Episode 6- Surprise?
I really REALLY hope that you'll like this chapter because I simply love it! Share me your thoughts okay?
Episode 6- Surprise?
“So Ni hun, are you still a virgin?” Maura Tomlinson, Niall's and Louis' mother of all purposes, asked casually as they sat together at a small fancy cafe, eating lunch. Niall should have seen that question coming, but he didn't, causing him to choke on his food. He immediately chugged down his orange juice in attempt to stop the burning sensation in his chest. He could hear his brother bark out a laughter before yelping in pain which means that Maura had shut him up with a smack behind the head.
“I'll take that as a yes,” Maura said with a sly smile.
“Mom!” Niall groaned, wiping his lips with the napkin. “I- why would you ask that?”
“You're already 23 Niall, I'm worried,” She replied with a sigh. Truthfully, she wasn't that worried, it's just that since both of her baby boys entered university, she hardly sees them! And teasing her gay sons is quite fun. Plus, Niall finally landed on a firm job, she had o see them with her own eyes, they're growing up too fast for her liking.
“Worried?” Niall asked skeptically.
“Worried that you'll end up all alone, obese, with twelve cats and a stack of porn DVDs and cheap beers,” Louis answered nonchalantly, receiving another smack behind the head from Maura.
“Be nice Boo,” Maura tutted his eldest son. “And I told you to find a boy for him didn't I?”
“I did!” Louis retorted like a small chile being accused of stealing cookie from the cookie jar. “But-But it didn't go the way I planned,”
“I know I should have taken matters into my own hand,” Maura sighed dramatically. It never fails to amaze Niall on how similar Maura and Louis acts. It's like Maura is an older female version of Louis, or Louis is the male (and gay) version of Maura. They always have the same opinions, the same laugh, the same humor, the same talking style,....Even their sisters are nothing like Maura. “And now, It's up to me to set up a date for my beautiful baby boy,”
“Mom......,” Niall groaned, tilting his head back dramatically.
“Yeah Mom,......,” Louis imitates Niall's action childishly “I can handle this,... I know just the perfect guy!”
“No no no and no. You've done enough damage Boo,” Maura shushed him.
“No more but's! There is this nice young lad back-”
“GUYS!” Niall half-yelled, getting them both to shut up and at the same time, getting their attention. “One; stop talking like I'm not here, and two; I already have a date with a really nice bloke,”
“Who is it?!” They both asked in unison, staring at me with those wide blue saucers.
“Liam Payne asked me out the other day,” He replied smugly and casually, receiving a groan from Louis and a delighted squeal from his mother.
“Nialler, I—I don't like this,” Louis stated his opinion, looking at his younger brother worriedly.
“What do you mean you don't like it?” Maura asked irritatedly, “Isn't Liam Payne the nice bloke that used to be the captain for the football team? He really is a handsome bloke, and if I remembered correctly, his manners is good as gold!”
“You used to really like him Lou,” Niall pointed out.
“Yeah, USED TO and that was years ago Mom. Niall, he suddenly disappeared one day, and in the eyes of the law, that means you are guilty!”
“This isn't one of your silly law-thingy-mingy Boo,” Maura said with a laugh.
“But Mom!”
“What is my BooBear whining about on this fine afternoon,” A deep voice spoke as he wraps his long muscular arms around his frustrated boyfriend, hugging him from behind. Harry placed a soft kiss on his boyfriend's tan cheek, earning a small loving smile from the older boy.
“Harry!” Maura cheered happily, preventing from Louis ravishing his boyfriend's irresistible lips.
“Maura!” Harry cheered just as happily. He released his boy friend and moved to hug and kiss Maura on the cheeks “It's really great to see you again,”
“You too Harry,” Maura chuckled.
“Harrryyyyyyy!” Louis groaned “You're supposed to be my boyfriend. Give me a kiss,”
“So, what are you guys talking about?” Harry asked after placing a small kiss on Louis' lips. He sat beside Niall and loosened his tie.
“I've got a date with Liam and Louis got a problem with it,” Niall informed Harry nonchalantly.
“Really? Why? Liam looks like a nice lad, hot even,” Harry commented, when he realized what he had said, his eyes immediately widened. He looked at Louis and saw that his jaws were clenched and his hands were curled up into tight fist. “Lou-Babe, I didn't mean it-”
“Fucking save it Styles. If you like him so much than go suck his dick,” Louis spat, venom filling his tone. He stood up and immediately left the table.
