I dedicate this chapter to @Bookwriters_Paradise because she's a talented artist and beautiful soul who is also volunteering and helping others, and this chapter just makes me think of her ❤ Thank you for your support and friendship 😘
8 a.m. on the dot, I can hear the church bells ring in the distance, and I'm standing in the center square of the town, near the large fountain that has been emptied of its water for the Winter and that is now wearing its seasonal scarfs of tinsels. I'm just in time, thanks to Bill, which is probably the only one on my side and has only stalled once.
I throw a glance around, recognizing the Christmas decorations the town puts on every year and noticing they have added large flowerpots of poinsettias and a few fairy lights that must look magical in the night. The buildings around are still the same, my gaze sliding on the few shops and the 'Bon Appetit' restaurant before they stop on the big letters 'BANK OF', our town name being hidden by the tall Christmas tree standing in front.
I'm reminded clearly why I'm here at this early hour as the iron curtain is slowly lifting up with a grinding noise. It isn't that I've forgotten; there is no way I could have when all my thoughts have been spiraling around this since last night. Yet now I can physically feel them in my body, weighing on my chest, spinning in my stomach, and straining my muscles.
All the holidays magic of the trees around, the white snowflake stickers on the window displays, and the wooden sleigh isn't enough to distract me as every possible scenario that I've come up with during the long hours of my sleepless night are rushing back in my head. Though waiting in front of the open door of the bank, there aren't many possibilities: either it's about money, and my meager savings won't save me, or it's a public announcement to humiliate me, but given there are only two elderly people and a few pigeons, that's not likely.
"Right on time, Penny!" I jump out of my thoughts as the voice that calls me behind is about to end all my questioning, and maybe also my reputation.
I turn around to see Theone getting out of a shiny black car that he's managed to park on the closest parking spot, while I've struggled to find a spot to put Bill barely five minutes ago.
"It must be really important for you!" He walks to me with a smug smile, his hands in the pockets of his black jacket and a few curls poking out of his gray beanie.
Watching him like this, so casual and smiley, you wouldn't guess he is about to announce me his evil deal.
"Okay, can you get straight to the point?" I ask as I'm suddenly aware of the cold of the morning with a shiver running down my spine. I've been boiling in my spiraling thoughts so much that I haven't noticed until now, though Theone's satisfied smirk might make me burn in anger really soon.
"Yeah, let's go!" He just nods and turns around without answering my question.
"Wait! I..." I glance back at the bank, which he's walking away from, making all my overthought suppositions crumble down, and I don't know if I should feel relieved or scared. But anyway, I'm rooted to the spot.
"Did you think I would ask you for money?!"
I quickly close my mouth as he bursts out laughing. "No, I didn't!" I defend myself with another lie.
"I don't need your money. I probably have way more than you!" He shakes his head, and I've been right: his mocking laugh is making me forget the cold as my blood is starting to simmer once again.
"So what do you want?" I quickly join him when he starts walking again.
Yet I still don't get my answer as he's struggling to catch his breath, and I'm starting to wonder if he hasn't asked me to come here just to laugh at me. Who I am kidding? He's done it on purpose. The meeting in front of the bank, and not telling me anything, he just likes to play on my nerves. I shouldn't even be surprised; it seems to be his only goal since I know him.
His laugh hasn't changed; it's still the same irritating sound prickling me until my nerve-endings, just a little deeper with the years, and his eyes are crinkling the same way to intensify the pure mischief in their clear jade shades.
"Where are we going?" I try again, as out-of-breath as him, struggling to follow his wide paces as we're leaving the square, now crossing the road.
His tall legs look determined to lead us wherever he has decided, yet it's clear he won't give me an answer, so I avert my gaze from his way-too-happy face and search around the empty street for any clue of how I'm gonna be eaten.
"The orphanage." I stop, recognizing the old building standing in front of us.
It still looks the same as in my memories: large and old, yet full of colors from the drawings and paintings displayed on the windows.
