My choice
"Time for training!!!!"
Skip time~
"You okay, Kaizo?", you asked Kaizo who looks really tired trained you.
"I'm fine"
"Boboiboy?", you put an attention on Boboiboy. He's lying on the ground, probably sleeping while you were in trained before this. "Boboiboy...", you slowly shake his shoulder but he's still sleeping.
"What you want huh?", asked Boboiboy, in a suddenness.
"Eh... umm... are you okay?"
"What is that question?"
"I just asking you if you're okay or not?"
"Why? Because I'm.... ummm... I'm training with Kaizo..."
"Before this you trained with me, did you think Kaizo happy with it?"
"So? Are you okay?"
"Maybe, probably, just go away and mind your own work"
"But, but... I'm afraid that you might feel..... jealous?"
"U- uh"
"No I'm not"
"Tell me why I suppose to feel that way?"
"Because..... you- you... lo-"
"Shut up! I'm not like what you think! I just trained you before because I had to. It's my responsibility"
You shocked. Boboiboy got up and walk away, leaving you.
Skip time~ Boboiboy's house~
"Am I really love her or...... But if I didn't love her, why I feel this jealous? Why... If I love her.... why I can't tell her the truth?", Boboiboy growl.
Suddenly, his phone ringing.
"Yes, who is it?", asked Boboiboy to Unknown number.
"Oh it's you. What you want?"
"I want to meet you"
"Why? If it's because (y/n) then nothing we have to talk about. She's controlled her power. Nothing to be discussed"
"It's about (y/n), but not her power I wanted to talk about. It's... something else"
"Hmmm... I'll think about it"
"I need to see you now"
"Huh... okay, place?"
"My lab. See you there"
Boboiboy ended the call.
"What's gotten in his mind? Haish", walk to Kaizo's lab.
Skip time~ in Kaizo's lab~
"Why you want to see me?", asked Boboiboy while looking around Kaizo's lab.
"Boboiboy, I know you like her"
"Like who?", asked Boboiboy.
"(Y/n). You like her don't you?"
"Heh, like her? You've pick a wrong person, I'm not"
"You can't run from your feelings"
"No I'm not"
"You like her. Just admit it"
"How can I admit something that really, not me"
"Ceyh, just say it. I just need to know"
"Okay, I'll tell you... I like her", said Kaizo. His face blush in red.
"So? Is it related with me?"
"Umm... I thought you like her"
"Bla bla bla... I don't I don't and I don't!"
"Haish. How many times do I have to say it"
"Hmm..." Kaizo walk to Boboiboy and look deep in his eyes with serious face.
Boboiboy gulp in terrifying.
"Listen, I know you like her. Admit it!", said Kaizo and push Boboiboy back cause he's fall.
"Ye- yeah, I like her", murmur Boboiboy.
"So, we have to fight equally", said Kaizo, making a hand stretch, ready for a battle.
"Eh, what you want to do?", asked Boboiboy and slowly got up.
"Ready for a battle. (Y/n) has to choose only one person, and... let decided it through a battle", said Kaizo looking around to make sure no one saw his fight between him and Boboiboy.
"But- but, I don't want to fight with you", replied Boboiboy yet he try to run away but Kaizo stopped him.
"I want to settle this things, as soon as possible", Kaizo looked at Boboiboy in his red glowing eyes. Boboiboy just trying to think a way to make sure he didn't get in any fight with anyone.
"Kaizo, I- i have many thi- things to do, so..."
"No but but! I want to fight with you. By hook or by crook, you have to fight with me. One person should die today"
"Huh? Di- die? Are you- you crazy?"
"No I'm not. I have to make sure, (y/n) will be with someone who can protect her and we have to decide it. Who's the strongest will survive"
"Kaizo, I can't fight with you! We want to fight because of a girl? No! No way! I'm not a boy like that. I don't want to fight with you. If you like her for real, and you want to be with her, we can just ask her who will she choose. We don't need to fight. Just imagine if she likes you, then I kill you and then she wouldn't accept me. It's cruel is it?"
