Episode 3- Small
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Episode 3- Small
(Niall's P.O.V)
I stood stark naked in front of the mirror.
I watch as my pale skin glows when the light in the room bounces of them. Unlike Louis perfectly tanned skin, my skin is milky white and even sickening pale at certain times. My disheveled hair is dyed blond but with the real brown roots popping out here and there, which reminds me to re-dye it later. I sigh as I stared at my flat tummy and the little budding hair that is growing out of my chest; sometime, I really do wish I have a better body, six pack, biceps, pecs and all. But I find it really troublesome to go to the gym. The place stinks and the guys there are a huge distraction. Watching them lifting those heavy stuff, veins popping, biceps curling, and sweat rolling down those defined muscle makes little Horan junior a tad bit excited. I mean have you watch porn in gym? They're kinky and hot. Half way through my work out session, I had to spend the other half in the bathroom stall wanking off. So no, gym is not an option anymore.
“So, Little Horan junior, we might not get some tonight but, if you like the guy, give me a 'heads up' okay?” I said, petting him a little. Somehow, I gave in to Louis' request. We're going on a double date with a guy from his firm. He's been bugging me about nearly all week, and when he kept pestering me all week and have loud sex with Harry, I had no choice but to give in. “He's a lawyer, which means, he'll be a tad bit boring but hot as hell,”
I turned around to get dressed only to find Louis leaning against my bedroom door, smirking at me. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a NIKE tank top, showing off his tattoos and biceps; making me feel a tad bit, just a pinch, of jealousy. Why can't I have a body like him?
“Lou! What the fuck?!” I screeched, grabbing my towel off the floor and wrapping it around my waist hastily. “When did you get in?!”
“When you're talking to your mini-self. Though, I prefer to call him Tomlinson Junior, has a nice ring to it,” Louis chuckled. He's always the person that encourages me to use my new last name instead of my original one. He said that he doesn't want me to get stuck in the past and something about he love me and yada yada yada, typical brother stuff.
“It's my dick so I can name it whatever I want,” I snapped. Louis laughs and held his hands up in defense.
“Horan Junior it is then, and I don't think ''Little'' is necessary,” He chuckled. I glared at him and give him the finger.
“May I ask what are you still doing here? Or why are you here in the first place?”
“I'm here to help you, and Horan Junior of course, get dressed for our double date tonight,” Louis spoke proudly with his signature smirk on his face.
“I can do that without your help just fine Lou,” I groaned. I should've known that something like this is bound to happen.
“No way little brother. You, are going to wear something that does not scream ''VIRGIN''. You're gonna wear something that scream ''I'D BENT OVER THE OFFICE TABLE FOR MY BOSS ANYDAY'',” Louis stated proudly.
“So, you're basically telling me to dress like a slut?” I asked, baffled that my brother questions my fashion sense.
“More or less,” Louis shrugged “I just want you to step out of your comfort zone. You know, let it a little,”
“No ''buts'' Nialler,” Louis cuts me off, walking towards my closet. He began rummaging through my closet, throwing out the clothes he dislikes with 'uggh' and 'ews'. I properly wrapped myself in my towel and sat on the edge of my bed, waiting for Louis to pick out my clothes for the night. After about fifteen minutes of waiting in the cold, Louis let out a huge groan.
“This won't work. Wait here, bub,” Louis talked to me like a little kid. I huffed and crossed my arm, I really hate it when he calls me that. Louis chuckled and walked out of my room. Minutes later, Louis walked in with a few clothes in his hands, a huge grin on his face.
“Put these on,” He handed me the bundle of carefully folded clothes. Shaking my head, I walked up to my drawer and fished out a pair of boxers. I turned around and Louis was still standing in the middle of my room.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” He raises his eyebrows at me.
“Waiting for you to get out,” I stated plainly.
“Oh Niall, I watched you naked just a few seconds ago,” Louis grinned.
“Ughh,” I groaned and head for the bathroom. I could practically hear Louis laughs when I locked the bathroom door behind me.
I put on the clothes Louis gave me which consists of a tight fashionable button up shirt and a pair of whit skinny jeans which were too tight to be true. Personally, I think that the attire is kind of plain; no colors, no imagination whatsoever. It wasn't something that I would personally but since I will be on a date with lawyers, everything needs to be in black and white right? I sighed (I'm beginning to think that is all I do nowadays; sigh, groan, complain....) and walked out of the bathroom where Louis is already dressed in a short-sleeved grayish-blue button up shirt and a pair of Levi's jeans.
“Happy?” I asked him.
“Not just yet. You don't look sexy and slutty enough,” Louis rubs his chin in a thinking manner “C'mere. Let's do something with that hair shall we?”
Half an hour later, we arrive a fancy Italian restaurant, Una Direzione - which is to me, not really a great place for a date. I prefer something, simpler, yet sweet. Not some stuffy restaurant where you have to have manners and dressed like you're attending a funeral. The silent and the sound of clinking glass makes my skin tingles. Once we got out of the car, Louis and Harry immediately intertwined their hands, while I parenthetically walked behind them.
“Alex is already waiting for us inside. Let's go guys. Are you ready?” Louis turned around, directing the question to me.
“Who's Alex?”
“You're date silly,” Louis chuckled and I nodded. Alex. Well, at least I like his name.
“Quattro prenotazione sotto Mr.Pettyfer?” Louis spoke in fluent Italy, which surprises me.
“Oh Mr. Pettyfer? Si è in attesa di tutti voi. Ti prego, seguitemi e vi condurrò al vostro tavolo,” the petite lady, smiled at us and walks away.
