A Reality Escape
(I always wondered, what are others escapes? From their reality. I always found my escape to be from playing games or listening to music. It blocked everything out. But now I know that games can make things worse.)
*Y/N's POV*
Chad: "Getting rid of the people that would get in the way."
I want to fucking rip his head off! I need to calm down, I can fix this. If I try fighting him without thinking then that could lead to my death.
Y/N: "And you're in the way of my wish."
Chad: "I was just about to say that about you."
I grab my pistol.
Y/N: "So now what? Do we fight here? Or are we going to be brought somewhere?"
???: "Didn't think the duel would be happening so soon."
I look up and see someone floating? He had white hair and blue eyes.
???: "It's nice to see you here, chosen one."
Y/N: "So, you are Lisa's father then. The god that wants me dead."
Lihenar: "Looks like you do know me. My name is Lihenar, God Of Judgement. Well I would like to be called that but I was never given a title as a god."
Chad: "Can I kill this mother fucker yet? Or are you going to keep me from doing it again?"
Y/N: "Again?"
Lihenar: "I got you out of that prison so you could have this moment. I told you it would be best if you killed him at the duel. I'm surprised you held back everything and didn't kill Y/N."
Chad: "I want the wish you promised me if I waited. Took a lot for me to hold back."
Lihenar: "You will get the wish, if you can kill him."
Y/N: "You two are working together?"
Lihenar: "Not really, if he fails to kill you then I will do it myself. If he does then he will get the wish. It was just a deal I made with him. I don't care if he dies."
Y/N: "Not surprising, gods only care for themselves."
Lihenar: "I have heard that before, I made this game for you humans. You most likely don't even know what A.R.E. means."
Y/N: "You're right, I don't know."
Lihenar: "A.R.E. stands for A Reality Escape. An escape for you mortals. But you don't seem to fond of it."
Chad: "Can we just fight already?!"
Lihenar: "Fine, let's go to the arena."
Y/N: "Arena?"
Everything started turning white and I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw that we were in an arena. This shit looks like gladiators should be here.
Lihenar: "This is where you will duel."
Y/N: "Where are the spears and shields?"
I put my hands into my pocket and press the button.
Lihenar: "This is how this will go, you two will have knives on you. There is a pistol in the center of the arena. Whoever wins will get their wish."
Y/N: "That simple huh?"
Chad: "What were you expecting?"
Lihenar: "Thinking about something that happened in E.V.E. This isn't E.V.E. Y/N."
Y/N: "This game is close enough to it."
Lihenar: "I'm gonna count down from five, then the duel starts when I say go.
I start running towards the gun and I see Chad doing the same. He was a bit slower than me. I made it to the gun before he did and I grabbed it but when I went to look at him, he kicked me in the face and I fell backwards. I dropped the gun and I was dizzy after that kick. I looked up and saw Chad try to stab me but I grabbed his arms and the knife stopped close to my face. I kick him in the stomach and he stumbles backwards, bringing the knife with him. I quickly get up and pull my knife out and stab him in the stomach. He grunts in pain and stabs me in the leg.
Y/N: "FUCK!"
I pull the knife out of him and back up. I pull his knife out of my leg and throw the knife to the side. He runs up to me and punches me in the face twice and I drop my knife. I fall to the ground. He gets on top of me and starts punching me repeatedly. I move my head out of the way of one of the punches and I slam my head into his head. Knocking him off of me and he fell onto his back. Blood was coming from my mouth, my leg was in so much pain. I get up and saw him starting to get up. He was on his legs and hands. I kicked him in the stomach and he fell back down and rolled over. I grab my knife and stand in front of him.
Y/N: "Any last words?"
Chad: "Fuck you!"
He kicks me in the shin and I fell to the ground. Dropping the gun once again. We both quickly get up and run at each other and punch each other in the face. He grabs my head and headbutts me and I fall onto my back, dazed. I look at him and see him holding the pistol. Pointing it at my head.
Chad: "Goodbye, for good."
*3rd Person POV*
Chad shoots Y/N in the head. He starts to laugh.
Chad: "It's about fucking time! It's finally over!"
Smoke started to surround Y/N's body and no one could see him anymore because of the smoke.
Chad: "What the fuck?! Are you doing this?!"
Lihenar: "I haven't done a thing."
Chad looked at the smoke, angered and confused. Chad felt something sharp impale him in the back.
Chad: "FUCK!!"
Y/N: "How about we end this the right way?"
Y/N stabbed Chad in the back with a knife. Chad dropped the gun, Y/N pulled the knife out and Chad fell to the ground. Y/N grabbed the gun and pointed it at Chads head.
Y/N: "This... This is goodbye."
Chad: "How are you alive...?"
Y/N pulls the trigger and the bullet goes through Chads head. Leaving him dead.
*Y/N's Pov*
I looked at Chad's lifeless body. It was finally over. I looked up at Lihenar.
Y/N: "Now then, how about my fucking wish?"
Lihenar: "How about we meet in person? Then, you will get your wish."
Y/N: "You mother fu-- Fine, where?"
Lihenar: "Don't worry about that, when you log out you will be somewhere else."
Y/N: "Uhhh okay?"
Lihenar: "I'll be waiting for you, Y/N."
A/N: The end is close! A.R.E is officially done with! Over 1000 words!
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