Episode 11- Stuck
So freaking sorry for the late update! but I've prepared some Ziall fluff in this so enjoy!! :D
And I have a new future project on my profile,..it's calle One Big Bang Theory (Niam/Zarry),..mind checking it out and tell me what you think?
Episode 11- Stuck
“A sandwich? You're making a sandwich as a way of saying you're sorry?” Harry asked, dumbfound.
“Well, I'm not gonna go in empty-handed,” Niall sighed. He was a nervous wreck this morning, brainwashing his rusty old brain to produce a small speech that was four pages long; to Niall, that was still short. He didn't know why, but deep in the pit of his stomach, it tells him that his boss hadn't fire him,..yet. He just hoped that Mr. Malik would forgiving him for calling him an asshole (even though he totally deserve that),......and for destroying his iPhone. The sandwich is just a peace offering, like an offering to deity to spare his life, like literally, spare him. He needed this job; after the nearly raped incident, Louis was monitoring him 24/7, Liam didn't contact him at all, and his bank account is running a little dry. The only thing that was putting a smile on his face was Zayn's late night calls and cute text messages; he was glad that Zayn was back in his life. “Besides, he loves my sandwich,”
“You should spit on hit, or rub the bread under you armpit,” Harry suggested, taking a huge chunk out of his onion bagel. “That should have him wrapped around your puny fingers,”
“That, is disgusting. Louis is rubbing of off you,” Naill shakes his head “One Louis Tomlinson in this world is more than enough,”
“What did you just say my lovely brother?” The devil himself entered the room smiling widely, wrapped in nothing else but a blue towel around his waist. He maneuver his way towards Niall and pinned him under his arm in a headlock before Niall could do anything else. “Mind repeating that?”
“I said,..I-I have the most loveliest brother in the whole wide world,”
“Naww, he used to say that a lot when we were little,” He said, turning to Harry “Isn't that cute?”
“Very cute,” Harry agreed, stifling a laugh.
“He used to have the chubbiest cheeks, and I would pinch it-”
“Louis stop!” Niall yelled, his cheeks were flushing red.
“The poor boy had had enough Lou, besides, he needs to get to work,” Harry chuckled.
“Oh? Sou your boss is back then? From god knows what vacation he's taking?”
“Yup!” Niall put on a huge fake smile, “And I'm freaking late so, excuse me,”
After giving Harry and Louis a sloppy kiss on the cheeks, Niall left the apartment in a hurry. It surprises him that he actually felt good being in his gray suit and dress pants, even though they are uncomfortable. He got into his secondhand car and drove to his office, well, assuming he was not fired. And if he isn't, he was sure as hell got a lot of work piling on his desk. Once he arrives at Malik Straits office building, he was surprise to find that his usual parking spot was empty, like it was reserved for him. The office building is awfully huge, with a regular design, gray walls, good air conditioning and facilities, and When he was about to leave the car, he receives a text message from Zayn;
'Good luck, Nialler,...I'll see you soon xx'
Smiling like goofball, Niall walked into the building confidently with Zayn in his mind instead of his boss. He could hear his co-workers whispering to each other as he passed by their desks; words like “He's still here?”, “The personal assistant?”, “Wasn't he fired?”, “The fag?” were thrown around, making his feel even more anxious and insecure. It wasn't a secret that most people wasn't really fond of him, because he wasn't really a social butterfly, which made everyone thinks he was some high-class snobbish personal assistant. Only a handful of people got to know the real him; Josh Devine from Finance, Blake Lively from Design and Marketing, Hunter Hayes from Imports and Exports, and Max Irons from Management. They were a small group of friends that had developed a small fondness on him. I mean, how can they not? Max couldn't deny how cute he looks when he miserably tries to use the photocopy machine that ran out of toner, Blake couldn't help but to laugh at the fact that Niall was shocked that Blake Lively is a name of a girl, Josh caught Niall singing once, using the plastic cup as a microphone and thought his voice was absolutely brilliant, and Hunter liked the fact that Niall was the only one that laughs at his lame and terrible jokes.
When Niall arrived at Paul's desk in front of Mr. Malik's office, he'd only had a single shred of confidence left in his body, his hands were clammy and shaking along with the brown paper bag containing the turkey sandwich. He was sweating rather profusely and when he tried to greet Paul who was engrossed reading the paper, the only sound his vocal cords could produce was;
“Hooo,” Which sounded like a wounded cat with a tonsil problem. At first, Paul was slightly shocked by the sound he heard, but when he looked up and saw the boy that had had his boss wrapped around his finger, he smiled widely.
