Episode 1- Sandwich
SURPRISE! Here is the first chapter/episode to My Boss My Hero (MBMH)! ENJOY!
Episode 1- Sandwich
Monday's schedule- October 22
8 a.m- Buy/drop off breakfast at the office.
9 a.m- Pick up laundry.
10 a.m- Pick up client from the airport.
10.30 a.m- Shipping dock tour for the client.
12 p.m- Buy/drop off lunch at the penthouse.
3 p.m- Make reservation at the Thalia Restaurant.
3.30 p.m- Drop off paperwork for approvals
5 p.m- Clean up penthouse.
6 p.m- Buy/drop off dinner.
“It's a lazy day today,” I mutter to myself as I shove another spoonful of Lucky Charms into my mouth.
I was scrolling through the daily schedule in my phone at 7 a.m in the morning. If I was still working at the cafe I would probably wake up late in the afternoon; it took me a whole week to adjust myself to my new schedule. I've been working as a personal assistant for Mr. Malik, my boss, for a month and a half now; and I'm loving every second of it. Yes, I admit this job is much more troublesome than singing at the bar, but now Louis is out my hair, Harry doesn't have to move in with him and my wage is basically twenty times more than I make at the bar. I even have my own office now but I rarely use it since the job requires me to always be on my feet; meeting the clients, showing the clients the shipping dock, picking up his laundries, picking up paperwork, cleaning his penthouse, drop off his breakfast, lunch and dinner, and sometimes, buy him groceries. Mr. Malik is very strict, or in my word, picky and whiny about certain things though; like he only eats breakfast of turkey sandwich from the diner near the shipping dock, coffee black with no sugar and it needs to be extremely hot, he even has a floor plan and instructions on how to clean his penthouse, supply a special imported detergent to the laundry shop and proof read every report, proposals, and paperwork before handing it to him. It makes me wonder if he is really a guy.
Oh, and I never met him.
I never made human contact with him; I don't know what he looks like, I don't know what his voice sounds like, I don't know how tall he is, I simply don't know what is his hair color and hell, I don't even know what is his first name! Weird right? For one month and a half, I work for someone I never met. My, extremely picky and whiny, boss, Mr Malik. He's the CEO and owner of Malik Straits Anchor Line Co. , one of the biggest shipping company in Britain. In other words, he just a filthy rich bastard that no-one ever sees. The only employee that has ever made actual human physical contact with him is Paul Higgins, his personal bodyguard. Why won't he show himself? Is he insecure about how he looks? He's filthy rich; he could easily get a plastic surgery! I've tried asking Paul to see him personally, but Paul said “Authorized personnel only”. Authorized personnel? I'm his freaking personal assistant that send his Calvin Klein boxers to the laundry shop! That's pretty intimate if you ask me; you don't just wash another man's boxers that you've never met. To top it off, Louis is absolutely dying to meet my boss and I never told him that I never met Mr. Malik because he will make a huge deal out of it. The only contact I made with Mr. Malik is through the notes he passes to me through Paul. It was either he's not satisfy with the reports, I'm late, I didn't properly clean his penthouse, or there was something wrong with the food; and I have to admit, Mr. Malik has a very beautiful cursive handwriting. It was almost like an art work. Even when he signed the proposals and report looked beautiful. I kept all his notes for working purposes, and because they're just simply beautiful, even if they're mostly critics and complaints from Mr. Malik.
I put the empty bow into the sink and took a huge breath; Time for work. I showered and put on my gray suit and tie; my formal working attire courtesy of Mr. Malik, and my polished dress shoe. After grabbing my wallet, car key, and phone, I barged into Harry's room loudly only to find two naked bodies tangled in each others embrace awkwardly. I cringed at the sight in front of me. I could only imagine what would've happen if these two hormonal energizer bunnies live together.
“Ughhh, what the f-” Louis groaned.
“I have to say, you guys were quiet last night. I'm impressed,” I teased,, leaning on the door frame.
“Owh, Harry's mouth was busy the whole time while I--”
“Fuck! I didn't want to hear that,” I closed my ears and run out of the room. I looked at my ODM watch and saw that I was already 15 minutes late. “I'm off to work!”
I drove silently to the diner to get Mr. Malik's breakfast at the diner while listening to Fall Out Boy's America's Suitehearts. I was singing happily to the song, thinking about how today was going to be an easy going day, until I saw one word on the diner door that makes me want to scream my lungs out- “Close”.How can the diner be close today? It never closes on a Monday morning! Ugh, where am I going to get Mr. Malik's breakfast now? I couldn't possibly find another diner right now, 7.30 a.m in the morning that makes the exact same turkey sandwich,....unless, I make one on my own? Could that work? Would Mr. Malik eat it? He's very picky about what he eats,...To hell with it; I'm already late!
I turned my car around and drove back to Harry and I's apartment. I didn't care if I was driving above speed limit, the only thing that mattered is that I will do anything to avoid from getting another complain note. I burst through the apartment door only to find a naked Harry pinned on down on the couch by Louis, who was already dressed in his black suit, making out like it was the end of the world. I rolled my eyes and walked passed them, into the kitchen.
“Nialler!” Louis greeted me, from the hall, sounding breathless.
