Delirious Broke My Ankle
I smile. "Jon. Let's go do something. Like run around outside." "Ohh! I got this awesome spot!" Jon grabs my hand and drags me from our spots and runs us through his back yard into a forest. "Jon! Slow down!" He doesn't seems to hear me and I try not to trip and fall. I then slip on a patch of wet leaves and I fall my hand slips from Jon's grasp and I land funny on my ankle and cry out in pain. Jon turns and runs back over and helps me up. "I'M SO SORRY!!" He made this cute sad face as he worried about me it made me forget about the pain just for a moment. Just a moment because I then put my weight on my ankle and collapse. I then shout out a line of curse words and whine "Y/N!!" He pulls me up. He kneels down a bit. "Get on my back." I climb on and he stands up and walks us back to his house. He sets me on the couch and rolls my pant leg up to look at my ankle. "So how had does it hurt?" "A-A lot..." He turns my ankle and I bite my lip as I try to stay silent. "We should take you to the hospital." I nod and he picks me up and carries me to his car and then drives us to the hospital.
Turns out my ankle broke. Jon feels awful. I told him not to worry about it. I was given crutches and let go with some pain medicine. Also Jon made sure Luke followed me around for classes helping me with my books. I got so many looks and I felt embarrassed. "You okay?" Luke asks as he noticed me looking down. "Peachy" I say in a very sarcastic tone. "Hey. I know this sucks but don't take it out on me Kay? Jonny didn't mean for this to happen. He just wants you to be safe Y/N. You know? Your his first girl in a long ass time. He's scared of pushin you away or you getting hurt. Cuz he already lost a girl like that. The one I think his heart is still hooked on a bit. " "So he's still in love with an ex?" i say in a slightly jealous tone. "Y/N.... He does... yeah. But that ain't gonna change that he's with you and it ain't gonna change the way he feels about you. Cuz that girl.... She's gone. Six feet under gone." Shit. I'm a jealous shit. I should have kept my mouth shut. "Oh...." "It's fine. You didn't know. I'm glad he's trying to move on though." I nod. "You good now?" I nod and sigh. "He's crazy bout you." "he's crazy in general." I laugh and Luke smiles. "Jonny is like a brother to me. So. seeing him so happy like this with you is a pretty damn good sight. he used to lock himself in his house for weeks on end not leaving his room ya know. YouTube may have been his source of income but it became an obsession especially after Cara." I nod and start to think about all I've learned. Poor Jonathan. He must have hurt for a long time. I'm going to make sure that he won't hurt anymore.
When classes end Luke brings me home and I hop over to my couch and lay down. I yawn and pull out my phone. I see jon tweeted about me. "@YourTwitterHandle Sorry Bout Your Leg"
There was a picture attached of a kitten with a cast on it's leg and it said get well soon. I can't help but laugh. I smile and head home to do homework and maybe record a video.
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