know. It's something about the past and I kind of don't want to bring it up. Sorry."
I nodded. "That's completely fine. I just want to make sure that I did nothing wrong," I replied.
"What would make you think that you did something wrong?" Harry asked with furrowed eyebrows.
I blushed. Harry looking so serious was so hot. Gosh, I keep getting a boner at the weirdest times. Save that for later, dear penis.
"I-I... I mean, I thought you got angry because of your almost-kiss," I spoke truthfully, my eyes drifting over to my feet. I needed to avoid Harry's stare at any times. It was very uncomfortable.
Harry chuckled. "I see. I actually wouldn't mind kissing you, but I don't think that's appropriate. I don't want to suddenly be taking away someone's first kiss or something."
The fact that Harry knew that I still had my first kiss was a bit weird. The negative side of me thought that it might be a bet or something, but I refused to think so. The first reasoning was because who would Harry make the bet with? Liam? That sounded really unlikely. The second was that Harry was too much of a sweetheart to do so. Nevermind, that didn't make sense at all,did it?
"Thanks for considering that. I actually would like to kiss you, too, but maybe next time?" I played with the hem of my t-shirt.
Harry sat closer to me and held both of my hands, smiling at me warmly. That looks like love, I thought. "Anything for you, princess."
As Harry and I were downstairs in the kitchen, him teaching me how to make pancakes, the door bell rang unexpectedly. It couldn't be Niall because Niall never did door bells.
"I'll get it," I volunteered. Let's face it, if Harry did, the pancake would probably burn to ashes the second he reached the door.
I walked to the front door and opened it, revealing two girls. "Uh, hi, nice to meet you. Are you sure you read the address correctly?" was my inspirational greeting.
The two girls in front of me giggled. Girl-one said, "Yes we did. You're Harry's new boyfriend, right? Louis Tomlinson? Such a pity. You deserve so much better than him."
Now, that one was new for me. I wasn't sure whether I should say thank you for the compliment (I think?), ask why, or defend Harry. I mean, they weren't saying bad things in a way, but still.
Girl-two agreed with a nod. "Yeah. He certainly doesn't deserve such a nice boy like you as his boyfriend. I feel so bad for you," she said, her eyes showing pity.
I raised an eyebrow, a bit confused as to why Harry didn't deserve me. I seemed to know these two girls from somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. Those kinds of moments were so annoying, but I've decided that whoever these two girls were, I knew that they weren't good people because good people would not bad mouth Harry in front of his almost-boyfriend.
"Lou? Who's at the door?" Harry called from the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow at the girls, silently asking them to state out their names.
Girl-one did that disgusting giggle again. "Oh, where are our manners?" --you don't have any-- "My name is Taylor," --your nickname is snake because you remind me of Medusa-- "And this is my friend, Kendall." --hmm, I wonder what your nickname should be... Sandal? It rhymes. Whatever, I'll think about that later.
"Can we come in?" girl-two asked. I didn't have time to reply as they went past me, pushing me away roughly. Gosh, those boobs were so strong. What are they made of? Ew.
I closed the door and followed them to the kitchen anyways. They seemed to know their way around. When we got there, Taylor was trying to gain Harry's attention by calling out his name.
"Harry, hey... It's me Taylor. Hey, Harry."
Obviously, Harry wasn't interested. He continued cooking anyways. I was this close to kicking their butts out, but I forgot that they didn't have any.
When Kendall tried to approach Harry, he pushed her away, his hand hitting near her private part and she purred. Like, literally purred. It was so ew and I probably nearly vomit right then and there.
"What the hell are you two doing right here in this house?!" Harry's voice boomed through the entire house once he turned the stove off.
"We want to visit you, of course. It had been such a long time since we last met and I want to see how much you've grown," Taylor said, batting her eyelash. Ew, that wasn't sexy at all.
Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "As if you care. You only want to try to ruin my relationship with Lou, right? You've always been like that for some unknown reason. Just go away, Taylor. You're not needed here." He nodded to the front door that was visible from the kitchen.
Kendall crossed her arms, her pose matching Harry's. "Actually, we don't care. We just wanted to explain some things about you that Louis should be warned about. Like how you liked to sleep with girls."
"Of course," Taylor added, "You cannot sleep with the girls in your mum's school because you have a reputation to keep, but I'm pretty sure you just slept with Lucia from Golden Blue school, like, three days ago."
I nearly rolled my eyes. I wanted to laugh so bad at their obvious lie. Again, I remembered Harry's schedule from twelve A.M. until twelve A.M. more than he did himself, and in that schedule, there was no such thing as 'hooking up with girls'.
"Taylor, Kendall, can you please go out? I need to have a talk with Harry right now," I said, pursing my lips while looking at Harry with a glare.
The said girls giggled and quickly walked outside, closing the door in the process.
"Babe, I swear that I never--"
I smiled. "I know. I just wanted them out and it's probably the only way. Can we go back to the pancakes now? I'm hungry."
Harry smiled back. "You're so smart and perfect. Yeah, what about you make them and I watch?" My smile turned into a defeated frown while Harry smirked.
"Hey, Lou."
"Oh, shush, Haz. You're distracting me."
Harry chuckled. "Are you free tomorrow evening? At five preferably? I want to take you out."
I smiled so bad it hurt my whole face, but the butterflies in my stomach just made up for it.
"Of course."
"Great, I'll pick you up at four thirty, is that alright?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
We spent the rest of the day eating pancakes and playing more games (me winning, duh) until Harry had to go home. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.
I'll try to make the chapters longer from here on. Taylor and Kendall have arrived, say hi!
Should I do Character Ask one day?
Hm, maybe...
-J. x
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