"Yes." He turns to me with what is probably the first smile he offers me, not a wicked smirk, just a genuine smile. "You know how my parents organized the Christmas Eve Party every year?"
I nod, memories of these parties that my family and practically the whole town attend every year floating back to me. We're still going actually, and it's one of the last lines of my Christmas romance plan. Though the most magical memories I have are from the parties Theone's parents have organized every year until three years ago.
"You know how important it was for them... My dad has spent a good part of his childhood here..." He shrugs, throwing a glance at the old building before his eyes come back to me with the hint of his usual smugness reappearing. "Well, this year they had no one to organize it, so I volunteered, and you're gonna help me." He heads for the front door without expecting my reply, knowing I'm at his mercy.
"You want me to help you with the party in exchange for your silence about my plan with Aden?" I lift a dubious eyebrow even though he can't see it.
It sounds too good to be true. Organizing a Christmas party isn't a chore for me. Could the devil be nicer for the holidays? No, it doesn't look like Theone, and I'm staring at him through my narrowed eyes as he stops to hold the door for me.
"Yes. You're the expert in decoration, aren't you?" He smiles once again genuinely, and I don't know who has possessed his body, but it can't be Theone.
Though I won't complain about this Christmas miracle!
"You know you could have asked me directly, without blackmail and all?" I offer him a smile too.
"I thought we were doing things the tricky way." Here, I recognize the Theone I know and his famous dimpled irksome smirk. "And would you really have accepted if I'd asked you?" He lifts his eyebrows, his clear eyes looking sincerely surprised.
"Yes, of course! Not for you, but for the poor kids that deserve a decent Christmas" I offer him a smirk too, also imitating his movements and entering the building without looking back at him.
"Hey! I can totally organize them a magical Christmas!" He catches up with me in two steps.
"A few cheap Christmas lights and crackers aren't magical," I point out, throwing a glance around the room.
Inside, the building is so different from the old facade. It's all renovated, and the colors that we can glimpse from the windows outside are just a sneak peek of all the drawings displayed around the room. It makes the hall looks so welcoming despite the narrow space and basic items that are two chairs and a small desk.
"It is for the kids." Theone's shrug leaves me shivering with the flashes of what this party will look like if he organizes it by himself.
"Oh, yes, you must know since you're still four mentally!" I taunt him before narrowing my eyes at him. "But then why am I here?
"Oh, I'm glad you're finally here!" It isn't Theone who answers me but a woman's voice, and I turn to the middle-aged woman smiling at us. "And you've brought your girlfriend, that's nice!"
"What?!" I can't help the gasp leaving my lips, and another flash sends shivers of fright down my spine as I quickly add, "No, I'm not his girlfriend."
Yes, Theone might be handsome, but just the mocking glint in his gaze makes all the charms disappear.
"No, thanks. I'm not one to play that role!" He laughs, shaking his head. "She's the expert for the decoration. It's Penelope Jensen, you might know her parents, Marta and Jin Jensen?"
Has he just said my real name? I gape at him before the woman pulls me out of my shocked stare, holding her hand out for me.
"Oh, yes, of course! Nice to meet you. I'm Patricia Torres, the responsible of the place."
"Nice to meet yo–"
"Who are they?" A small curious voice comes from behind the door in the left corner, followed by a pair of impish black eyes.
In no time, it's a hubbub and about 50 pairs of eyes of various colors but all sparkling with the same interested glint that appear behind the door. A woman and a man rush behind to try to contain the excited group, though they look as curious as the kids.
"This is Penelope and Theo, the ones who will organize the Christmas party," Patricia introduces us to the little crowd with a smile.
"Ah, so they're working for Santa?" the same dark-haired boy asks, his eyes passing from Theone to me, more inquisitive than any serious adult, and I can't fight the grin growing on my lips.
"Yes, we are his little elves. But shh.." My mind floats back to Aden as all the smallest heads are gasping, and the oldest ones just laugh, keeping their mouths shut under the severe gazes of their supervisors.
