A cure
"I know. It's hard for you to accept all this but.... you have to. I'm sorry for telling all this", Fang said.
"Fang.... how did you know about this?"
"I've see that they're struggling with their power, I think..... this all power things not just affecting you but..... Kaizo and Boboiboy maybe affected too"
"Argh!!!", you throw all the pillow there, away. Stressing out about all this power.
"(Y/n)! You okay?", Fang concerned asking about you when you're like a crazy girl. Screaming and throwing anything away.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!", you shout to him.
"(Y/n), calm down.."
"I SAID, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!", as when you scream, your power, became stronger and stronger. Making your heart feel really hurt.
At the same time~
In Kaizo's lab~
"Ugh..", Boboiboy fall to his knees in pain.
"You okay?", asked Kaizo.
"Ughh.. my heart..."
"Something happen to (y/n)! We must go to hospital now!", said Kaizo and ready to use his new teleportation power to teleport himself and Boboiboy to hospital. But then...
"Arghh!", Kaizo scream in pain.
And now, both of them cried in pain. They fall to their knees. Hopeless...
Back to hospital~
You still screaming and your power... it's even worst.
"I have to call Kaizo and Boboiboy", Fang tried to call Kaizo and Boboiboy but failed.
"Pick up!!!", still trying to call them but the result just same.
"GET OUT!", you screaming to him. And now, you started using your power. Fire blaster.
"Stop it! (Y/n)!", cried Fang. But you still in your own emotions.
"Shadow teleportation!", Fang used his new power, shadow teleportation to teleport you and him to Kaizo's lab.
"What we're doing here?!", you shout to Fang and realise that Boboiboy and Kaizo is right beside you. Lying down... helplessly...
"Why you bring she's here?", asked Kaizo to Fang. You look at them who're struggling in pain. You hold Kaizo and Boboiboy hand. And cry flows out.
"Sorry.... I'm sorry... because of me...", you hold their hand tighter. And then.... a light shine from you. Brighter and brighter. Making everything shiners. And no one can clearly see what happened.
As soon as the light fade out, you faint. For Boboiboy and Kaizo, they're no more in pain. Kaizo brought you to his room and put you gently on his bed.
"Do you know what happened?", asked Boboiboy to Kaizo.
"No. I don't have any idea"
"Can I stay with her?"
"Hmm.... Boboiboy..."
"Take care of her"
"Sorry, I have to go. Please say to her that I.... I.. umm... nothing. Just pass this letter to her as soon she's wake up"
"Where are you going?"
"You don't need to know", said Kaizo and going out from his room. Drove his spaceship away from Earth.
"Where's your brother go?", asked Boboiboy to Fang.
"Let him be. You don't need to know", replied Fang and went to his room.
Back to Kaizo's room. You wake up from your faint. And the letter which Kaizo gave to Boboiboy earlier, caught your eyes. You slowly read it.
For (y/n), I wrote this letter to tell you how I feel towards you. Honestly, I love you. But I just can't say it. When you're reading this, I'm sorry. I'm maybe not by your side. I will gone away. Far from you. I can't let this feeling hold me out from my mission so I have... I have to let you go. I'm sorry. I know I'm not supposed to do this but I'm.... I have a mission to complete. Sorry again. So, I really hope that you're not forget me. I hope, you will always remember me when I'm trying to forget you. I'm sorry but I have to. This feeling... I have to throw it away. For Galaxy. For good. And for you. I will protect you. Even we're far apart, but... I hope that my heart, still stay and near with you. That's all. Sorry, (y/n). Love you, forever... sincerely from, Captain Kaizo.
Your tears start to flows out.
"Kaizo....", you hold that letter tightly.
"(Y/n)? Are you okay?", Boboiboy asked.
"I'm.... I...."
"Huh...", Kaizo sigh. He's in his way to a new mission. But, after he left you, he can't stop thinking about you. Every second, every minutes, every hour, all about you. He's almost crashed a meteor when driving his spaceship because thinking about you.
"Arghh!!!", throw everything away.
"Why?! Why when I try to forget you, you keep disturbing my mind! You keep, you keep make me thinking about you. Why?! Why?!!!!!"
"Captain...", Lahap, one of Kaizo's member of his group handed him a glass of water.
"No! I don't want it!", he pushed that water furiously cause the water spill out. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
"Okay. Okay.", Lahap gone out from his Captain room and calling Fang.
"Prebet Fang"
"Yeah Lahap. Why?"
"Your brother. I mean, our Captain. He's... umm... you have to check on him"
"I can't"
"Can you just call him or whatever you can do. He's.... it's so hard to tell you. Please just call him and give him a hand"
"On what?"
"On what he's worried about! I don't know about it, you're his brother, just call him!"
"Okay I will. Bye"
"I hope he's really call his own brother", said Lahap and back to his work on find a power sphere which in danger.
Kaizo's room~
Kaizo is lying on his bed, covered his face with a pillow.
"What can I do to throw (y/n) away from my life"
Tit.. tit... tit... tit...
It's Kaizo's computer. Incoming call.
"What you want Fang? Leave me alone"
"Umm... you okay big bro?
"What you mean by that? Of course I'm okay!"
"Lahap called me earlier. He said that you're acting weird this lately"
"No I'm not"
"Yes, what happened to you?"
"Nothing, just get tired saving power spheres without you here"
"Sorry, but you know that I still can't help you out right?"
"So, if you know that you can't help me, why are you calling me?!"
"I'm going to-"
"Bla bla bla. Leave me alone!", immediately ended the call.
"Haish... how can I focus on next mission?!!!!!!", screamed out loud.
Knock knock~
"Don't disturb me, Lahap!"
Knock knock~
"I said don't disturb me!", open the door and gasp in shocked.
"Hye Captain", you said to him while gave him a bright smile.
"How can you-"
"How can we come here? Well, you're not realise that you're at Earth, right?", you said to him. Make him shocked again.
"I'm at Earth? How can I-"
"I wanted to meet you so bad!", you punched Kaizo chest. "Why you leave me without say goodbye huh?! You wanna taste my power huh?", you start taking out your Lightning Sword.
"Umm.. sorry sorry. Your power..."
"It's okay! I've control it!"
"Fuh. That's great. Who trained you?"
"Hye Kaizo!", said Boboiboy and shake hand with Kaizo.
"But I hate you! You should've trained me too! Who's gonna train me to control your power?"
"I am", he said. "I will be with you here"
"Good!", you punch Kaizo stomach and run away. "It's time for training!!!"
Sorry for late update guys. Huhuhu😭 please don't mad at me. Sorry again. I don't really have any idea on this story. But, I will continue and finish this story as soon as possible. Thank you for stay tuned.
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