“Come on lads, Alex is already here,” Louis said, as he follows the lady.
“You're fucking sexy when you speak Italian,” Harry whispers into Louis' ear, a tad loud might I add.
“Should I talk Italian when I ravish the sexy of yours tonight?” Louis whispered back, causing me to roll my eyes; great, they're gonna have some kinky Italian sex tonight.
“I like the sound of that,” Harry giggled. I decided to ruin their moment by making gagging sounds behind them.
“Naww, look at my baby brother, practicing for tonight's action,” Louis chuckled at me “Go get some tonight okay?”
Before I could say anything, we had arrived at our table for four where a tall blonde bloke stood up from his chair. I had to admit, he's fit as hell; tall, beautiful blond hair, a muscle shirt that outlined his abs perfectly and a blazer hugging his biceps nicely. He has probably the sexiest smile I've ever seen with his chiseled jaw and everything.
“Alex!” Louis laughed as he pulls the other lad in a brotherly hug and shook Harry's hand. “This is my brother that I've told you about. Niall Tomlinson, meet Alexander Richard Pettyfer, one of the finest lawyer in my firm,”
“Nice to finally meet you Niall, Louis here won't stop blabbering about you,” Alex and I shook hands. There's a huge contrast in the size of our hands; I couldn't help but to cringed inwardly how small my hand looks compared to his. Well, you know what they say about big hand; big di-
“Niall?” Alex spoke, shaking me out of my dirty imagination.
“Uh yeah. Nice to meet you too,” I put on the best smile I could produce.
“He's cute,” Alex complimented, looking at Louis. I felt heat rising on my cheeks up to my ears as I blush.
I hate pale skin.
Why the hell would Bella want this skin?
The dinner was,...fine I guess. Louis, Alex and Harry did most of the talking. I just nod, smile and laugh at the right moment, and answering a few questions asked by Alex. I wanted to interact with him, show him that I am interested, in a totally friendly way, but with Louis and Harry here, I'm a bit, well, shy. I was currently sitting next to Alex, while Louis and Harry sat on the opposite side. I could fell heat rising up to my cheeks whenever
“Niall here really likes a good laugh, ain't that right Niall?” Louis looks at me giddily.
“Y-yeah,” I replied with a smile.
“You do?” Alex asked, shifting in his seat so that he is now facing me. “Well I got a few jokes for you then. Would like to hear them?”
Here's your chance Niall!
“Sure,” I reply with a big smile.
“Well, when life gives you AIDS, what do you do with it?” Alex asked, chuckling. What he didn't know was how hard that question hit me. I could feel my spine tingling at the word and a huge lump on my throat as I choked out answer.
“I-I d-don't know-w?” I stuttered. I looked at Louis and saw that he too, had the same horrified look on his face.
“When life gives you AIDS, you make LemonAIDS!” Alex and Harry broke out laughing. But I, on the other hand, felt tears began pooling around my eyes.
“Ah, shit, sorry,” I muttered as I stood up, running towards the bathroom.
Once I enter the men's bathroom, which was luckily empty, I headed towards the sink. I place my hands on the cool marble counter and tried to even out my ragged breathing. I looked up at th huge mirror above the sink and noticed that my eyes were blood-shot as tears rolled down my cheeks. Memories of the past starts flowing in and I tried to block them out. But it was useless, the one word triggered everything as the horrific images of my mother flashes through my mind. I tried to close my eyes and gripped on the marble counter harder but it got worst. I could hear the bathroom door opened rather harshly but I didn't bother to look up who it was. Seconds later, I was tugged away from the counter and pulled into a bear-hug.
“Shhh, you're alright,” Louis whispered softly into my ears as he rubs soothing circles on my back. I buried my face deeper into the crook of Louis' neck as I tried to hard not to cry. Even though Louis is shorter than Harry, I still felt small in his arms. Small but secured in his arms.
“I'm I-” I tried to speak, but the lump in my throat won't let me. I grip onto Louis shirt tighter to search for comfort.
“Shh, you don't have to say anything bub. I'm sorry. Take a deep breath okay?” Louis moved his hands to caress my hair that he had styled.
“God, I'm so sorry. I'm such a wimp,” I croaked out after a few minutes.
“No Niall. You're not. I've should've been more careful. I should've give Alex a heads up or something,” Louis apologized, his voice laced with regret.
“It's been years Lou, but I still can't,..” I sobbed “Can't forget,”
“Shh, no more waterworks Niall, I might join you if kept going,” Louis joked as he wiped away my tears with the pad of of his thumb.
I decided that I need the comfort only my brother could provide a little more; so I snuggled his body closer To mine. I breath in Louis scent and sigh in content. I haven't had panic attacks for nearly a year now, but somehow that simple word triggered it. Luckily, it wasn't bad like what I used to have when I was little. It was a total package of nightmares, nigh terrors and panic attacks. Slowly, with Louis, Mum and Dad's help, it faded away. I knew I was really a handful when they adopted me, especially the first few years, but they kept me and loves me unconditionally. Successfully replacing my parents and I willing let them in. It's a choice that I will never regret. Though I never really tell Louis, but he means the world to me. I owe him my life. He accepted me as his brother since the day we met. He held me at night whenever I got nightmares or night terror, he helps me whenever I have panic attacks at school, and he held me the whole time when we did my blood test for HIV/AIDS (which is negative luckily).
He's the perfect brother.
Though sometimes annoying and really likes to have loud sex.
I still love him.
So? What do you guys think? Did you enjoy the NOUIS fluff?
Picture of Alex on the side! He's sooooo hot!
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