chapter 4
The Military Police had you surrounded. 'Oh do I hate Eren' you thought. That kid got us in this situation. The Military Police kept questioning you guys. "ARE YOU ALL TITANS!?" "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" "WHY SHOULD WE TRUST YOU!?" You've had enough. You used you 3DMG and got a grip to the wall, but as soon as you were on the wall, a Military Officer pushed you back, and b/f caught you. Ugh. You've had enough. You walked straight up to Eren, and slapped him. He still didn't wake up. Mikasa glared at you. This kid is a heavy sleeper. "FOR F*CKS SAKE WAKE UP!" You put you hands behind your head, and remembered a situation like this, but you were the bigger person.
~flashback and your pov~
Mommy, can I step on the baby bird? It looks dead, and I should end it's suffering. I don't like birds.
Why think of that now!? I remember I got a good beating for, that. "HEY, THE KIDS AWAKE!" I heard someone shout. And I knew it. Eren starts yelling stuff, and seems confused. "Don't act dumb, you damn idiot, your gonna get us all killed!" Eren just rolled his eyes at you. THE NERVE!!!! HOW DARE THAT KID!
After Erens rant I heard someone shout "EREN JEAGER, ARE YOU A HUMAN, OR A TITAN!?" Wasn't it obvious? "I'M HUMAN!" Eren answered. The dude was a commander, but instead of asking anymore questions, he raised his hand for the cannons to be shot at us, just as they were about to fire, Eren pulled us all close. What is this kids deal!?
Then as soon as they fired, Eren turned into a titan, and saved us all.
It was REALLY hot, and the titan was steaming too much to see. "HELLO!?" I yelled. No one answered. After all the smoke cleared, Eren ran over to us.
"Ok, there's only one of two options! Either we hope they believe us, or we get Armin to try convince to convince them that I can try help humanity." Eren told us all and looked over at Armin, who could'nt move. "Oi, idiot!" I yelled at Armin, and he finally snapped out of it. "But if it doesn't work?" Armin stuttered. "Then we die, so get out there" I told Armin. He finally gave a shy nod, took his 3DMG off , and marched out of the smoke.
I could'nt hear a word they were saying, and I could'nt really see due to the dead titan still evaporating. All of a sudden though, I did hear someone say "Why don't we hear out what these kids have to say, and look at his salute! True dedication!" It was commander Pixis.
~Time skip brought to you by my lazines~
We were on top of the wall, I wasn't paying attention, like always, but I heard them making a plan. Soon enough, we were behind commander Pixis, and I listened to the plan.
"THIS CADET HERE CLAIMS HE CAN TURN INTO A TITAN, AND PROMISED HE CAN AND WILL HELP HUMANITY. SO HERESTHE PLAN!" Commander Pixis yelled. How can anyone here him? We're like, 10,000 miles into the air. Ok, I know, that's too dramatic, but still. Commander Pixis continued.
Lots of people were turning around. "FEEL FREE TO TURN BACK TO YOUR FAMILY, BUT REMEMBER, IF THEY DIE, IT'S BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T FIGHT!" I saw a lot of people turn back around.
So...I guess that's the plan...and I'm on the front lines! Why did I of all people have to be in the same squad as Eren. Ohhhh did I EVER hate that kid!
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