Never Even Got To Say Goodbye
Ok so I really want to thank all of you for getting this book to 1000 views!! It really means a lot!
I was out with Fallon, Jewel, and Kelsey, while Caleb and the guys took care of Emmett. We were shopping for spring clothes as it was just around the corner and I was super excited. We went to different stores and saw several different types of clothes and met a lot of kind people. A little while later we decided to split into groups of two because a couple of us needed to go to different sides of the mall. I went with Jewel to a Christian jewelry store called 'His Precious Jewels' because I wanted to get a present for my sister cause her birthday was next week. We searched around until I found this beautiful cross necklace.
I waved over an employee and asked her how much it was.
"Well we are actually having a sale on all cross necklaces due to it almost being the day that Christ resurrected so that necklace was originally $100, but is half off" she finished. I thought for a bit. I looked up at her. I saw her name tag. It said Hope.
"I'll take it"
We made our way to the meeting place that we had agreed on to meet the boys at, because apparently Spencer wanted to ask me something important. The girls kept teasing me about it the entire way. Once we arrived at our destination, Fallon gathered up my things and rushed my items into my hands.
"Geez girl, calm down" I said as I, tried, to open the door, but it's kinda hard with full hands. I sighed then heard a door open. I looked over at Spencer's smiling face.
"Having trouble?" I just rolled my eyes at his question. He laughed at my reaction. 'Gosh that laugh kills me every time it comes out of his mouth' I thought as I was getting out of Jewel's car. Spencer, being the gentleman he is, took some of the bags from the mall out of my hand so I wouldn't drop anything. We walked to his car and I spotted Joey, Caleb, and Chad in a car next to Spencer's. I waved, and they waved back with knowing looks. I rolled me eyes and followed Spencer to the other side of their car. We got to his and he opened the door and took the rest of the bags as I sat down then closed my door. I heard the trunk open and close. The driver side door opened not a minute later and Spencer sat down. He closed his door and turned the car on. He looked at me with a smile on his face.
"You ready?" He asked. I only nodded in response. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove to wherever he was taking me. After about 30 minutes and a conversation about our love for food (mainly about donuts), a song I recognized came on and I had no choice but to sing it. The chorus came on and I sang out the lyrics.
🎶Once I was broken, now I'm mended
Once I was king of my own land, now my reign has ended
I bow my knee to the one who saved me
Once I was dying on my own
But God this wondering soul is coming home🎶
Spencer started singing the second verse.
🎶No longer on an empty road, in You my heart has found its rest
The trust I stole I an giving up
So take control I'm not strong enough
Better late than never now until forever, I'm where I belong🎶
For the chorus me and him sang together in perfect harmony.
🎶Once I was broken, but now I'm mended
Once I was king of my own land, now my reign has ended
I bow my knee to the one who saved me
Once I was dying on my own
But God this wondering soul is coming home
Coming home, coming home🎶
I stopped singing so Spencer could take a solo.
🎶I turned a corner and what did I see?
The father I abandoned running to me
With arms open wide and love in his eyes
He cried as he said welcome home.🎶
After he finished the bridge I started singing the last part of the song and we sing together in the end.
🎶Once I was broken,but now I'm mended
Once I was king of my own land, now my reign has ended
I bow my knee to the one who saved me
Once I was dying on my own
But God this wondering would is coming home
Coming home, I'm coming home
I'm coming home🎶
We both finished strong and then Spencer turned the music down.
"You're really good, Riley" I looked down as I started blushing. He focused on driving and we arrived at our destination about 5 minutes later. He pulled into the parking lot of I raised one on my eyebrows and looked at Spencer.
"Why are we at a bank?" I asked. He smiled at me.
"This isn't our destination. I stopped here so I could put a blindfold on you and walk to where we're actually going" I made another confused face.
"Walk?" He laughed at me and started putting the blindfold on.
