(I've been having some really weird dreams for a while now. I don't understand them, it's like they are old memories or something. Something about Haven? It sounds weird. It just sounds like someone forgot the e in Heaven. Also something about Eve? That's a persons name so I don't see why that matters. My dreams are always weird in some way.)
*Y/N Pov*
???: "Y/N come on it's time to wake up."
Y/N: "Hmmm."
???: "Please wake up Y/N. It's Cody's Birthday today."
I look up and see my sister.
Her name is Skylar. I call her Sky for short. She is one year older than me. I remember when we were in school every guy wanted to date her. She is very kind to others even if they are rude.
Y/N: "Oh sorry I forgot..."
Skylar: "Breakfast is ready. Just come downstairs when you are ready to eat okay?"
Y/N: "Alright. Thanks Sky."
I get out of bed and head down stairs. I see my mom waiting for me.
Mom: "Good Morning Y/N."
Y/N: "Morning."
Cody: "Hey Bro!"
This is my little brother Cody.
He's energetic and tries his best to make people happy. Even after the incident he still smiles a lot. He's turning 16 today.
Y/N: "Hey Cody. Happy Birthday."
Cody: "Thanks!"
Mom: "So Y/N you have any plans today?"
Y/N: "No, when do I have plans?"
Mom: "You don't talk to your friends?"
Y/N: "I do."
Mom: "Why don't you hang out with them?"
Y/N: "Is this your way of telling me to go outside?"
Skylar: "I don't think mom means it like that. I think she means it would be nice if you had your friends around to help you out. You haven't been out in awhile since the incident."
*Flashback 3 Weeks Ago*
Dad and I went to a store so we could pick some groceries up. I went and looked at some sweatshirts since I wear them a lot. I grab one and walk back to dad to see him at gunpoint.
Robber: "Nobody fucking move! I will shoot this motherfucker in the head!"
Shit what the fuck do I do?! I run and tackle the guy to the ground and go to punch him but he punches me and I stagger back. He points the gun at me.
Robber: "Say goodnight kid!"
I feel myself get pushed out of the way and I see that it was my dad. *BANG* I looked in horror as I saw my dad fall to the ground with a bullet in his head.
Y/N: "Dad...?"
Cops run and cuff the robber before he could do anything else. I was sitting there crying.
*Present Time*
Y/N: "Please don't remind me..."
Mom: "Y/N we all miss him not just you. You need to move forward from this or try to please."
Y/N: "Yeah, yeah."
Cody: "Oh crap I gotta head to school! See you guys later!"
Mom: "Bye Cody! Have a nice day at school!"
Skylar: "Bye Cody!"
Y/N: "See ya."
I say that and head up stairs into my room locking the door. I sit at my desk and stare at a picture of dad.
Y/N: "I miss you dad... Why did it have to be you...?"
*Knock, Knock*
Skylar: "Y/N can I come in?"
I look at the door and look back at the picture. I put the picture back and unlock my door. I go back to my chair and Sky walks in.
Skylar: "Y/N come on, we can go hang out if you want."
Y/N: "That's up to you."
Skylar: "Huh?"
Y/N: "If you want to hang out than I'm fine with it."
Skylar: "You sure? You don't have to if you don't want to."
Y/N: "No it's fine. I want to hang out."
Skylar: "What do you wanna do then?"
Y/N: "I don't mind going for a walk. You fine with that?"
Skylar: "Of course I am. Let's go."
Y/N: "Uhh I just woke up so I'm gonna take a shower first then we can go okay?"
I take a shower and get dressed. We walk around for a while and end up at a park. I see a tree with a nice amount of shade. I go over and lay under it.
Y/N: "This feels nice."
I see Sky sit next to me.
Skylar: "It is nice outside today."
???: "Why are you even here?!"
Y/N: "What the fuck?"
???: "Why are you even here?! Listen it's the fucking only way you can get to Haven! You gotta rank up!"
*End Of Flashback*
I grab my head with one hand and grunt in pain.
Skylar: "Y/N you okay?"
Y/N: "Y-Yeah just remembering something I think."
What the fuck was that? Haven? Why did I remember it again? Did something happen in my past that I don't remember?
Y/N: "Wait I thought it was already called that? Can we call *Static* Captain Shit Head?"
???: "I'm going to kill you!"
Y/N: "I'll be quiet."
*End Of Flashback*
I groan in pain.
Skylar: "Y/N are you sure you are okay?"
Y/N: "Y-Yeah I am fine."
My head is pounding! What the hell is going on?!
Skylar: "Let's just head home okay?"
Y/N: "Okay..."
We make it back to the house.
Skylar: "Hey mom I think there is something wrong with Y/N."
Mom: "Really? Y/N come here."
I go to walk up stairs and mom grabs my arm.
Mom: "Y/N what is wrong?"
I shake her arm off.
Y/N: "Nothing."
I walk into my room and lock it.
Mom: "Y/N! Come out of that room! Please!"
I need to be alone. I open my window and look out it. It's not much of a drop to be honest. So I dropped out of my window and walked away.
It was nighttime now and I was heading back home. I was walking through the park until I saw Sky.
Skylar: "There you are! I've been looking for you all day!"
Y/N: "Sorry..."
Skylar: "Everyone wants you back home and I will drag you back if I need to."
Y/N: "I would rather not imagine that or have it happen so please don't do that."
Skylar: "So you are coming back?"
Y/N: "Yeah I was just making my way back."
Skylar: "Why did you leave?"
Y/N: "I needed some alone time."
Skylar: "Oh..."
Y/N: "N-Nothing against you guys! Just needed to think, that's all!"
Skylar: *Smiles* It's fine Y/N as long as we can celebrate Cody's Birthday as a family."
Y/N: "Yeah let's go do th- SHIT!"
Skylar: "What?!"
Y/N: "I didn't get Cody a gift..."
Skylar: "Don't worry I handled that for you."
Y/N: "You are a life savior!"
I say that and hug her. Skylar starts to laugh a bit.
Skylar: "Let's head back."
Y/N, Skylar, And Mom: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CODY!"
Cody: "Thanks you guys!"
Mom whispers into my ear.
Mom: "Go get the gift that you are giving him. It's in your room."
Y/N: "Alright."
I head upstairs and see a box. What the hell is in this thing? I bring it down stairs and put it on the table.
Y/N: "Here you go Cody! Happy Birthday!"
Cody: "Thanks bro!"
He opens it and there is a Switch in it.
Cody: "Oh this is going to be lit! Thanks you guys! This birthday was amazing!"
Y/N: "Glad it was good."
I talked for a bit longer and I went up to my room. I closed the door and looked at my desk. There was a black box on it. What the hell? Did mom buy me something? I know I didn't order anything. I open it and see a VR helmet inside? Where are the cords to it? This is weird... I'll just put it back in the box and go to sleep.
A/N: First page done! Memories are coming back or are they? We don't know for sure. Over 1200 words!
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