The Start of Something New
Erika's POV
"Hey can you bring me the remote?"
Mason walks over to the counter and brings the remote to Erika.
"Thank chuuu!" Erika said in a gleefully, high pitched voice.
"Oh my god enough with that voice!" Sounding annoyed.
"Well if you don't like it then maybe I'll use it more often, as punishment." Erika sneered.
"I swear if I hear that awful voice I will-"
"Oh shush I won't use it. Geez." Erika cut him off.
He made a low growl of annoyance and went off into the kitchen.
It has been awhile since Erika and Mason have moved in together. They have developed a really good friendship that they consider themselves almost best friends. But sometimes there will be situations when it seems they're more than friends. Yet they don't admit they have a deeper feelings towards each other. So basically, friends with benefits.
"Can't you do something more productive?" Mason called out from the kitchen.
"Like what?" Practically yelling from the living room.
"I don't know. Read, write, or even practice the piano on that keyboard. I bought it as a birthday gift and you hardly use it." Mason said, sounding a bit grim on the last sentence.
"Fine." Erika sighed in annoyance and got up. She walked over to her room and grabbed some nearby headphones. She plugged them in to her keyboard and sat down on the chair.
"It's been awhile since I played so I might sound a bit rusty. But thank god for headphones so you don't have to hear it!" She yelled and placed her hands on the keyboard. She hasn't played in a long time. She did take lessons after she and her friends finally arrived in Chicago. After they moved in she decided to take lessons but quit a few months later. The only song she knew by heart was "Blood Waltz" which is a song from Diabolik Lovers (points to whoever gets that).
"Okay I can do this. I can still play this song." She thought to herself.
Then she started with the first few measures of the song. But as she gradually moved along, she remembered every single note. The whole song was projecting in her mind that she closed her eyes. She let her hands move in memory and her hands acted as if they were dancing to a song from the past. Finally she reached the last bar of the song and finished.
"I still got it." She thought, smiling.
"Looks like you had fun."
She opened her eyes and saw Mason leaning against the door. Her face turned red in embarrassment that he caught her in her fantasy.
"I would love to hear what you're playing," He smiled. "And you looked so cute when you had your eyes closed and continued playing."
"Don't call me cute." She argued but in her mind she was screaming at the comment.
"C'mon I want to hear it. I want to see if you really can play with no mistakes and with your eyes closed." He smiled wide at the challenge he gave her. She grinned, but in a prideful way.
"I'll show you." Her voice filled with confidence.
She unplugged the headphones and increased the volume. He walked closer towards her and hovered over her.
"Start." He ordered.
"You don't tell me when." She snapped.
She closed her eyes. She placed her hands again and played. She felt the same feeling again. The song lit up again and her hands knew where to go. Finally she finished up the last measure. She opened her eyes and smiled pridefully.
"How was that?" Pride filled in her voice.
"Impressive but I think I can do better." Mason boasted.
"Oh really? Then show me." She commanded.
He sat on the chair and closed his eyes. He slowly placed his hands on the keyboard. He played an awful sound and slammed his hands against all the keys rapidly.
"Oh my god!" She laughed.
He opened his eyes, "See that's better." He laughed.
She playfully slapped his arm, "Hey you hungry?" She asked.
"Well yea. I just had some chips before I entered and that didn't fill me." He replied.
"Why didn't you make something?" She questioned.
"I can't cook." He muttered grimly.
"AND YOU SAY IM NOT PRODUCTIVE!" Erika shouted, laughing a little.
"Well sorry. If I try, I'll probably set the apartment on fire." Mason joked.
"Remind me to teach you how to cook or at least make microwave mac and cheese." She walked out and headed to the kitchen.
• • •
"I'm afraid, what if I do something wrong?"
"You can do it, just put it in."
Mason slowly put in...
The bowl of mac and cheese in the microwave and quickly shut the microwave door.
(Ya thought that was something else ya little nasties)
"Um now what do I do?" Mason asked, sounding frightened. Erika sighed, "You press the numbers for minutes or seconds. Since the bowl said three minutes and thirty seconds, you insert the numbers in." She explained.
Mason inserted the numbers slowly, "Now do I press start?"
"Yes." Erika replied. Mason pressed start and the microwave started.
"How the hell does this deserve a celebration? I probably looked stupid for being scared trying to put in the mac and cheese inside the microwave." He muttered.
Erika hugged him and quickly kissed his neck. Then let go of him and walked over to the couch.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Mason yelled and sprinted to the couch.
"You looked sad so I hugged you and kissed you." She replied, thinking that it wasn't that big of a deal.
"BUT YOU JUST DON'T DO THAT RANDOMLY WITHOUT ME BEING OKAY WITH IT!" Mason shouted, his face turned a bit red.
"Are you okay with it?" Erika asked.
Mason blushed, "Yea..." he said quietly.
"Then there you go." Erika returned her attention back to the TV.
"Well I'm gonna get you back for this." Mason stated, with a serious tone.
"Oh really?" She smiled slyly. "I can't wait." She chuckled.
"Just you wait." Mason walked out and headed to his room.
Written by ~ Erika ~
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