"I just want to settle all this in simple way. Please.. I know it's hard for you to accept this. But... I just can't. You and I, we're both strong in our way, it's still not fair if we're fighting with each other. Please.. I hope you understand me"
"Haish...", sigh Kaizo.
"STOP!!!", you run to them and dragged Boboiboy away while Fang stopped Kaizo.
"What are you doing?", asked Boboiboy to you then you cried.
"Why you two want to fight with each other? What's wrong with you huh?", asked you, still crying a nile river.
"Fang... you brought her here?", asked Kaizo to Fang who's looking back from him. Pretending like nothing happened. Kaizo touch Fang's shoulder. "You brought her here. Right?", said Kaizo in scary voice.
"Uh... yeah... is it wrong?", asked Fang back.
"IT IS!!!!", screamed Kaizo right at Fang's ear making him shake for a moment.
"Why you two fighting huh?", asked you to both of them.
"Nothing", replied Boboiboy.
"We want you to choose between me and Boboiboy", said Kaizo telling the truth. Making Boboiboy shut his mouth using his hand. "What are you talking about?", whispered Boboiboy to Kaizo but Kaizo slowly push Boboiboy hand away and stand right in front of you. You just look at him, don't know what to say as you're waiting for his explanation.
"I want you to choose. Me, or Boboiboy?", asked Kaizo again.
"Why all this sudden?", you asked him back.
"I want to know"
"I.... need a time to think", you replied.
"It's okay, you ca-", before Boboiboy managed to finish his words, Kaizo cut it out.
"I want to know now. I don't want to wait much more longer", explained Kaizo and make him even closer to you while you try to keep a distance from him.
"I- I don't know Kaizo. I can't give you the answer now", you said to him but he seems not satisfied with your answer. He hold you hand tightly and put his face closer to you.
"I don't have a time to wait for your answer", Kaizo said in his cold voice. You don't know what to say as your body shake in terror just saw his bloody red eyes.
"Enough Kaizo!", it's Boboiboy. He push Kaizo away from you. But just in a split second, Kaizo slash Boboiboy using his Power Manipulation Sword. You stunned there. Don't know what to do while your heart racing wanted to help him.
"I want your answer!", screamed Kaizo and start choking your neck. You gasp for the air but... Kaizo grip your neck even tighter.
"Kaizo...", you try to let his hand off your neck but then he push you hard. You hit the wall and the red squiggles start flowing out from your mouth. The pain on your back is really hurt making you can't stand up.
"Listen", Kaizo pull your face close to him. "I know that I just messing around with you. I have many things to do in my life. I have a galaxy to be take care of and I don't want you, to keep disturbing my mind. So, if you die.." You gasped in shock as soon he mention about 'die'.
He said so before adding, "so, if you die, then I wouldn't have to think about you anymore"
You closed your eyes. The moment, you just think about your death. Kaizo will surely kill you there, he's already said it.
'It's true, it's true, he will kill me. He will. No doubt on it... I can't do anything... sorry... I just want.... someone... please... help me....'
"But I can't.... I can't kill you", Kaizo continued his words making you shocked again. Slowly you open your eyes and Kaizo is really close to you. "I'm sorry (y/n). I can't kill you. I know I can't. But I just want you to promise me a thing. That you.... will never disturb my mind anymore"
He said then dissapear through th cold night air. And you run to Boboiboy. You've lose Kaizo, and now, it can't be Boboiboy.
"Wake up! Wake up Boboiboy", you cried. He didn't move an inch. You put your head on his chest to hear his heartbeat but none...
"No! Please don't leave me!"
"I won't", he smiled at you.
"Thanks", you said and your eyes still flowed with tears. Boboiboy hug you tightly. "I don't want to lose you...", he said and you just hug him back. Smiling through the shadowy darkness fill with lamp light.
'I know, maybe someday, Kaizo will show up in front of me. And that's what I hope. Cause he's my best friend. And I don't want to lose him... anymore...'
End. Sorry, I don't have many idea on this. And sorry if you guys didn't like this ending. Sorry again. And thanks for stay tuned.
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