“Louis wait!” Harry yelled and went after his boyfriend. It isn't really much of a surprise Louis reacts this way whenever Harry talks about another guy; Louis is an extremely jealous boyfriend. It's not that Harry didn't like that Louis is a very protective and jealous boyfriend, in fact, he found it extremely hot and cute but when Louis over-reacts, like right now, it really is a troublesome.
“I know I should have stop him from taking drama classes,” Maura spoke, looking at the direction of his son and his boyfriend had run off. “But then again, I blame his father for the jealous side of him,”
That night, after the awkward but still fun lunch with their mother, Niall laid in bed, scrolling through his twitter feed that contained nothing but nonsense. He tried to sleep but there were a lot of things running through his head; Why Louis didn't want him to go out with Liam? How will his first date with Liam be? How's Harry dealing with Louis? Is his boss a homophobic? He tried to block all these questions out but when his mind was empty, the questions flew back in. An empty mind is a devil's workshop. He placed his phone on the bedside table and stared at the ceiling, and hoped that sleep will consume him because he had to work early the next morning. He really had high hopes for his up and coming first date with Liam, because Liam seemed to be the most decent guy he met in the past 8 years. He's kind, smart, handsome and well, hotter than hell. When his mind started to drift to the imagines of Liam shedding of his clothes one by one, his phone rang. Annoyed and irritated, Niall let out a huge groan but still grabbed the phone. He was quite shocked to see Louis' name flashed on the screen with his weird contact picture.
“Hey Ni,” Louis spoke softly. Niall could sense the tiredness in his brother's voice. “Hoped I didn't wake up,”
“N-no, you didn't,” Niall replied, sitting up on his bed.
“So,...I just,..I just wanna say that,..you can go out with Liam if you want,” Louis sighed heavily.
“Are you sure you're okay with it?” Niall asked skeptically. This isn't like Louis at all; if he didn't like the guy of Niall's pick, he'll use everything in his power to chase them away.
“Uh,..yeah. Sort of. I still have a bad feeling about it. And if anything, even the slightest bit bad happens, you tell me okay? Even if it just a small thing. Promise me?”
“Yeah, I promise,” Niall mumbled, a smile playing his lips. He knew that Louis is just looking out for him. “So, how are things with Harry,”
“I'm gonna go to sleep now,” Louis replied quickly.
“Lou if you don't answer me I'm gonna go sell my body at the nearest bar,” Niall threatened playfully earning a chuckle from his brother.
“We didn't get a chance to talk yet,” Louis answered his question.
“Because you were screaming and yelling and throwing a hissy fit?”
“Well, kind of,...he's sleeping on the sofa right now,” Louis let out another sigh.
“Don't you think that you're over-reacting?”
“Maybe, I don't know Nialler. Did you see the way he looked at Liam when he came over to your apartment the other day? And the way he talk about him at lunch today?”
“Lou, are you sure you're not clouded by your newly found hate for Liam?” I reasoned.
“Probably,....” Louis was silent for a few moment before he spoke again “I'm gonna carry him to my bed...and then dry hump him till he wakes up. Then we're gonna have some make-up sex,”
“Now that's my brother,” I chuckled.
“Bye Niall!” Louis cheered and before he could answer, Louis hung up.
“Well, goodbye to you too,”
“He has a WHAT?!” Zayn Malik screamed when he heard what Paul had informed him.
“H-He has a d-date with a guy name Liam this weekend,” Paul answered, slightly scared of the younger lad in front of him.
Liam? What sort of ridicules name is that? Zayn thought to himself. He was beyond mad now; his face was red, his fist was curled up 'till his knuckles were white and his breathing ragged. No, Niall is his and no one other bloke could take him out on a date. It took him nearly a week to calm down when he found out the Niall was living with another guy. He nearly sent someone to beat the guy up, that is until he found out that that the curly haired bloke was dating Niall's brother, Louis. And now, Niall is going out on a date, right under his nose. This isn't suppose to happen; Niall was suppose to fall for him, not for some random bloke with the name Liam. He's been searching for his snowball for years now and he's not gonna lose him just yet, not until he had done fighting for him.
