Meeting Everyone
"Ok, I get it." I stated getting to my feet. "You don't like people from metro city."
"Metro city," The tallest boy spoke thoughtfully. "Robots waiting on you hand and foot, I'd love to visit just for one day."
"Ha!" The eldest girl scoffed rudely. "They'd never let you in, they have a strict; 'no losers from the surface' policy. Besides why would you wanna go some place where people think you're garbage?" Realization hit me. That's what dad must've thought of me. He had thrown me away.
"I mean look at this." She said bending down to pick up a discarded phone. She looked right at me with a smile. "Can you believe someone just threw it away?" The tall boy behind her made a grab for it but she pulled it away swiftly. "Nuh uh finders keepers."
The boy gave her a frown but stood up right talking to me. "So uh what are you doing down here?"
"I don't know yet, looking for something I guess."
That's how I met Cora, Zane, Sludge, and Widget. They're all amazing friends and they took me in. We went to they're home and to be honest I don't think I've ever seen so many kids.
"What's the password?" Spoke a young girl's voice from behind the door. To which Cora leaned in and spoke in a sweet tone.
"Don't make me hurt you." Instantly the girl's eyes showed fear.
"Cl-close enough." I rose and eyebrow in confusion. 'Did she hurt people often? Maybe I should watch my step in that case.'
We walked inside and instantly I was surrounded by a concauphony of sound. I smiled inspire of myself and jumped back suddenly, just in time to dodge a tire swing sweeping past me.
"Four!" A boy standing on a pool table said loudly. He swung a golf club and I tilted my head just in time to narrowly dodge a golf ball. "Five." He called out again lifting the club he hit the ball faster this time and I leaned back in a panic.
But another boy much smaller that me jumped in front of me and caught the ball in a baseball glove.
"You're out." he said triumphantly before falling to the floor. With a smile of relief I walked away from the door observing a girl shooting a cross bow, aiming at a grape above a very nervous looking boy's head.
Suddenly Cora and I were stopped by a sweet looking girl holding her hands in front of her innocently.
"Hey Cora did ya bring me back something?" I smiled down at her and looked at cora.
"Only the perfect gift for a sweet little girl." She said nicely while pulling out a chainsaw.
"Thanks!" The girl said excitedly, beginning to rev the engine. My smile disappeared as I stared worriedly after her. She ran away and I heard several of the other kids scream and Cora call out, "Be careful."
To which she responded with, "Too late." I was unfortunately too caught up in that conversation. I failed to see the tire swing and it smacked me in the chest throwing me backwards onto the floor with an oof.
"Are you ok?" Cora asked over her shoulder as I stood. Of course it hadn't hurt I'm a robot.
"Yeah. Sure." I commented following her up stairs.
"You need ten sets of eyes here."
that's about when I met hamegg a nice guy and loves robots. It made me think that maybe just maybe this is where I belonged. Hamegg started dinner and we were just about to say grace when a knock came to the door.
You stood outside holding your gut with a grimace knowing the blood was probably soaked through your shirt. The slide opened and you heard Melody's voice sounding serious through the door.
"What's the password?"
"I brought fresh pizza." You offered with a smirk.
"Right on!" Melody cheered opening the door. You handed her the big pouch on your hip and followed her to the kitchen.
"Guys! (Y/n) brought real food." Melody shouted running over. Hamegg stood with a smile.
"(Y/n) You never cease to amaze. Have any of the parts I requested?" You smiled and shook your head.
"Sorry, got caught up." Hamegg's smile faded away at that. His eyes fell on your arm slung across your gut.
"What happened?" He asked worriedly rushing over to you.
"N-nothing." You insisted pulling your jacket over your gut to hide the oozing blood. "Why don't you guys eat? I'm not very hungry tonight." You felt a tremor rack your body. "I'm gonna head to bed." You spoke hurriedly rushing out of the room knowing that you'd pass out if you kept this up.
"Not without getting fixed up young lady." Hamegg ordered sternly following you to the main room. He caught you by the shoulders just as your legs gave out. You heard a chair screech and knew Cora would be livid not that it mattered. It wouldn't change anything.
Cora was beside hamegg in an instant and she got the first aid kit ready while hamegg pretty much dragged you up the stairs.
"What's going on? Is she ok?" Spoke a new voice you'd never heard before.
"She'll be ok we just gotta look at that wound. Astro I have to get my robotics off the table, I'm sorry but would you mind?" Hamegg asked nudging you in his direction.
"N-no of- of course!" The boy with jet black hair stammered lifting you bridal style without much effort.
"Thank you. Hurry." Hamegg instructed walking into the lab. He pushed the robotics aside and had astro lay you on the table. You shook badly and you laid flat. Hamegg sterilized a needle and frowned at you.
"Im so sorry (y/n)." He said regret swimming in his eyes. Fear slammed into you but you swallowed and braced. Hamegg had to stitch you up but it wasn't too large of a gash so it only took a few seconds as hamegg had much experience with the task.
You sat up with a shuddering breath and tried to calm yourself but your body tremored still. Suddenly your eyes met with chocolate brown orbs that took your breath away. Something about them made you calm instantly and your shaking stopped.
You froze and Cora seemed to notice the discomfort between you. "(Y/n) this is astro. He's from metro city." She introduced with a smile.
"Metro city huh?" You mummbled. "Cool. Nice to meet you. Astro, right?" You said holding out a hand. Astro gave you a smile and nodded shaking your hand firmly. "Thanks for um the help." You uttered sliding off the table slightly dizzily. Astro put his arms out incase you fell again but pulled them back to his sides when he saw you steady yourself, before shrugging.
"It was nothing." He said simply.
You turned to Cora. "Did they ask for a lullaby tonight?"
Cora smiled brightly. "Yeah, they always do." Then her smile faded. "You sure you'll be up to it?" You nodded shrugging her off.
"I'll be fine just let me clean up and get my guitar." And with that you left the room.
But not before hearing astro ask, "What lullaby?"
To which Cora replied with a simple, "You'll see."
You walked into your room and changed clothes and washed off the blood and cleaned yourself up. Then put on a new set of clothes and grabbed your guitar walking downstairs.
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