Chapter 10:Unexpected(Part 1)
Perrie POV
Scratch.Squeak. Then a groan. What? My eyes flickered open to my bedroom. It took a second to familiarise myself. Then I remembered. New house. Oh yeah. Then I notice the person in my room. At the window. I can't tell. Where are my glasses? The person is trying to open the window from the inside. What? I finally reach my glasses and the person seems to notice me. I slip on my glasses just as they say "Oh, um hey Perrie." I see the smiling person and roll my eyes. Who else would be locked in my room at 3am. Why lock him in my room Caspar?
"Hey Joe." I reply.
"So, you stuck all his furniture to the wall?" I ask as Joe tells me the story. The prank war. I forgot about that. "Last night, Caspar got your doorkey somehow. And window key. Locked in like a cell." He told me. I bit my lip. "But the only person who had my keys is-"
"Ginny" We both say. I groan. Of course, she'd never miss a prank. I stand up and walk to my wardrobe. Thank god I got one of the en-suite rooms. I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom to change and sort out my face. Just ripped jeans, a top, Adidas firetrap jacket because I might end up having to go outside because of this prank. And god, England is cold. (Idc if your in Norway at -3456744°C) Hair in a ponytail, contacts in, quick consealer, mascara, lips aaaaaand done. I run out the bathroom(yes I actually exercise) and go over to the window with Joe.
"So doors locked?"
"Any other way out?"
"Nope" Joe sighs and sits down. "I've tried" he finishes. I look at my windows and think for a moment. I look down. 2 floors up. There's a ledge and ,ah yes a couple of bins. (Trashcan for you Americans) Just a jump. I'm tallish. So is Joe. Now all we need is to get back in. Tyler and Troye are on the groundfloor? Nah Tyler will be loving it probably. 2nd floor, me, Joe, Chris. Not me and Joe, Chris? Not that sarcastic idiot. That leaves, Casper? Never. Ginny? Not in a million years. PJ? Nope. So our last hope, Troye. Don't really know him. Even better. Who is even awake at this time? Hmm. I pull out my phone and find him in my contacts. I send him these texts:
Me: Hey Dan, sorry it's early but I really need an urgent favour?
*5 minutes later*
Dan: Sure, whatever you need
Me: Can you copy this ↓ and send it to Troye for me?
Dan: Sure
Me: Hi Troye, sorry it's so early, I left some props in the games room after my collab with PJ last week, I urgently need them,where's the spare key?
Dan: Okay done, do you want to know the answer?
Me: Yes please sorry
Dan: Okay so the spare key is hidden under the big potted plant in the front garden Troye says. He also says don't be loud, everyone is asleep
Me: Okay Dan thanks a million!
Dan: No problem
I put my phone in my jacket pocket. "Right, what's going on?" Joe asks. I smile and tell him the plan. Quickly he runs into the bathroom and comes back with my hair stuff. I root through until I find enough hair pins (bobby pins, hair clips). We frantically start jamming them under the windows and then start to prise the window open. Finally the lock clicks and it opens freely. It's still dark considering the time. I pull on a solid pair of walking boots and swing myself onto the outside ledge. Slowly I lower myself to I'm hanging about a foot above the bin. I grab against the wall and climb a bit, down half a foot then I let myself drop onto the bin. I quickly scramble off and wait for Joe. He follows what I did and drops onto the bin then onto the pavement. "Right all we need now is this potted plant" he whispers. I nod and we go to the front of the house. Near the gate is a massive potted plant. Too big to lift. Hmm. "It's wayyyy to big" Joe voices my thoughts. He crouches down at the back of the plant, he pulls away some other little plants and-
"Aha! Secret key holder!" He winks. I laugh quietly and we walk to the door, unlock it. Quietly we go upstairs to Caspar's room. We barge in. In a flurry of me and Joe yelling in victory and Caspar screaming from shock, Chris runs in.
"Wow Joseph and Perrindale made it back in, smart" he smirks.
"Perrindale? Really Christopher?" I reply.
Joe leaves to 'think up am evil revenge prank' I ask to help because really, I want to get them all back. I bet I smell like wall paint and bins now. Caspar seems to be have videoing us somehow and caught our escape on camera, he couldn't be bothered waking up so early. He's 'editing the prank king' today. Yippee. But me? I'm gonna get almost everyone back. Caspar, Ginny, Chris, PJ, Tyler. Dan will want to help. I dunno where Troy stands. He helped us but not intentionally. Hmm. I have some pranking to do.
Ta da! That was Part 1 of the unexpected prank day! That's it really.....oh and IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE EVE. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL YOU SCROOGES AND SANTA'S AND HOUSEPLANTS!
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