Episode 12- Sanity
I SINCERELY APOLOGISE FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SUCH A LONG TIME. Some of you might know that I just finished my final semester examination, so I had a little break after that. BUT I'm back now! and I promise to update regularly after this! ENJOY!
OH and if you haven't checked it out,..I have a new fic on my profile called One Big Bang Theory!
Episode 12- Sanity
“Shit! Were trapped!” Zayn yelled furiously. The wind was blowing harder, causing Niall to wrap his coat around his small body.
“I-I left my phone in the car,...” Niall muttered lowly, afraid that Zayn would get mad at him. Suddenly, he felt like his chest was getting tighter, his throat constricting.
“Yeah, me too,” Zayn mumbled a reply, his face still facing the steel exit door. When he heard a weird wheezing sound, his head immediately spun around, and he was faced with the most heartbreaking sight. His lover, was gasping for air, his lips blue and his face was abnormally pale.
“Z-Z-Zayn-nie” Niall wheezed, before his legs gave up.
Zayn was quick enough to catch Niall before he could hit the cold hard concrete ground.
“Niall?!” Zayn panicked as Niall breath came out in gasp. He was wheezing vigorously, trying to get air into his lungs properly. He felt like someone was chocking him, but it wasn't something new; Niall had asthma since he was twelve. The doctor said it was weird that his asthma attack started at the age where most asthma would stop, but it wasn't rare. His asthma attacks usually came with his panic attacks but in this situation, it was probably due to the cold harsh wind. “N-Niall?! What-What's happening?! Niall?”
“A-Asthm-m-ma,” Niall wheezed, his hand fumbling to search for Zayn's. Noticing Niall's action, Zayn immediately laced their finger together. Niall held Zayn's large calloused hands close to his chest, searching for comfort and strength.
“A-Asthma? But-How-Where's your inhaler?” Zayn sat them both on the ground. He lean back against the wall and held Niall close to his body. His eye were pooling with tears as he watch Niall gasping for air. He knew there was a possibility for Niall to stop breathing completely, even thought there were certain event where a person survives an asthma attack without their inhaler, but the thought of his angel dying in his arms.....was too painful to think about.
“C-Car,” Niall answered in his rasped voice.
“Damn it!” Zayn cursed, wanting to hit something so badly at the moment. “Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Fuck! I-Is there anything I can do?! Fuck Niall! Tell me what to do!”
Niall didn't answer him, instead, he closes his eyes and focused on his breathing. He couldn't afford to panic right now, because Zayn was obviously panicking more for both of them. At times like this he would remember Louis voice, telling him to calm down, and take deep long breaths. Louis was the person who saw him have an asthma attack, and he didn't even let his hand go, not even for a second. He would tell Niall to calm down, muttering sweet nothings into his ears, kissed his temple and told him that he would never leave. Niall imagined that he was holding onto Louis' hand instead of Zayn's, replaying his brother's strong, encouraging, calming voice.
“Oh God! Niall? Niall?! On God please talk to me Niall! Fuck!” Zayn panicked when Niall closed his eyes, and his wheezing breaths subsided a little. He noticed that Niall was paler than usual, his hands were cold as ice and his eyes were closed. “Fuck! Fuck! Open your eyes Niall! Please!”
“Z-Zayn?” Niall spoke lowly, without opening his eyes.
“Niall? Thank God!” Zayn breathed out, tears spilling out of his eyes. “God,...I thought I lost you,...please Niall, tell me what can I do to help,”
“Sh-Shut up,” Niall smiled through his pain “An-And-And calm d-down,”
“He's not answering his phone Harry!” Louis panicked as he paced around the living room, his phone never left his ear. He's been calling Niall twelve times now, and every single call went into his voice mail. It was nearly two a.m in the morning, and Louis was scared out of his skin for his little brother that was supposed to be home at six. After the recent event where his brother was nearly raped, Louis even considered putting him on house arrest, just until he felt it was safe for Niall to go out. And now, Niall is not home yet, and he isn't picking up his phone- and the only logical thing for him to do is panic. He wants nothing more than for Niall to be in his arm, safe and sound.
