Lucas Lawferson
FOR APSA ROLEPLAY WITH -leavesfromthevine
✿ General ✿
Full Name: Lucas Lawferson.
Nickname(s): His mother calls him "Sweet Pea" and his sister "Lu", but the name "Lucas" is pretty short and easy to say already.
Codename: "Bygone" always intrigued him.
Age: 14.
Gender: male.
Sexuality: heterosexual
✿ Looks ✿
FaceClaim: Okay, so, I have no idea what this kid's name is, found him on Pinterest. I could only find one picture that KINDA looks like Lucas, but he is a bit older than what he might look like in this picture. Gosh darn it's hard to find face claims for kids.
Don't mind the skateboard, either.
Scars: Plenty, actually. He might be heckin young, but he runs into things all the time. Not to mention that he falls on things, lands on things, and occasionally gets hit with things. It's all over the place, but none of his scars are very bad.
Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Other Marks/Blemishes: He has a birthmark on the nape of his neck, that is all.
Preferred Clothing Style: comfortable clothes. The only time he has worn a suit was when his mother would dress him up for some formal occasion or another. Other than that, he Likes long sleeves everything. He can't badly skin a knee if it is covered!
✿ Personality ✿
Personality Overview: Lucas is a very frightened person. Almost every thing scares him, except his baby sister. He hates being rushed into anything, or out of anything. He won't talk fast, even if he is excited, because he wants his words to be correct. He refuses to walk at any decent pace, for fear of running into someone and being teleported out of there.
He is a very dedicated person, who will cling to almost anybody who gives him their full and undivided attention. That's all he really wants; is someone to give him time, love, and attention. He will go out of his way to please those who have given him attention and friendliness, even to an extent of doing things he doesn't think is very right. If it makes his friends happy, well, he guessed that it will have to make him happy too. Not a good mindset, but he doesn't know that. All he knows is that this person likes him, and is willing to sacrifice their day for him. In turn, he is willing to sacrifice all for them.
He is a worrier. Anything that can go wrong, has gone wrong in his head. This makes him very cautious and slow to doing new things, or much of anything really. What ifs practically rule his world. What if this happens, What if I land in space? Or the arctic?
He is very much concerned about what will happen to him if he keeps on being yeeted from one place to another in the blink of an eye.
He feels very much at peace, and calm, in his own room where bad things can't happen to him and things won't fall off the shelves and he won't run into anyone, because there isn't anyone there. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, and doesn't want to get hurt.
He really wants to just be a normal kid, who isn't terrified of everyday things, and who doesn't teleport randomly. He just wants to build a treefort without having to worry about where he'll go this time if a branch falls in him. He wants normal parents, who aren't heroes, and have the time of day for him.
Likes: he likes being safe. Somewhere where he can't run into people, or where animals can't pounce on him, or where nothing can accidentally fall on him. If you put Lucas in a plain, white room with nothing out a chair for him to sit on, he would be perfectly happy. Nothing to fall in him except the ceiling.
He likes planes, and thinks they are fascinating. Also, his baby sister. She's adorable, and always smiles at him. How can you not like a smiling baby?
Also, cookies and lollipops are his jam. He always has at least two lollies in his pockets at all times. He's willing to share it you as ked him for one, but he would prefer you didn't. Grape and strawberry are his favorite.
Dislikes: Lucas does not like rain. Or snow. Generally, precipitation. It's wet, cold, gross, and can sometimes activate his power. He hates that. Actually, he hates being outside. There's to many bad things that could happen to him out there.
Oof, the smell of paint. He works with paint a lot, mostly wood paint or acrylic, but he hates the smell. It's awful.
Speaking of awful, Lucas considers blueberries awful. They are just nasty to him.
Hobbies: he likes to build model air planes. He loves planes, and flying, and he wants to one day learn how to fly a jet. His room at home is littered with building supplies, glue, paint, random wooden chips. His finished products go on his bookshelves, so he has more planes there than books. He also likes to sing. It calms him down when he's scared, so he sings almost non-stop.
Strengths: Navigation. With him going every which way because of his power, he has learned to know how to get somewhere. He always carries a map, or an atlas, with him wherever he goes. He's really good at reading maps, and stars like maps.