"It's not far ok" I nodded as he tied the bandanna securely around my head. His car door opened and closed and I heard him jogging around the car. I quickly searched for the seatbelt buckle and unbuckled it right as he opened my car door. He helped me out and put his hands on my shoulders while guiding me down the sidewalk.
"If I run into a pole, I'm blaming you" I said but he just laughed.
"Don't you trust me?" He asked. I just crossed my arms while trying not to smile.
"You're not Aladdin, so no I don't" I stated seriously, but he just laughed at my sentence. Suddenly his hands left my shoulders and I panicked.
"Spencer!? Where'd you go? I can't see remember!" I felt a gentle hand grab mine and I suddenly felt relieved.
"Do you trust me?" His voice spoke reenacting the scene from Aladdin. I giggled and joined him.
"What?" I said in fake confusion. I felt him stand up and his forehead touch mine. I gasped and felt my heart immediately started racing from the sudden contact.
"Do you trust me?" He repeated only quieter. He grabbed my other hand and I nodded not trusting my voice any longer. I felt him move away and I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding. His hands went back to my shoulders and he continued to guide me down the sidewalk. We turned right and walked for a few seconds then turned left. After a small step down I realized that we were crossing the road.
"Spencer don't kill me please" I said quietly. And guess what, he laughed again. 'This boy laughs a lot' I thought.
"Don't worry Riley. I would never hurt you" he stated. That comment alone warmed my heart. 'Why is he so kind to me?' I questioned myself.
"Step up" I stepped up and we turned right. We walked for about 30 seconds then turned left and stopped.
"There are several steps ahead so I'll tell you when to step up ok?" He told me, I just nodded in response. We started walking forward, but me a little more cautious.
"Riley trust me ok" I sighed and put my trust in Spencer. I walked normally with Spencer behind me.
"Ok there's a stair in 3...2...1 Step up" he said and I stepped up about five - seven stairs. We walked for five more minutes until we stopped.
"I'm going to take the blindfold off ok" I nodded, eager to see where we were. I felt him untie the bandanna and took it away from my face. I opened my eyes and covered my mouth in awe at the cutest scene in front of me.
(Just pretend the bottle isn't there ok?)
"A picnic? Wow Spencer. What's it for?" I asked turning to him. He just shrugged.
"Well Brycie told me that you love picnics" he smiled at me. I returned it.
"Yeah I do, especially for a first date" I looked at the picnic then back at Spencer. He looked at me.
"Really? Well then, Riley will you go on a date with me" he smiled. My jaw dropped. 'I didn't expect him to ask'. He looked at me waiting for an answer. I pulled myself out of a trance and answered him.
"Yeah. I'd love to" he smiled and pulled me towards the picnic. We both sat down and prayed for our meal then started digging in.
After a calm conversation and eating half of the food Spencer asked me a question.
"Riley" he paused and I looked at him.
"I know this is just the first date, but we known each other for several months and I was wondering...if...uh you would" I choked on my coke and looked him in the eye. He looked at me concerned.
"Are you ok?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded.
"Yeah I' want me to be your girlfriend?" I asked unsure if I'd heard him correctly. He nodded becoming very shy. I was shocked for a few minutes, then had a sudden burst of confidence. Before I could answer him my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone and saw a number that I recognized.
"Um I have to take this" he nodded and looked down with a sad look on his face. Before I pressed answer I kneeled down beside him and kissed his cheek. I then got up and answered the phone that was still ringing.
(Phone conversation)
R: hello?
Unknown: um hey is this Riley Johnson?
R: this is her
Unknown: uh hey remember me? Your sister?
R: Ava?!
A: hey sis!
R: why are you calling me? I'm in the middle of a date?
Oops I didn't mean to say that
A: You're on a date! You go girl! Anyways I needed to to ask you a question.
R: yes?
A: what does getting saved mean?
I gasped whiched gained Spencer's attention. He stood up and came over to me. 'What's wrong' he mouthed to me.
