"Hello Everybody! H2ODelirious here! With the fabulous Yt/n and we are starting a new series. Yt/n and Delirious Verses. We are going to do challenges in game and by the end of the episode who ever complete their challenge first gets to tell the loser what to tweet on Twitter every time. So... If you see random stuff on my Twitter. Blame Y/n." "Fuck you Delirious-" "Hmm... Tempting." He said all smug like. "Shut up. The whole Twitter thing was your idea. The verses was mine." He laughed. "Alright! Let's do this. First challenge. We race!" I laughed as I hopped into my fastest car with the fastest ecellarator. And we met at the starting line. And we both zoomed from the stating point.
I won. "Y/N! NO FAIR! YOU CHEATED!" He yelled. I laughed. "No. You just suck." We did best two out of three and I won again. "Alright. So.... hmmm.... Pickled banana farts are cool." I said trying not to laugh when I said it. "What?" He said really confused and disturbed. I then heard him shrug and start typing. "Tag me when your done." I said. And he did. I got the notification for it. I smiled and said "Nice." I stopped recording. "What you wanna do now?" There was a pause "Wanna get some ice cream? Cuz I want ice cream and I can't find Luke anywhere." I laughed and said "More like you dont want to find him." He chucked "Yeah. But still.... ice cream." "Yeah. Sure. Ice cream." He then screamed "ICE CREAM!!!!" super loud. He ended the call.
We met up at a dairy bar. "This is cute." I said to myself. "Yeah... not as cute as you though." I looked at him "What?" I said. "Uh..... nothing..... let's get some ice cream." He said turning to the ice cream menu.
I couldn't stop laughing at Del. His ice cream was melting all over. It was running down his arms and legs. "ITS NOT FUNNY!" He yelled. I nodded "Sure it is." We walked to his house and he went inside and changed. He came out. "Better?" He asked. I nodded. "Perfect." He smiled. "Did you really mean it when you said I was cute?" He blushed "Well..... Yeah.... your awesome." I laughed. "Alright. LETS WATCH SCARY MOVIES!" He yelled. He grabbed my hand and brought me inside. "Um... I dont.... like...scary movies." "Waht? You too chicken?" "No. I just find them cheesy and lame." He rolled his eyes and popped a movie in.
(Delirious P.O.V)
Y/n had her face in my shoulder the whole time. It was fucking cute as hell. She is such a funny kind and goofy girl. "Jon? Is it over yet?" I looked at the screen. "Yeah." I lied. He looked up and squeaked and hid her face again. "Your an ass!" She yelled. I laughed. "yea. I know." I moved my arm so it was around her. My heart was racing. "Y/n...." "what? Are you gonna tell a stupid joke?" I laughed "No. I was gonna ask if.... maybe.. you... would..... go.... possibly.... on a... date with me..... maybe?" She sat up and looked at me. "I.... would love to Jon." She said cuddling closer to me as the movie played. Then my phone rang. I pulled my phone out. "Hello?" "Hey Jon. Wanna play a game?" I looked at Y/n "uh... no... not right now. I'm watchin' a movie." He laughed "alright you nerd. Use protection lover boy." I felt my face heat up. "LUKE! FUCK YOU!" He laughed. "You know I'm jus' teasin' have fun. Bye." He then hung up. My face still red. I could hear her trying not to laugh at me. "Your a bitch." I said. She laughed "I know." She stood up. "I should probably head home. How about you pick me up after classes tomorrow amd take me where ever. As long as its fun." I smiled "ok. When do you get out?" "Around noon. I'll be waiting." I nodded and she left.
I am screaming on the inside. HE ASKED ME OUT! I ran into my apartment and called Dean. "DEAN! YOU WERE RIGHT! HE ASKED ME OUT! AHHHH!" Then all i hear is "Chill the fuck out! I'm happy for you! So when you two going out?" I couldn't stop smiling. Just the thought of being able to be with such an amazing person made my heart race. "Tomorrow after my classes." "Well. Dont get too freaky you two. " I blushed. "I hate you." "No you don't. You love me." I Scoffed "Yeah. Sadly." We both Laughed. "Alright Dean the Doof. I got to go and be a stereotypical white girl and stare at my closet to fond an outfit for tomorrow." He laughed and he hung up. I sighed. Who to call for advice on outfits. None of my friends were ever fashion girls. OH! I dialed the number. "Hello?" "Hey sissy. I'm going on a date I need advice on what to wear. I have no idea what we are going to be doing either." "Ahh! My big sister finally got a boy to go on a date with! Alright. So. Yku want to look classy but not too classy, casual but not too casual. Wear a nice shirt and some cute jeans. Alright? I got to go now sis. Have fun. Bye!" I said bye and hung up. I pulled out the outfit and plopped onto my bed. My heart is racing so bad. I'm so nervous. I cant wait for tomorrow.
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