“I-I'm sure he's just out with some friends Lou. You know, celebrate his boss' return or something and his phone ran out of battery?” Harry suggested in attempt to calm his boyfriend down. But he himself was worried about his flatmate and best friend. Niall usually call, or send him a text saying that he'll be home late if something came up, but he left nothing but a super anxious and worried brother.
“No,..no, no. He would've sent us a text or something,”Louis replied worriedly. “I have a really bad feeling about this Haz. I knew that I should have stop him from going to work today,”
“That's ridiculous Louis, you-”
“No! What ridiculous is that if I get a call saying that my brother got raped while I sit here doing nothing with my boyfriend!” Louis snapped at Harry, causing the latter to snap his mouth shut. Louis rarely yells at him, and when he does, it usually is a huge deal.
“I'm sorry,” Harry mumbled lowly. Louis cursed under his breath and walked over to where Harry was sitting on the sofa. He sat next to his lover and wrapped his arm around his shoulder and brought him to his chest. Harry instinctively snuggled himself into Louis' chest, and inhale his all too familiar scent.
“M'sorry love,” Louis kissed the top of Harry's messy curly hair softly. “Didn't mean to snap at ya,”
“I understand,...you're just worried,”
“I'm just,..Niall is a walking accident magnet,” Louis chuckled, “Its either he attracts trouble, or troubles are attracted to him,..or he just love to attract,”
“It's a mutual feeling I guess,” Harry agreed.
“I'm gonna lose my sanity if he keeps doing this to me,”
“That's why you love him,” Harry smiled fondly at Louis' protectiveness of his little brother.
“And that is why I love him,” Louis agreed “And that is also why I'm gonna call Colton,”
“Why would you call Colton?” Harry asked. He knew Colton as one of Louis mates, but that's it. They have met a few time but Harry could barely remember having a conversation with him.
“Colton is a cop,..he might be able to help,” Louis explained as he fished out his phone.
“He’s a cop?” Harry asked incredulously “I thought you hated cops?”
“He’s a detective to be specific,…plus I needed some contact in the police department. Gotta have some extra help y’know? And….he’s got a small crush on Niall since he was in college,”
“Small crush on Niall since college? That’s not small Lou, that is one big-ass crush,” Harry chuckled.
“Yeah,..I didn’t allow for him to go anywhere near Niall,” Louis said nonchalantly.
“And why is that?”
“He’s a big time player. Niall doesn’t need someone like him in his life. He treats people like condoms. Dispose after use,” Louis said with venom in his voice. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy, but
when it comes to relationships,..I don’t trust him,”
“So,…your using him?” Harry eyed his boyfriend skeptically.
“Don’t look it that way Hazza-bear,..I would’ve called him if you went missing. It’s just a coincident that Detective Colton Hayne has a crush on my brother. Granted, if you went missing I would’ve call the army instead,” Louis joked.
“Yeah right,” Harry rolled his eyes “Just call him, you big ol’sap,”
“And that’s why you love me,” Louis stated proudly.
“Oh Boo, no wonder you’re a lawyer,”
“It’s been a week Mr. Payne,” The anonymous man spoke through the phone. “The boss is getting impatient,”
“I know! I know,…just-just give a few more days. I need a few more days,” Liam spoke anxiously through the phone pacing around his bedroom.
“You’re the most useless undercover cop Mr. Payne, but everybody at the precinct thinks you’re the best,” Those words stung him more than it should. He used to be the best in what he do, but now, he’s working for a scumbag.
“I can do this!” Liam yelled through the phone, his body shaking violently.
“You left us no option Mr. Payne. We told you that if you missed this deadline, we’d take someone from your life to join your poor, lonely sister,”
“No! Fuck! No! J-Just give me-”
“Probably your Mother, or a lover, who knows,” The man continued.