His main strength is that he never gives up. He never wants to give up, that is. And he can't, given certain situations. His parents are full on heroes, so the "sticking it to the last" is engrained within him. He's not necessarily stubborn, but when he sets his mind to it, like getting home from somewhere on the equator, he won't stop until he's home.
Weaknesses: Well, for one, he's a wuss. He can't handle a lot of pain, or blood or anything. He cries every time he scrapes his knees. For another, he can't travel without motion sickness. In a car, in a plane, in a bus, with his mum, with his dad, on his own, and even with gum. His ears are always sending him off balance, so he's a very wobbly person. He can't stand still for very long, or he'll just fall down. Nothing is wrong with his legs, it's his ears. His balance is terrible, and he often gets to dizzy to stand.
He often just goes along with whatever, so long as he isn't in to much danger. He isn't a leader at all, and will follow basically anything that sounds good enough. He can only lead himself, and that is usually towards home.
Fears: everything. He's afraid of the outdoors, afraid of bugs, afraid of rain, afraid of dogs, cats, horses, birds —anything that could hit him, or pounce on him he is afraid of. He will do his best to avoid any and all of it.
He is morbidly afraid of running into people. He's a clumsy boy, and sometimes doesn't pay attention to where he is going. Sometimes he literally can't control where he goes, or into what he goes. He just really really doesn't want to bump into anything. He walks super slow because of it.
He is afraid of the dark, where he can't see any possible things that could fall on him. If he can't see, he'll freak out. He needs to know what he could run into, so that he can avoid it.
He's afraid of dodgeball, soccer ball, baseball, and basically any game in which one has to throw/kick things. He hates playing sports because he hates getting hit. It only takes one hit to activate his power. After that, who knows where he'll be.
He is most afraid of accidentally teleporting into outer space. Then, he knows, he will die almost instantly. He doesn't want to die. He Fears that one day he'll land inside a wall, and suffocate to death. Or under a horse and be trampled. Or in a garbage dump and be crushed.
Favorite Color: the rainbow! Well, basically the rainbow. It keeps changing all the time. One day he likes yellow, the next black, and the next he might like neon purple.
Taste in Music: lo-fi everything. It's so soothing, he just loves it. Pretty much anything uplifting and nice, he'll like.
✿ Family/Connections ✿
Parent(s): His father, Robert Lawferson and his mother, Maleah Lawferson. They are both heroes, and work as a team. Lucas's father does not have powers (although Robert's mother does), he mostly helps Maleah with technical things, like finding badguys, and helping her on the ground. She, by the way, can fly.
Relationship with Parent(s): He doesn't see them very often, and he hates it. He loves his parents, and they him, but they never seem to have the time for him.
Sibling(s): he has a cute baby sister named Julia! When I say baby, I mean baby. She's an eight month old spawn who likes to put things in her mouth.
Relationship with Sibling(s): relationship is fine, but he hasn't seen her in a while. Not since he came to this school.
Other Family Members: He has a lovely grandmother on his father's side, also named Julia. Julia actually has teleportation powers. In fact, that is where Lucas got it from.
✿ Background ✿
Hero or Villain: his parents are heros, and in fact, a team. They always loved Lucas even though they were always rushed to save their little chunk of the world. One thing they always sought to imprint upon their son was the need for good medical skills. They would often come home from a long day's work of fighting bad guys and rescuing cats from in trees with scratches and wounds and cuts 'n' stuff. So, they taught their son how to treat himself and fix himself up if need be.
Voluntary or Forced Enrollment: very forced enrollment; Lucas's parents do not have the time to look after a baby and him too. So, the just kinda... shoved him in there.
Power: teleportation. Only of himself, and only when he trips or something hits him. It is activated by forceful contact, whether that be a dodgeball, an askew rain drop, a slap, or a fall down stairs. He can't control where he goes- and that scares him the most. Even a high-five, or pat on the back will activate it. For this reason, you will never see Lucas outside without an umbrella. He is very jumpy because of this.
Drawbacks: Because of his teleportation abilities (he would call it a curse) he is perpetually nauseous. He gets dizzy often, since his balance is always off-kilter. His vertigo is also stemmed from this power, since it essentially deconstructs him and then puts him back together. He always feels like he has no control over anything; his powers, his life, his future- anything. There is never any consistency either- he has never "landed" in the same spot twice. Like lightening, it is very unlikely. He is scared that one day all the spots on the earth will be taken up, and he will be teleported out into space!
