The next morning you awoke early and got ready quickly. Last night you figured If you could just get the parts you needed and make it to your bakery you could just avoid Todd and his goons altogether. You brushed your hair and checked to make sure you hadn't woken anyone. Everyone seemed to be asleep so you went to leave but nearly walked right into astro.
"(Y/n), where are you going?" He asked tilting his head suspiciously.
"Savaging." You replied in a whisper simply.
Astro rose a brow. "Have you eaten anything?"to which you froze.
"W-well no. I-i wasn't all that hungry and-" you cut yourself off when your gaze met Astro's his brow was furrowed and he looked worried.
"S-sorry?" You offered simply about to step around him. But astro seemed to sense your movement and moved in front of you.
You gave him a confused frown as you tilted your head to the side.
"Shouldn't you at least eat? It'll give you more energy ya know?" Astro asked with a nervous smile. You desperately just wanted to get going. But some part of you just melted at that look.
"Fine." You sighed walking into the kitchen you grabbed an apple. Shaking it slightly in his view with a smile you went to leave but Astro stepped in the way.
"That isn't what I meant." He said sternly but a smile was lining his lips.
"Then you should have specified." You said poking his chest lightly. "Besides I don't have time for anything else I'm late." You informed him before grabbing his shoulder and using it as leverage for you to flip over him.
Astro just gawked after you as you smirked and waved goodbye before walking outside. You were planning on going to the grave yard just to be safe but yesterday's encounter burned that idea to a crisp.
You decided to go to your regular spot and just move around randomly. You got to your spot and looked around. No one was for miles and the hills gave you plenty of cover. So you started searching. It had been about an hour or so before you hear voices.
Panicking slightly hid behind a pile of junk and then realized it was female voices. Instantly, you relaxed and started to go back to searching.
"(Y/n)?" A female voice asked shocking you thoroughly. Looking up you saw her. Janette. The girl Todd had cheated on you with. A frown grew on your lips. There was no denying that she was lovely. She seemed to think at first then a sly smile crept up her lips.
"How ya doin'?" She asked faking innocence.
"Uh great." You uttered confusion and suspicion evident in your tone. "You?"
"Oh well actually.." Janette said sadly almost as if on que. "Todd, he left me." You frowned in sympathy.
"Oh I'm sorry." You said awkwardly. You actually just wanted this conversation to end but Janette spoke again.
"And I was wondering? Did he leave me for you?" She asked her tone more malicious now.
"Uh I don't really know?" You said simply.
"Really? Cause that's what he told me." She said a smirk growing on her features. Something about this was wrong slowly you started to back away.
"Look, I'm sorry but I've really got to go you see I'm late-" you were cut off by the sudden impact your back made with something... or someone. Whipping around you came face to face with Todd.
"Crud." You muttered nervously.
"Late?" Todd asked sweetly. "Late ta what?"
"None of your buisness." You said walking backwards. This though, was a mistake because once you did your foot hit a piece of metal and you fell onto the ground. Giving Todd's goons time to grab you.
"Oh come on." You groaned thrashing around. "How many times are we gonna do this?" Todd shrugged smiling evilly.
"As many as it takes. But ya know I think I outta up the stakes a little. You don't seem ta be learning." You only growled as Todd threw Janette a small bag of what you presumed to be money. She smirked at you then left and Todd walked around you observing your movements.
"So Imma nice guy. Imma give you a chance. My offer from yesterday still stands. But-" he gave you a warning look. "You attack me one more time and ya won't have ta worry about going home with cuts anymore. Ya read me?"
You shot him a nasty glare that he only seemed to ignore as he walked over to your backpack that you had put down while you were looking.
"Again, I haven't got anything." You called. You'd left your book at home but this time that wasn't completely true. You had a few parts you'd found just now that were somewhat rare. As luck would have it Todd pulled out the parts.
"Looks you've become quite the liar (y/n)." You scoffed and pulled at your arms more. You were so focused on getting away you didn't even notice Todd walk over.
Suddenly a sharp pain seared in your stomach. Todd had pushed his hand against your gut. He was being gentle but the punch from yesterday had left a bruise over the cut. You tensed and clenched your teeth when he applied a bit more pressure.
"Ya know I remember you telling me you have a pretty good pain tolerance. Why don't you tell me when this starts to hurt?" You bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming but the pressure was slowly becoming unbearable. Soon you felt the gash reopen and you jerked trying to get away.
Even a moment of relief from the pain would have made it bearable but the constant increase it pressure only made you want to scream. Suddenly you heard a voice shout from behind Todd.
You didn't really pay attention as all you could think about was the sudden relief when the pressure left. You fell limp against the boys' grip and gasped trying to catch your breath.
"What are you her boyfriend or somethin'?" Todd said with a bit of venom. You knew that tone. That was jealousy. Meaning if he got his hands on you again you'd wish your gut was the worst he could do.
You hardly heard any of the conversation you only heard a slight pause after Todd's direct question but you had stopped listening after that.
Moments later the boys released you quite suddenly and you landed on your hands and knees still panting.
"You alright?" Came a concerned quiet voice.
"I-i think so." You mumbled quietly before looking up. Suddenly realization struck you as Astro bent down offering you a hand. A blush filled your cheeks and you couldn't figure out why you felt so safe once your hand met his.
Astro's grip was firm but gentle as he pulled you to your feet it seemed he misjudged his strength and as you slammed against his chest.
"S-sorry." He stammered releasing you and backing away. You smiled at him but that smile quickly turned into a grimace when the pain of your gut returned full force.
You clutched your gut and Astro's eyes filled with concern. He touched your shoulder gently and put his spare hand in front of you palm upward.
"Let me help you." You shook your head at first going to take a step forward but Astro cut your path short. "(Y/n) Let me help you c'mon." His tone was more commanding this time as he opened his arms. You sighed and walked into his embrace allowing him to pick you up bridal style.
Astro was warm and you subconsciously cuddled against him before your eyes slid shut. But before you fell out of consciousness you could of swore you heard a small laugh and jets before feeling like you were flying.
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