"Really?! So you can tell Santa I've been nice?" Another boy comes out from behind the group, with green eyes blinking eagerly at me and making me turn to my side where I can totally picture his future.
"In your dreams!" An adorable little girl swats him with her teddy bear. "You haven't been nice!"
Theone glances sideways at me, and I can guess with his chuckle that it's bringing the same memories as mine in his clear eyes.
"Santa's gonna come to the party then?"
"Maybe you shouldn't have revealed this!" Patricia shakes her head as we're bombarded with questions. "I'm sorry!"
"No, it's okay." I smile as all these adorable curious elves are giving me a boost of energy, making me forget my sleepless night and all my worries. "Maybe they can help us find ideas for the decoration?" I turn to Theone. "I guess you've got nothing planned so far?"
"Nothing!" He grins, not ashamed at all that my suppositions about cheap Christmas decorations and crackers might be true. "But I like this idea!"
"And, I'll also send little groups to help you the days before," Patricia adds, glancing at the kids.
"Great! Now, how about we start with the ideas for the decoration? If you have time now, each one of you can suggest me one idea?" I turn to Patricia as the children are already replying eagerly.
"Of course." She nods before turning to the excited group. "But only if you stay calm, and lift your hands before talking."
It's almost surreal how the silence is immediately falling in the room and little arms are raising one by one. I guess it's the magic of Christmas, and mostly, Santa's power.
"Theone, you write down," I instruct, and surprisingly he cocks an eyebrow but doesn't raise, taking the piece of paper Patricia is handing him.
I guess the little crowd of raised hands is quite impressive for him too, and it gets hard to choose who to allow to speak first as I'm scanning all those puppy eyes.
"You." My finger points to the one who has caught my gaze with no hesitation, the only one whose hands are not raised but fiddling with a pink tutu, and I know I've made the right choice when a pair of crystal blue eyes meet mine.
The shy smile held back by two front teeth instantly has my heart, and I know I'll have to make sure the request is fulfilled.
"What do you want at the Christmas party?" I ask again with my softest voice.
All heads turn to the precious little princess, and she cautiously gets up to whisper something in the ear of the older girl seating next to her. The sight is almost from another world: the small girl all dressed in pale pink leaning eagerly on the young teen in a goth attire. I don't know why, but it only melts my heart more.
"She wants a princess," the older girl finally announces, lifting her head to us and revealing the same clear blue gaze. There is no doubt they're related, though it's the only similarity between the chubby blond girl who is nodding eagerly and her slim dark-haired-and-dressed sister.
"I think there will already be a princess if you're here." I come closer, squatting down to be at their height. "What's your name?"
She glances anxiously at her big sister who once again has to talk for her. "Lilly."
"Well, Lilly, since you're already gonna be the princess of the party, do you want something else?"
"A horse!"
I almost jump as I hear her small voice for the first time, her sparkling blue eyes letting me know I have won her trust, even if she's still nervously nibbling her lips.
"Okay, a horse. It's written down!" I glance at Theone who offers me a grin and a thumbs-up.
It looks like this adorable angel has even managed to soften the devil.
I focus back in front of me, carrying on with my elf mission. "And your sister, what do you think she wants?"
"A black tree, a superhero, pinatas, a flying sleigh... Are you sure we can put all of this?!" Theone exclaims, shaking his head at the list in his hands.
"Yes, of course, we have to! We've promised!" I shrug, unable to put down the smile these little elves have created.
"This will be a crazy party!" He chuckles, his wide eyes clearly picturing all these requests put together.
"Don't tell me you're not excited about the chocolate fountain?!" I throw him a knowing glance.
"Okay, this one is my favorite! I will take care of Benji's request personally!" He grins, and for once, the excited sparkle in his eyes doesn't scare me since it's for chocolate. Or maybe it should?
"So it just leaves the food, the–"
"I've already taken care of the food," he cuts off my listing. "And it isn't crackers. We have a caterer," he adds in front of my lifted eyebrow. "And since the sponsors are already booked like the previous years."