Since he is deconstructed and then put back together, like the beaming system in Star Trek, he is very vulnerable directly after he has landed. If you were to poke him, your finger would go right through him like smoke. After a good few minutes, he "hardens back up"and becomes a solidish human. But, as you might think, once one has been deconstructed one time, it is impossible to be put back together the exact same. His molecular structure will gradually weaken, until one day he is just a pile of atoms. On that day, if even a small butterfly lands upon him, he will fizzle away and be no more. Like Spiderman in Infinity War.
Every time he teleports, his atom bonds grow a little weaker.
He will literally fall apart.
Although, because of him needing to solidify after a teleport, he can't teleport twice directly. After he is one mass again, however, he is just as susceptible as before.
Backstory: Lucas grew up in a good, loving home. The person he spent the most time with was his grandmother, Julia. His parents were often out there, saving the world, and in so doing didn't have much time for him. They never forgot birthdays, but more often than not, they couldn't just be with him for the whole day. He was practically raised by Julia. Then, one day when he was five years old, he tripped and fell. Now, he was a clumsy boy since birth, but this little trip was very different. Instead of simply getting back up and going on with his day, he disappeared from the room and poofed into thin air. He ended up on a street corner a few blocks away, and luckily someone found him. They got him back to his parents, and that was that.
That was the first time his power showed itself. Certainly, not the last.
Since then, his parents paid a bit more attention to him, but only to teach him things like how to survive out in the wilds, What to do if you teleported into the middle of a hurricane, how to hail a taxi, how to read a map, and such stuff. They didn't want their kid to be helpless if he got himself into a situation. But that was it. They still had their busy hero lives to live, and Lucas couldn't help that. Luckily for him, Julia knew a thing or two about teleportation. In fact, she had the same power. So together, after many an odd trial and error, they figured out that Lucas' abilities were force-based. Good for getting one out of a sticky situation that had come to blows, but not good for one who trips over air daily. It was during this time that he got vertigo, and his balance issues worsened, and he was cursed with a side effect of being dizzy constantly.
With Robert's and Maleah's busy schedules, it was a miracle that they had anymore children. But, they did. They had baby Julia, a sparkling light in Lucas' life. She always had time for him, being but a baby, and with little Julia came Maleah staying home a bit more. Actually, it was the first time in Lucas' life that his mother was home for a while week, without going anywhere at all.
Although, since baby Julia has grown a bit and isn't solely dependant in her mother, Maleah had gotten herself well back into the hero business. And Lucas has found himself thrown into a new school for powered people —a place he would very much like not to be. He thought his grandmother could teach him all he needed about teleporting, but apparently his parents thought otherwise.
What They Want To Be: Well, he wants to be a hero, yes, but it's complicated. More than anything he wants to be normal. He wants to have time for his friends, hobbies, family and loved ones. He absolutely refuses to be rushed to do anything and give up time for those he cares about, even if that means becoming a villain. Villains don't necessarily have to do anything at all. They can work a normal job, and be minorly devious - like simply inconveniencing people. Villains can spend time with their family.
At least, that is how Lucas sees it.
✿ Miscellaneous ✿
Allergies/Intolerances: N/A
Other Dietary Restrictions: milk makes his stomach upset. He isn't really allergic to it, he just can't drink it straight or in cereal.
Health Issues: Lucas has serious vertigo. One minute he is fine, just eating his lunch or something, and the next minute the room begins to spin like crazy and it won't stop. He will throw up everything he's ingested in the past twenty-four hours. He won't be able to stand, because he has no balance at all when his whole world is spinning out of control. It freaks him out so bad every time that he ends up crying until the medical response teams arrive and take care of him.
He has medicine to take for this, of which he does every day.
Theme Song: Let Me Go Home, by Sam Cooke.
Quotes: "Please, somebody just love me. Can't we just watch a movie together?"
"I wanna be safe. I wanna be where nothing can hurt me—where I can't fall. "
"I've seen so many places, so many people, and I have found that home is the only place for me."
Other: Sometimes, when he was mid-teleport, he could briefly see everything- the thing he was teleported from, and the thing he was being hurled towards. Everything had this strange and intense purple glow to it, whizzing all around him. He was very shook after this experience.
Lucas carries his passport in his pocket. Everywhere. He has to, otherwise he might land in some other country and not have a way back home.
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