“Zayn, I don't think we should be doing this. It's bad enough that you send people to spy him at his home but-but looking through his daily planner is just wrong,”
“No, it's not wrong if I'm looking out for him,” Zayn answered through gritted teeth. “It's not wrong if I'm protecting him,”
“It's wrong when you're invading his privacy Zayn. What would Niall think if he founds out?”
“He'll understand,” To Zayn, nothing else matters right now other than how can he stop Niall from dating anyone else.
“Paul?” Niall voice came from behind the door. The door that separates him and his snowball “Are you in there? I'm here to drop Mr. Malik's breakfast and the report he wanted!”
“Should I say something?” Paul asked “About the,....”
“Tell him that...,” Zayn pondered for a few second. Suddenly, he got an idea, just like a light bulb popped above his head. “Tell him that Mr. Malik asked him out on a date,”
Niall Tomlinson couldn't seem to find a reason to why he'd agree to go out with Mr. Malik, his own freaking boss. Ninety-percent of his brain said that yes, he should go because this will be the chance to find out what does Mr. Malik looks like, anther ten percent of his brain said that he shouldn't be going out with Mr. Malik since he already has a date with Liam. After three minutes of internal battler, the ninety-percent of his brain won hands down. He's not cheating on Liam, because they haven't had their date yet, so he is free to date anyone for the time being. He's pretty sure that this date won't mean a thing to him and he's doing this just for the sake of curiosity. Just for the sake of his curiosity. Nothing more. When Paul blurted out the question of Mr. Malik had asked him out on a date, Niall burst out laughing thinking that Paul was joking. But when he saw the serious look on Paul's face, Niall immediately knew that he wasn't kidding, at all. Who would've thought that the owner of one of the biggest shipping company is gay. And he likes his assistant too; very typical.
After putting on a white v-neck t-shirt and a black blazer on top, a pair of black jeans and his white high top, Niall drove to the address Paul gave him, where he will have a date with his boss. He was lucky that Harry isn't home, because he would rather not explain the way he dresses. Niall decided to keep this date a secret from everyone since it's going to be a one time thing only. It will end as fast as it starts. When Niall arrived at the restaurant they were supposed to meet up, Niall could not help but to gawk at the fancy building in front of him. It was an old English style restaurant attached to a five star hotel. Of course he would take me here, Niall smirks to himself, he's filthy rich. After giving his car to the valet, he walked up nervously to the receptionist.
“Uhm,...reservation under Mr. Malik?” Niall spoke nervously. Yeah right, Niall smirked to himself, as if Mr. Malik could get me under him on any circumstance.
“Mr. Horan, right? Mr. Malik is expecting you,” The tall blond girl spoke softly with her posh accent. “Follow me please,”
This is it,...he's finally gonna meet his boss.
To Niall's surprise, the whole restaurant was empty, like literally empty; there was only a table for two in the middle of the restaurant with two covered trays and two glasses of wine already placed on it, but no Mr. Malik. The waiter gestured for him to take a seat that she picked and Niall sat obediently. He looked around the fancy and empty restaurant, admiring it's beauty. There was a soft jazz music playing at the back ground, creating the perfect romantic atmosphere. This is quite romantic, Niall though to himself, Who would've guess Mr. Mail would be such a sap?
“Your waiter will be here momentarily,” She spoke with a smile before leaving Niall all alone. Niall gave a huff of annoyance as he sat waiting for the waiter or Mr. Malik to pop out.
“Mr. Horan,” A dark haired girl popped out of no-where, startling Niall “I'm Cassie and I will be your waiter tonight,”
Cassie smiled weirdly before lifting up the cover of the tray in front of him, a plate of medium rare steak with mashed potatoes, vegetables and a side gravy. Niall received quite a shock when Cassie removes the cover of the tray in front of him, only to reveal an iPhone, with a call connected to it.
“Hi Mr. Horan,” a soft, beautiful velvety voice with an undetermined British accent spoke through the phone's loud speaker “It's so nice of you to agree to go out with me,”
“Mr. Malik?!”
LOL, Mr. Malik you need to get a GRIP!
So? What do you guys think??
Attention to N1D Fans,...If you haven't checked out the sequel for N1D yet, go to my profile! And a special book call No.1 Family One Shot is there too! :D
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