New Home?
I woke up to the sound of a moving car. I looked around to see Brycie and the girls still asleep. I looked at the clock. 12:06 is what I read. I then looked over to Alan who hasn't noticed that I had woken up. I decided not to bother him, but to stare up at the stars.
"I'm sorry about your family" Alan said all of the sudden. I leaned my chair up and looked at him.
"Nah it's fine, I'm glad I got away from them" I muttered. I kept looking at Alan with one question on my mind.
"Why did you help me anyways, I'm just a poor 18 year old. You didn't have to help me" I stated still looking at him. He took small glances at me until he answered.
"Actually the day we were leaving after our vacation, I prayed that God will send me someone who needs help and well here you are" he finished. I smiled.
"The day I was kicked out I asked God to help me in anyway He can. Now I'm here. Thank you God for being so good" I whispered the last part.
"We're almost home by the way" he said and I looked at the clock. 12:44. We have been talking for like 38 minutes. It was quiet for about five minutes.
"So what are you gonna do in Nashville?" I looked at him, then looked forward.
"I have a friend in Nashville, so I'll probably hang out with her" I answered.
"Do you a place to stay?" He asked again. I shook my head.
"No I don't, I'll probably stay in a hotel nearby" I replied. It was quiet once again.
"You don't have to stay at a hotel" Alan stated. I looked at him confused.
"You can stay at our place" I shook my head again.
"No I couldn't do that, I'd be to much of a handful. And besides you have four people to take care of" I said.
"Yeah I know, but we can always help a friend in need" he said as it got quiet once more.
"You consider me a friend" I whispered so quietly that not even I could hear myself.
"Yes I do. In fact I consider you as part of my family" he replied and tears started to fill my vision. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy.
"No one has ever considered me family. Not even my own family" I stated quietly.
"Well I am because everyone deserves to be treated kindly. So are you gonna stay at my house or no?" He asked me. I thought for a bit.
"Yeah I will" I answered a little to loudly cause Brycie woke up.
"Oh I didn't mean to wake up up, I'm sorry" I stated quietly. She smile.
"No it's fine. As long as the girls aren't awake" she replied. A few minute later we arrived at a big house. Alan drove into the driveway and turned the car off. He got out, but before he closed the door he turned to me.
"Can you get Presley?" He asked me and I nodded then got out. I opened the car door behind me and unbuckled Presley, then picked her up carefully. Me, Alan, and Brycie walked up to the door and she opened it. After I had gotten inside my mouth hung open. I didn't stare long because I followed Alan up to the girls' room. I put Presley down gently and pulled the blanket over her, then walked out. I went downstairs and looked for Alan. While I was looking for him I stumbled into the living room. I decided that I will just sleep on the couch.
"Riley" I heard. I sat up and my eyes immediately found Alan's.
"Yes" I asked.
"You can't sleep there, come on follow me to the guest room" I got up and followed him once again. We walked up the stairs and to the left. He opened a door and let me walk in first. The room was very bland, but that's an easy fix. There was a queen bed, a door, which I'm guessing is the bathroom, and an open door which revealed a walk in closet. I turned to Alan with a big smile on my face.
"This is all mine" I asked and he nodded. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"Thank you" I whispered. He laughed a little.
"Welcome home"
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