The next few days after Christmas had been spent watching movies and me searching for a job, but with no luck. Joey had suggested that I apply for Chik-Fil-A. It's actually not that bad of an idea. Of course I hadn't been there in over ten years, but I've always loved the place. Yesterday Jewel had taken me there with Kelsey and little Emmett cause she had found out that it has been a while since I've been there. I'm not gonna lie, it was really fun hanging with them. I forgot what it was like to have best friends that were with me almost 24/7. As of right now, I was in the very parking lot of said fast food restaurant with Spencer in the driver seat, as I had no way of transport.
"Come on Riley, just go in there and be brave. Like that song you always listen to says 'We are not given the spirit fear' so go in there and show no fear" he said, stating a line from Fearless by Jasmine Murray, one of my all time favorites songs at the moment. I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt, then opened the passenger door. I closed it behind me, leaving my fear behind. 'My God is with me and I shall not fear' I kept repeating over and over again. Almost an hour later I came out with a frown on my face. I walked up to Spencer's car and knocked on the window. He unlocked the car and I opened the door. I sat down and buckled my seatbelt.
"So how did it go?" He asked turning his head towards me with a smile on his face. I looked at him, a smile creeping onto my face.
"Guess who's got a job!" I said excitedly. He smiled wider and pulled me into an unexpected hug. I cautiously wrapped my arms around his warm body and just relaxed. He pulled back, but kept his hands on my shoulders.
"I'm so happy for you. We need to celebrate! How about we stop by that new coffee shop near the office?" He asked me. 'Is he asking me on a date!?!? Nah probably just as friends'. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice.
After a few minutes of silence and me freaking out about this 'date' and whether is was one or not, we finally arrived at the little coffee shop and Spencer parked the car. I opened the door and got out as Spencer locked the doors. We walked into the shop and found a seat.
"What do you want?" Spencer asked me. I went to go look at the menu and saw that they had all kinds of different coffee. I looked over it and decided on the caramel coffee and a chocolate chip cookie. Spencer ordered his as I went to grab my wallet and as I was opening it a hand stopped me from pulling out some money. I looked up and saw Spencer.
"I'll pay for it, ok" He said. I was about to protest until he put his finger on my lips. Just that gesture alone made the butterflies whir in my stomach. I nodded and he pulled his finger away. I went to go sit down and wait for my stuff and Spencer. The minute he came and sat down I was already sipping my coffee and reading my Bible on my phone. We sat in silence for what felt like forever but was actually only a minute. He decided to break the silence.
"How does it feel to finally be able to read the Bible without having to hide it?" He asked as I looked up. I looked at him and smiled.
"It..feels...good. Great actually. I love the fact that no one is judging me" I told him. He smiled wider. 'I love his smile' I thought,'It's so beautiful. I wonder what it would feel like to don't go there Riley not today' I broke my own train of thought before it could go further. Thankfully Spencer started talking to me before my thoughts could go in that direction again.
"So how do you like it in Nashville so far?" 'Aw he's trying to get to know me better. Does that mean he likes he's just a friend' I thought a little bit, then answered.
"It's nice I really like it. I like that everyone is doing something. That everyone here is always on the go. I like the fact that it's not quiet... I mean I don't know I just love it" I spoke as his pearly white teeth started to show behind his perfect lips. 'They're so pretty. I always want him to smile. When he smiles a genuine smile, his eyes light up' my thoughts started up again. He looked at his watch, then looked back at me.
"Are you finished?" I hadn't realized that I had finished my cookie and coffee. I nodded and he threw my trash away and brought our mugs up to the counter. He walked back as I stood up. He got to the glass door first and opened it for me, same with the car door.
"Thank you" I said slightly above a whisper. He drove me to Caleb and Kelsey's house and parked the car in their driveway. He walked me to the door and stopped. He suddenly hugged me and the same butterflies from before came back and filled my stomach once again.
"I'm so glad you got the job, Riley. Congratulations" I looked down as a blush rose to my cheeks. He lifted my head up with his hand.
"You look beautiful when you blush" he said quietly making me blush even more. He just smiled.
"Well I better get going. I' to you later, alright" I nodded and laughed as he stuttered and walked back to his car.
"Bye Spencer" I said waving. He waved back and wasn't watching where he was going. He tripped, but didn't fall completely. He stood straight as if nothing happened. I just laughed as a blush creeped onto his cheeks. I waited until he left to go back inside.
'Best day of my life'.
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