I smiled at dabi drinking my coocoo, as we drove to the mall. "Why are we here?" I asked softly, looking around.
"We gotta get stuff for toga and you." He said, turning off the car, "Lets goo!"
I got out slowly, fixing my shirt, "Dabi? Can bring my coocoo?" I asked, looking at him. He nodded shutting his door after he got out.
I grabbed the cup and shut my door. I walked beside him, grabbing onto his hand. "You big baby." He said, laughing as he held my hand.
I smiled, swinging out hands. He laughed more, i laughed a little.
I looked around, looking at people stare, and walk fast past us. I shrugged, and looked at some stores, window shopping a little.
I felt Dabi pull me into a store, i huffed a bit. He laughed, and walked around the door, looking at the clothing.
I touched a couple of things making sure some of my fingers didnt touch it. I let go of his hand, wondering off more deeper in the store.
I grabbed a couple of things, not looking at the prices. I wondered around a little bit more until i bumped into Dabi.
I smiled at him, handing him the things i wanted, he walked up to the register. The cashier scanned the ideas.
He looked at the price then back at me. I smiled, knowing what ive done. He looked back at the cashier, "Discount bud."
"Bur you don't have a coupon." The cashier said, looking at Dabi. "Discount." Dabi said again, slamming his hand down onto the counter his hand lighting on fire.
The cashier nodded, and quickly typed in a code. The price went down half, and Dabi paid.
I slipped on my gloves, grabbing his hand fulling. I smiled up at him, "You're so cute." He said, smiling back at me.
My gloves help with ny quirk, so i don't ruin stuff.
"You hungry?"
Yall i am WEAK
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