I picked out my favorite shirt and pants and put that on. I look at myself in the mirror contemplating the makeup route. My phone buzzed. Breaking me from my thoughts. I turn off the alarm. I grab my phone my bag and I ran to class.
I noticed throughout the day people were staring at me. Not many but a good chunk of people. Mostly girls who had a jealous look on their face. I shrugged it off and ignored it. I pulled out my phone to see if Jon texted me at all and I noticed I had been tagged by Jon in a tweet. I open it and see
"It looks like Delly got himself a date with the amazing @*RandomTwitterHandleHere*" and there is a picture of me added to the tweet. I blush. No wonder those girls were staring.... Jon then text me.
Jon: Luke is a mother fucking Bitch...
Y/n: Y?
Jon: He stole my phone and.. tweeted out a picture of you saying I had a date with you.
Y/n: Well you do have a date with me. Just delete the tweet and punch luke for me. Now I got to go. I'm headed into my last class for today.
Jon: Kk. I'll pick you up when your done.
I lock my phone and shove it in my pocket
I manage to get thought the last class and I head out front. I see Luke waiting in his car I walk over. "Hey Dickwad." I say with a laugh he smile "Hop on in kiddo. I'll drop you off at Jon's. His car broke so he asked lil ol' me to pick up the wonderful beautiful miss y/n." I laugh and get in "Alright lets get going then Mr taxi driver." He laughs and drops me off.
I get out and knock on Jon's door. I felt super nervous all of a sudden. He opens the door and he had a big goofy grin on his face and he pulls me in "Woah!" I say almost stumbling. "Y/n we are going to have a bunch of fun! Come on!" He pulls me into the living room where he has a bunch of games and snacks set up as of he was going to have a party. "Is this for just us?" He nod and I laugh. He looks at me. "Did I go overboard?" I shake my head "No. It's perfect." I jump onto the couch "Lets play Mario Kart!" He looks at me with a "challenge accepted" look and he sits next to me.
For the next two hours we played videogames watched a movie and we then ended up outside laying in his back yard. "You know Jon. I thought this would be like a romantic dinner or something... But this was way better. We got to be ourselves instead of stuck in stuffy outfits in a hoity-toity restaurant." Jon smiles "I'm glad you liked it. I had way more fun that i thought I would. And. I'm really happy I got to spend this time with you." I look at him and he leans in my heart races as our lips connect. I cant help but to kiss back. I feel his hand on the back of my neck. "I really really like you Y/n and I would be the happiest guy alive if you would... Be my girl...lirous." I cant help but smile and laugh. "Of course I'll be your girl-lirious." He laugh and i can't stop smiling. His arms wrap around me and he pulls me close. "My teddy bear. My girl-lirious... My girlfriend." He says tucking my hair behind my ear. "My clown. My Boy-lirious. My Delirious."
Hi yes. I haven't posted anything really in a while and im sorry. I've been in a funk since I've been out of school. Most of my ideas are thanks to my friends and now thst I hardly see them its hard to talk about things and work on ideas and such. But anywho. Here is another chapter.
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