WC: 429
I yawned, pulling into the drive way. "Ba-" i looked over at the sleeping boy, smiling. I got out and opened his door side. I picked him up slowly trying not to wake him.
He mumbled, burying his face in my neck. I kissed his forehead, knocking on the door hoping toga is home.
The door slowly opened. I looked down at the smaller blonde girl. "Thank you toga." She nodded and went back to her room.
I walked to the room me and shig share. I laid him down, undressing him. I stretched, undressing soon after. I placed the box (wink wink) in the dresser.
I crawled into bed with him, holding his waist. "Goodnight baby boy." I said softly, kissing his neck.
-time skip brought to you by gayness-
I woke up to soft kisses on my chest, i looked down sleepily at the smaller boy. I grunted softly, "baby what are you doing?"
He jumped a little, obviously not noticing i was awake. He giggled and kept kissing and leaving marks. I grabbed onto his waist.
"Good morning my love." I said softly. Kissing his cheek.
(Back to this morning)
I yawned softly waking up. I looked over at dabi and smiled. "He seems so peaceful." I said giggling.
I crawled onto his lap, staring at his body. "Time to ruin his sleep." I said, kissing his chest. I slowly kissed down his chest, leaving some marks.
I giggled softly, and kept kissing. "Baby what are you doing?" A raspy voice said, scaring me a little.
I giggled, leaving more marks. I felt his hands on my waist. "Good morning love."
I smiled as he kissed my cheek, "Good morning! What are we doing today?" I asked, looking at him.
He kissed my nose, "i wanna take you out to whatever you wanna do. Then dinner." He said getting up. I nodded.
"Anything? Like we can go to the fair?" I asked my eyes lighting up. Dabi doesn't like the fair he says its 'to loud'.
He sighed and nodded, "yea i guess, but you aren't dragging me onto any stupid rides." He said, getting out close out (Same outfit in the picture above).
"No promises!" I said getting dressed, in the clothes he handed me. I ran downstairs and looked at toga, "wanna go wi-"
"Nope. Shes not going." Dabi said, grabbing my hand and walking out of the door. "But she never goes with us!"
"I said no, so no." I huffed and got into the car.
"Are you ready?"
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