I dunno about you guys but I often fight with myself. I say, " Why are you so stupid to fight with your family." "Why do you lose your temper so many times?!" why do you get so scared or nervous? No one will hurt you. Does some stuff in my past affect me really bad or not as bad.
when i was Five a guy, who was in his twenties touched me wrong, a boy in my school when I was 6 years old bullied me by scaring, touching and annoying me. When i was 2 years old i fell in the pool and my grandpa had to save me. when i was 12/13 i fell down a hill and scraped my hand and knee. it left small scars. when i was one years old i fell on my dad's computer and have a medium size scar on my face. I fought the doctor, nurse and my parents apparently. I can't swim to save my life unless i am under the water. but being underwater for long times terrifies me. people often shouted at me and i cried. i have fallen off playground items often and hurt myself. like a seesaw. I wanted to get off but when i got midway off it dropped my sister's end and lifted me up, I fell out of the air. I fell off horses 5 times, I love horses but am terrified of falling again.
Now I get mad at guys when they get too close to me. I hate heights, am terrified of falling, hate needles, hate bees. hate swimming pools,( when i once went to try out scuba diving in a pool i swallowed air and panicked, I was too dangerous to go into the sea because I thrashed too much. I hate screaming, people touching me in a wrong manner. I am extremely sensitive about that. Don't even poke me when i least expect it or I get upset and poke you back.
other than my temper I am a nice person to be around
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