R: hold that thought A
I took my ear off of the phone and covered the mic.
"It's my sister. She wants to know what 'getting saved' means" he gasped and took the phone from me.
"Spencer!" He started walking away as he said.
S: hey this is Spencer
'Welp he's gone. Huh that boy.' I laughed as I sat down and finished off the last piece of bread. After about five minutes Spencer came and sat down on the blanket.
"So nice of you to join me Spencer" I heard a laugh and realized that my sister was on speaker.
"Hey Ava" I said.
"Hey sis. Your boyfriend is hilarious" I looked at Spencer and he gave me a questioning look. I remembered I haven't given him an answer. I looked back to the phone.
"Yeah he is" I replied and looked back at Spencer. He gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen.
"So how do you feel Ava?" Spencer asked her.
"Amazing" she answered.
"What happened?" I questioned confused.
"I got saved, Riley" I smiled bigger than before.
"You go girl" I replied.
"Well I'll leave you two to your date. Have fun" she said and hung up immediately.
"She hung up before we could say goodbye. I wonder if something could be wrong" Spencer stated.
"Well she's only 15 so she still lives with my parents" Spencer looked down with sadness in his eyes remembering that my parents hated God. I reached over and put my hand on top of his. He looked up at me and I could feel the sadness that was radiating off of him. I got up and sat next to him, then put my head on his shoulder and held his hand.
"She'll be fine. I know it" I said, my voice cracking in the middle of that sentence. He looked at me.
"Do you believe that?" He asked. I looked down. Internally I wasn't sure, but one thing I know for sure is that God would protect her in some way.
"Yeah. I know God will protect her in some way or form. He will never leave her nor forsake her. She is being guided through the valley of shadows with a blindfold wrapped around her head and Jesus is guiding her. I can feel in my heart that she will be safe from my father" he smiled at my answer. I looked over to him.
"Do you believe it?" I asked him. He turned his head to me.
"Yeah. Like you said God will protect her. And like I did to you, He will put a blindfold around her head and ask for her trust" I giggled. I leaned my head on his shoulder and prayed a silent prayer over my sister. 'Lord protect her with Your mighty hand. Lead her where you want her to go and help her find her way. She has no other guide with her, so please somehow lead her to me. Please Lord, I want to look after her. In Jesus' name amen.' I opened my eyes and realized Spencer's eyes were on me.
"What?" I questioned him as I took my head off of his shoulder. He looked away as he spoke.
"Nothing it's just you look beautiful when you are praying for a loved one" I blushed and leaned my head back onto his shoulder. He laughed and noticed that the sun was going down. We stayed and watched the beautiful sunset over Nashville (btw the sunset over Nashville is absolutely stunning so I just have to show you a picture)
We waited until the sun was almost gone before we headed back to the car. Spencer opened my door and let me in before closing it, then walked around the front and into the driver seat.
"So how was it?" I turned to face him to see him already looking at me.
"It was amazing, thank you" I replied and leaned in to kiss his cheek. I felt him smile immediately and when I pulled back he was blushing like mad. I giggled and sat facing forward. He turned forward as well and turned the car on. Now to prepare for the drive home.
(Time skip)
I was sitting on the couch in the Powell house and watching tv when suddenly the news channel came on and interrupted my show. "Breaking news: A girl has been beat up by her drunken father and is now in the hospital in the verge of death. Her mother was also beat, but there are still no word if she will survive or not. The daughters name is Ava Johnson and the mothers name is Savannah Johnson. This is what they look like" a picture popped up with none other than... my mom and my sister.
"If you know these girls, then be praying that they survive their major injuries. Onto you Jim" I turned it off and ran to my room with tears streaming down my face in rivers. 'Don't let them die. I never even got to say goodbye'
I'm sorry that this was on the sad side, but little ole Riley needed to have a heartbreaking time to make her stronger and this is what came to mind. Again thank you all for 1000 views! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this little bit and I will see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter. (Words: 2663)
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