“Niall my boy!” He greeted, standing up to give the shaky and sweaty boy a hug “Mr. Malik told me you were coming today! And why are you sweating like a pig?”
“I uhh, I was umm,...wait, wait wait wait. How did Mr. Malik knew that I was coming to work today? I didn't tell anyone?” Niall asked, fear creeping up his spine.
“Uh, he uhh,..He said that you were on a special leave! And would be back any day this week!” Paul answered awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. Now, it was his turn to sweat like a pig; he just hope that Niall wouldn't see right through his lies.
“He,....he said that? That is was on a special leave?” Niall inquired, feeling a tad odd. Special leave? That sounds like a leave for pregnant woman.
“Uh yeah! Oh you brought his breakfast?”
“Yeah!” Niall replied, handing the paper bag to Paul with a wide smile, feeling proud of his sandwich with a small card that he wrote 'I'm sorry', his speech long forgotten. “So, I'm not fired then?”
“Fired? Why would you think that lad?” Paul chuckled “Oh and Mr. Malik said he wanted you to show the new worker around,”
“Uh,...why me?” Niall asked. He had never been given this sort of job before.
“He's a close friend of Mr. Malik,...and he trusted you to make him feel welcome,” Paul answered, like he had revised the whole script.
“Okay then,” Niall shrugged; he was just grateful that he still got his job, so whatever Mr. Malik wishes him to do then he will do it, no questions asked. “Where is he then?”
“He's at the Marketing and Design department,” Paul answered “Take him tour around the building and show him the shipping dock,”
“Why would someone working at the department of Marketing and Design would want to visit the shipping dock?”
“Hey I'm just telling you what Mr. Malik wanted me too,” Paul raised his hands up in the air.
“Okay then,....he's getting weird and weirder that man,” Niall commented. “Say 'Hi!' to him for me okay? Bye-bye Paulie!”
Niall practically sprinted from the moment he left Paul's desk, towards the lift. To his luck, there weren't many people in the lift; just him, a Chinese cleaner holding a huge banana to his chest, a plump woman with a huge bang, and a skinny guy that looks like a robot. Once the lift stops at the 17th floor, Niall sprinted out of the door the moment it opened and head towards the Design and Marketing department. The Design and Marketing department is considered as the most happening department in the building; they always throwing the best parties, the workers were all energetic and good-looking. His friend, Blake Lively, is one of the wildest and prettiest girl in the department, but with a manner that would put a monk to shame, well, sometimes. But, Niall nearly had a heart attack when he saw a familiar man standing right in front of of the glass door of the Design and Marketing department.
“Zaynie!” Niall sprinted faster and threw himself on Zayn, wrapping his arms and legs around Zayn's body. Zayn nearly lost his balance, and he would've fell backwards if he hadn't put one leg behind, stabilizing both of them. He chuckled loudly as Niall buries his face into the crooks of Zayn's neck, panting. Even though he couldn't understand what was Zayn doing here, but all he knows is that he missed the guy so much.
“Why are you running goofball?” Zayn ruffled Niall's hair, discretely sniffling it.
“Just feel like it,” Niall answered removing his body from Zayn's, much to his dismay.
“Just feel like it?” Zayn asked, still chuckling.
“Yeah,...I was supposed to meet up with a new guy here, and take him on a one-on-one tour,” He replied, looking around, “But what are you doing here Zee?”
“Well, I'm glad to tell you that this new guy,” He pointed to himself “Would be happy to receive a one-on-one tour from you,”
“You-you-you're the new worker?!” Niall asked, half shocked, half happy.
“Yep! I want to tell you when we first met, that I applied to work here,..but I just want to give you a surprise! So, surprise!”
“Whoah this is bloody brilliant!” Niall squealed, causing a few passer-by to look at him weirdly. “This is great! But Mr. Malik said that you're a friend of his-”
“My father is,” Zayn answered immediately. An awkward silence fell upon them because Zayn never mentioned about his father before, and Niall didn't know how to approach the situation.
“So,...can I have my tour now?” Zayn asked breaking the silence, pinching Niall's cheeks.
“Let's do this!”
