Girls Day
I woke up the next day to a beautiful voice.
"Riley, it's time to wake up" I heard, but all I wanted to do was sleep.
"Riley get up" I heard again. Then all of the sudden someone started jumping on my bed. I was about to yell stop, but when I opened my eyes I saw my best friend.
"Jewel!" I yelled and stood on my bed to hug her. We hugged until someone knocked on the door. I didn't say anything, but the person walked in anyways. I then heard the sound of a camera and looked up. I saw Joey taking a picture of me and Jewel.
"Joey" I whined and covered my face.
"I look hideous. Don't take a picture of me" I stated loudly. He just laughed as Jewel hugged him and pecked his cheek. I looked at them, utterly confused. Jewel looked at me and realized why.
"Oh Riley this is Joey. My boyfriend" she said and my eyes widened realizing something important.
"So this was the guy you wanted me to meet?" I asked her. She just nodded and had a big smile on her face. I smiled at her and got off of my bed, slowly walking towards them. I stood in front of Joey as my expression changed.
"Break her heart and I'll break your face" I said with no emotion then left my room. I tried to suppress my laughter as I recalled Joey's face. He looked like a little boy who had witnessed his parents kiss with his wide eyes and parted lips. I struggled to not laugh as I walked into the kitchen and saw Brycie cooking while Spencer sat at the table. I immediately stopped when I saw him and went up next to Brycie.
"What are you cooking, Brycie?" I had asked her.
"It smells good" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Spencer standing behind us with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but to smile as well. He walked closer and looked over mine and Brycie's shoulder. My cheeks turned a light pink color due to how close he was. 'I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but I like it' I thought. He eventually walked away as did I and went to go changed. As I walked past the living room I saw Joey glance at me. I put two fingers in front of my eyes, then pointed them at him like I was saying 'I got my eyes on you' then ran upstairs and quickly changed. After I was done I looked in the mirror and was pleased with the outfit I chose.

I walked out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen where I, again, saw Brycie along with Jewel and two other women.
"Hey, where are the guys?" I asked Brycie. She turned around and smiled.
"They went out to get Christmas presents. At first it was just Joey going, but then he had asked what Kelsey, me, Fallon, and you wanted cause he was going to be nice and get you something. Then all the guys decided to go and get that done as well, so it's just us girls for awhile" I smiled wide at her response. I hadn't got to get to know my new family so I was really excited.
"Cool. So what are you girls making?" I asked them, looking over Jewel's shoulder. Once I had looked over her shoulder I saw the most cutest cookies in the world.

"Aw those are cute!" I shouted in delight. Jewel picked one of them up and handed it to me.
"Try it" she insisted. I looked at her.
"Did you poison it?" I asked with a serious expression. She laughed.
"You don't have to worry. If you died then I couldn't pick on you anymore" she replied and I gave her a look that said 'really'. She urged me to try a bite, so I cautiously took a bite. After I had the snowman cookie in my mouth for a few seconds my eyes widened.
"This is amazing!" I yelled after a minute. All three girls smiled. After I had finished the cookie, Brycie spoke up.
"Do you girls want to watch Christmas movies?" She asked and we all nodded. We entered the living room and I noticed that the three younger girls fell asleep. I smiled and Brycie had asked me and Jewel to help her carry the little girls to bed. I quickly tucked in little AJ. I slipped out of the girls room and walked downstairs when I saw Fallon had chosen a movie. After about five movies I stood up and went to the bathroom. I walked down the hall right as you exit the living room and turned left. I was about to open the door when a hand stopped me. I turned around and saw Jewel. She smiled sadly.
"Brycie told me what happened. About your family. I..I didn't know. I thought you had just stopped talking to me for some unknown reason. That you hated me" she stated as tears started to roll down her cheeks, messing with her makeup as it went. I frowned and immediately went to hug her.
"I could never hate you J. You're like my sister. How could I hate you when you've done so much for me" I whispered into her ear. She sobbed into my shoulder, since I'm a little taller than her, until she had run out of tears. She pulled away and went to wipe her eyes. I stopped her from doing so and dragged her to my room. I opened my white bedroom door and entered the bathroom. I looked for my makeup cleanser stuff and gave it to her. I quickly fixed her makeup and put my stuff down. I hugged her like there is no tomorrow.
"I could never hate you" I whispered again. I pulled back and grabbed her hands gently.
"Let's go watch some more movies, ok?" I suggested. She nodded and we went downstairs to find Fallon and Kelsey asleep. I smiled at them and found a place for me and Jewel so sit. I pressed play on the movie Nightmare Before Christmas. I then realized that I still had to go to the bathroom. I stood up and told Jewel I'll be right back. I did my thing, then went back to find Jewel asleep on the love seat. I smiled, then yawned. I decided to join her and fell asleep right next to my best friend.
Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I'm back with another chapter. Also another thing. About my book Reunited. I have a few reasons why I didn't upload the next chapter. #1 I completely forgot. #2 it wasn't finished. And #3 I have a friend who has been going through some rough times and she stayed at our house. So I'm very sorry that it did not get uploaded, but I will be doing that Saturday for sure. Anyways my name is ninja_of_steel and I'll see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.
(What do you guys think of that last part? I kinda like it. It might stay)
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