I nod, looking at the stack of documents he's holding that Patricia has given us to help.
"It just leaves us the crazy decoration," he finishes, sighing at the long list in his hand.
"My specialty!" I grin as we arrive at the square that looks exactly the same as when we've left.
There are just a little bit more people, the shops and restaurant filling up, while the bank sign is still the same, and this just makes my smile extend. My account is safe!
I would have never imagined this would be Theone's condition. This feels like a dream, and with Theone, I gotta be careful. Yet I can't put down my excited grin. Could I really have my Christmas romance, organize a Christmas party, and help adorable kids?
"Yeah, but in only four days," Theone interrupts my daydream, and I wonder if he's read my thoughts for a second before I come back fully to Earth.
"It's a lot of work, but it's not impossible." I shrug. "First, we need to go see the function room, so I can start planning." I grab the key laying on top of the pile of papers he's holding.
"Are you sure we have time?"
As if to prove his point, the church bells ring again, and my eyes widen as I realize it's noon. I've lost track of time between all the requests we've had to write down and all the advice Patricia has given us for the party.
"Um, yes, it's still down the street right?"
He nods, though I doubt he's come in town more often than the few times a year I visit my parents.
"We give a quick glance, and then we head home. The family dinner never starts before half past noon, and I think Aden will be fine with my family for a little bit more," I speak more to myself, my feet heading quickly in the direction of the function room.
Theone easily catches up with me, for once not saying anything, just observing me with a glint of amusement and bewilderment in his jade eyes.
In no time, we're in front of the large doors that look smaller than in my memories, though we don't stop more than to slide the key in. In just a few steps, my mind has already wandered too far, picturing all the blunders and cross-purposes that can have occurred with my family and Aden in my absence. So I'm quite eager to come back home, even if the biggest threat has been with me. Strangely, Theone doesn't dawdle either, and it's surely because of my mom's delicious meal awaiting us.
"Ah! What have they done to this place?!" A gasp pulls me out of my thoughts, and I turn to Theone's wide horrified eyes.
"Oh, you didn't know? They've renovated it last year."
He just shakes his head in front of the black and white paintings hanging on the dove-gray walls.
"I guess this is to modernize..." I walk around the room, letting my eyes take in the space, arrangement, and colors of the wide empty room, while my mind is picturing the cream walls covered with many photos and the polished exposed beams that have been there before.
"They've taken the life out of this place," Theone notes, his camera already in his hands – I haven't seen him with it since he's arrived, and it's been almost disturbing. "They've even removed Jason and I's mark on the wall!" he gasps once again, and I already know in which corner to look to find him.
He's crouching down, squinting his eyes to find a hint of their precious mark on the now-perfectly-smooth wall.
"At least you've still got your scars, do you?" My fingers unconsciously find their way to his forehead, lifting the fabric of his beanie and the messy curl to reveal the zigzag scar exactly as I've remembered.
Even if their 'mark' isn't on this wall anymore, I think no one will forget his and Jason's epic stunt that has made us spend Christmas Eve at the emergency department, especially not me, as I've missed my great performance as Santa's elf in the school show.
He grins proudly, probably reminiscing the same memory, and he doesn't seem bothered by the tip of my index finger tracing the zigzag, but I realize how awkward it is when his voice startles me.
"Still the same."
I quickly remove my hand, almost jumping away as he gets up.
"This gives us more work, but I promise we'll bring back life in this place." I glance one last time at the brand new wall, my mind quickly focusing on finding a way to hide those abstract art paintings.
The devil deal is finally announced!! What do you think? Aren't those little elves too cute? 😍
And speaking of cute, Theone and Penny are already too cute, aren't they? Looking like a real couple... 😏😅
I hope you liked this chapter, if so, you know what to do: vote ⭐ and comment!!
I'm so excited for this story, and seeing you as excited as me is so amazing, I will never be able to put it into words, but let's just say: Thank you and I LOVE YOU, my little elves 😘❤
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