“No! Fuck fuck! Just please give me more time!” Liam begged.
“Each week, if you don’t do as you are told, we will take someone from your life. And after three weeks, we kill them,” With that, the line went dead.
Liam tried to control his emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion, and betrayal were coursing through his veins. He walked slowly towards his bathroom, with his head hung low. He placed his in the sink carelessly, and walked into the shower with his t-shirt and sweatpants on. He turned on the shower and let the piercing old water hits his tan skin. He stood motionless under the shower, hoping that the cold water would wash his problems away,… even though it was obviously impossible. He didn’t know where did he do wrong to end up in a place like this. He used to be a cop, a great one too. He worked hard to be a detective in order to make his parents proud. And now, he’s working on case that caused him to be an insider for both the cops and the bad guy. He refused to do it at first, but once they got hold of his drug-addict sister, he was basically their slave now. He was afraid to asked for help, but mainly, he was to egotistic to ask for one. He’s Liam Payne, one of the youngest and brightest detective in the department.
He couldn’t afford to look like a failure in front of other people.
After standing for nearly half an hour, Liam’s phone rang irritatingly, breaking Liam’s short moment of peace. He lets out a long shaky breath and stepped out of the shower. With his wet clothes on, he grabbed the towel on shelf and wiped his face and the rest of his head. He walked towards the sink where his phone was still rigging and picked it up without looking at the caller ID.
“Liam, mate!” His partner, Colton Haynes spoke through the other end.
“What’s up Colt?” Liam tried his best to sound okay.
“I uh,.. you remember Niall Tomlinson? The guy that have a huge crush on?” He asked shyly. How could Liam not remember Niall Tomlinson; his partner and him basically has a crush on the same person.
“Uh, yeah. Why?”
“His brother just called me and he told me that Niall has been missing for a whole day,” Colton informed him, which hit Liam like a bullet through the brain. Did they take Niall? No! Niall wasn’t supposed to be involved in his mess!
“Why didn’t you tell me you have asthma?” Zayn asked softly, still holding Niall close to his body. Niall’s asthma has subsided a lot, but his chest was still a tad constricted. He was still clutching to his best friends hand like it was his life line.
“D-Didn’t cross my mind,” Niall replied. It was probably somewhere around two o’clock in the morning and the air was still blowing harshly, the cold seeping in his spine.
“Anything else that I should know of? Anything that might involve your life?” Zayn asked seriously, but with a hint of joke in his voice.
“I have panic attacks sometimes,” Niall admitted lowly, shamefully.
“Panic attacks?”
“Yeah,.. it started when I left Ireland. But it stopped when I was in college,” Niall replied “It was usually triggered by things that involves m-my,….my parents,”
“I’m sorry,” Zayn breathed out, kissing his temple “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you,”
“S’not your fault, I was the one that left you,”
“And I’m here now,.. not planning to leave you nor let you leave me again,” Zayn spoke confidently.
“Sounds really annoying,” Niall chuckled, causing Zayn to join as well “But I like the sound of that. And I had a really great day today,”
“Yeah,...minus the locked on the rooftop and the asthma attack. Other than that, I had a perfect day,” Niall confessed, causing Zayn to blush. Luckily, it was too dark for Niall to see the pink tint on Zayn's cheek.
“It’s fucking cold,” Zayn spoke after a few minutes of silence. “God, I hope someone, anyone will find us soon,”
As if Zayn’s prayer were heard and answered, the steel door of the rooftop rattled, like someone was trying to yank it open.
“I-Is that?” Niall asked. To answer Niall’s unfinished yet predictable question, a familiar big round man burst through the door.
“Paul!” Niall and Zayn cheered in unison.
“The one and only,” The older man smirked.
Liam is sexy and MYSTERIOUS! LOL! Hope that you like this chapter! More problem coming Niall's way soon!
Put #HeroPaul if you like this chapter!
And check out my new fic on my profile called One Big Bang Theory! :D
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