Niall didn't know how it happen, or why did it happen, but once Niall gave Zayn a short tour around the building, they ended up touring around the fisherman's town near the shipping dock instead of going to the shipping dock itself. Zayn was behind the wheels, saying that he wanted to show Niall something he discovered a few days ago. Niall was totally astounded by the beautiful scenery by the small town, which really reminded him of Ireland. He didn't really have much memory of Ireland, but the scenery of the town make his head scream 'Ireland'. Most of the buildings were old, and not very tall and some of them were made of woods. Zayn opened up the roof of his convertible, letting Niall stood up on his seat and let the fresh breeze the smelled like ocean fills up his nostrils. Zayn couldn't help but to feel a surge of happiness runs through his veins seeing Niall smiled like that. They way his blue eyes shine, the crinkle by his eyes and his pearly white teeth displayed for the whole world to see was something Zayn would like to capture and put it on a frame. It didn't help him with the fact that he was falling deeper and deeper in love with Niall.
“This is beautiful Zayn!” Niall screamed, and then laugh like a maniac.
“I know! But I'm gonna show you something much much more interesting!” Zayn smirked.
To see Niall jumping up and down like an excited puppy or a happy baby was a golden sight for Zayn as he took Niall to a traditional hand-made sweet shop that sold Niall's favorite rare Irish peppermint chocolate. The way Niall just drools at the chocolate display was priceless. Instead of focusing his eyes on everything else, Zayn had his eyes glued onto Niall, who was totally oblivious to it, and too engrossed in the sweets and chocolate. Zayn would listen tentatively as Niall explains each and everything he sees in the store excitedly. Niall even got a chance to make his own spiral lollies, and Zayn laughed so hard when Niall nearly jumped at the guy who offered it to him.
“That,..was so amazing Zee! I didn't know that they have this shop here!” Niall rambled, still full of energy as they filled the backseat with five paper bags filled with different chocolates and sweets.
“I knew that you'll love it,” Zayn chuckled “Remember when we were little, you would drag me to the sweet shop just so that we could press our face on the display glass, looking inside until the shop-owner chase us away?”
“Y-Yeah,...” Niall blushed profusely at the memory.
“Can I say you're still the same,...and I love it?” Zayn commented, stealing a kiss on Niall's burning cheeks.
“You're silly,” Niall chuckled nervously.
At the end of the day, the two lads ended up on the rooftop of Malik Straits office building, staring at the sunset eating McDonald's. They bought so much food, just because Niall said he suddenly wanted to try everything on the menu. The wind was blowing rather furiously as the boys cuddled up against each other, with Zayn's right arm wrapped protectively around his little Nialler. They were sitting on the helicopter landing point, admiring the sunset. From time to time, Niall would feed Zayn the burger his eating, or the banana pie, because Zayn refused to get his hands dirty, but in reality, he just wanted Niall to feed him. Niall being the oblivious and vapid boy he is, fed Zayn like a baby, even taking the courtesy of wiping the sauce on the corner of Zayn's pink lump lips.
“I had,...a really, really amazing day Zayn,” Niall chuckled, hiding his head under Zayn's chin.
“Me too Ni,... me too,” Zayn replied affectionally.
“I was the one who should have given you a tour, not the other way around! We didn't even get to visit the shipping dock!”
“We could visit it another time,” Zayn suggested, but one of the reason he didn't want to go to the shipping dock is because Liam works there, and also other men that Niall likes to stare at. “We should go,...it's cold up here,”
Niall protested a few minutes, saying that he didn't want this day to end, but after much much coaxing from Zayn, he manged to convince Niall that they can make this their routine, or tradition, promising that they will come here again. Everything seemed to be perfect for them that day,...that is, until they tried to open the rooftop exit door, which was locked tight. Even with Zayn's strength, he didn't manage to yank the door open.
“Shit! Were trapped!” Zayn yelled furiously. The wind was blowing harder, causing Niall to wraped his coat around his small body.
“I-I left my phone in the car,...” Niall muttered lowly, afraid that Zayn would get mad at him. Suddenly, he felt like his chest was getting tighter, his throat constricting.
“Yeah, me too,” Zayn mumbled a reply, his face still facing the steel exit door. When he heard a weird wheezing sound, his head immediately spun around, and he was faced with the most heartbreaking sight. His lover, was gasping for air, his lips blue and his face was abnormally pale.
“Z-Z-Zayn-nie” Niall wheezed, before his legs gave up.
Cliff on a hanger! Sorry! But wasn't that just fluffy? I hope it is!
Tell me what you think?
Put #Ziallsweeetness if you like this chapter!
And remember! I have a new fic on my profile call One Big Bang Theory (Niam/Zarry). mind chacking them out? THANKS!
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