“Don't mind me you hormonal rabbits! Keep on eating each other!” I replied sarcastically. “Just casually making a turkey sandwich for my boss” I muttered quietly. Sometimes, I feel jealous of what they have; a relationship. Albeit, a tad bit sexual at times, it was still a healthy relationship where they can be all lovey dovey with each other, spoil each other rotten and hold each other when something is wrong.
Snapping out of my momentary daze, I began rummaging through the small kitchen, looking for the ingredients to make a mean Niall-Special Turkey Sandwich. As I was assembling the sandwich, Louis walked into the kitchen with a satisfied look on his face. He stood in front of the kitchen island, re-adjusting his tie and disheveled hair.
“So, why did you come back? Don't tell me just to make a sandwich?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Unlike some people, snogs and saliva won't fill this stomach,” I replied sarcastically. I'm not usually like this, Louis is the sassy one in the family, but I'm feeling a little bit snappy and living with Louis for too long will cause his sassy-ness to rub on you.
“Whoa,” Louis held his hand in the air “Who stole your food and danced in front of you while eating it?”
“I'm kidding Louis,” I chuckle at him. One of the things that I really love, which is not that many, about Louis is that he knows how to diffuse the tension and make appropriate joke at the right time. He can keep his cool even under pressure; I guess that is why he such a great lawyer, cool and sassy.
“Hmmm,.. I knew that this day would finally come,” Louis tapped his chin and squint his eyes, like he was thinking or something.
“You, Niall James, need a boyfriend,” Louis points his long tanned finger that God know where it has been, at me with a smug look on his face “And I'm going to find the perfect boy for you,”
I groaned loudly at his idea. This isn't the first time Louis did this. He never agrees with the people that I like and only approve the people that he introduced to me. The first time he did this was before he knew that I was gay; he introduced me to his beautiful friend Eleanor, the second time is when he found out that I was gay; he set me up on a date with his sexy but awkward friend Dan, and the third time was when he started dating Harry, using the reason ''We could go on a cute double-date''; he introduced me to an extremely rich but boring lawyer, Andy. Yes, I say it again, I love my brother, but sometimes, he's making me lose my sanity instead of my virginity.
“None of that Lou. Please. I'm begging you. I don't need a boyfriend, and I really don't want you to find one,” I said sternly. Shaking my head, I began cleaning the kitchen after my masterpiece of a sandwich is done.
“Oh shit!” I cursed, looking at my watch. “Shit, shit, I'm fucking late!”
Panicking, I quickly grabbed the sandwich but accidentally bumped my elbow on the fridge, causing the sandwich to fall off my hand. I watched it as it fall to the hardwood floor in slow motion It felt like my whole job rested on the two breads stuffed with turkey and other ingredients, falling to the ground about to shatter into pieces.
Luckily, it stayed in one piece when it landed on the floor.
“Fuhh, that was a close one. Fucking turkey, fucking rabbits,” I muttered as I picked up the sandwich from the floor. I didn't have time to make another one so Mr. Malik will eat something from the ground then.
“Why rabbits?” Louis looked at me weirdly.
After I dropped of Mr. Malik's breakfast, receiving a chuckle from Paul for being late, I drove nervously to the airport to pick up the client. What would Mr. Malik think of the sandwich? I was already late so I didn't have time to get Mr. Malik's laundry but Paul being Paul, offered his help to pick up the laundry. I gave the round man a bear-hug, which he returned with a bone-crushing one. Since Paul is Mr. Malik's personal bodyguard, he has a small office table in front of Mr. Malik's office, which no-one has ever enter, where I would drop off or receive stuff to or from Mr. Malik. Even when Paul open Mr. Malik's office door, I could see nothing but darkness from the room, like the lights weren't on. All the mystery of Mr. Malik is behind the door, so near yet so dangerously far. I didn't want to barge in because; 1) I couldn't possibly get pass Paul, I mean look at that dude's size, I'm a kitten compared to him 2) I really want to keep this job.
I drove the client straight to the shipping dock, showing them around and boast about our state of the art technology to win them over. It was basically the same thing I told to the other clients. It's like I put on the “Shipping Dock” CD into my brain and press play. When the client asked ''Where's Mr. Malik'', I would answer ''He had an emergency. He really loved to show you around himself, but it was inevitable. He's really sorry,'' instead of ''Oh good, I'm looking for him too. Have you ever seen him?''. But the best part about this shipping dock tour is that I can stare at the sweaty muscular workers here. They're just simply mouth-watering. It was like watching live porn, just without the porn, only the shirtless and sweaty part.
See why I want to keep this job?
“Hey Paul,” I greeted the lad, with Mr. Malik dinner in my hand.
“Niall, glad that you could make it in time,” Paul chuckle, standing up from his chair.
“Yeah, the penthouse wasn't that dirty,” Handing Paul Mr. Malik's dinner.
“Oh, got a note for you,” Paul announced as I groaned. Mr. Malik must be fuming about his sandwich. I should just walk in and ask him ''Did the floor of my apartment taste bad? We use lavender floor cleaner.'' to save myself from the humiliation.
“Why are you groaning lad? You haven't read it yet,” Paul laughs as he pulls out a familiar piece of paper, then handing it to me.
“We all know what is in there Paul,” I took the paper from Paul with a sad smile.
I bid goodbye to Paul and began walking out of the building, with the note burning in my hands. Once I was in my car, I took a deep breath and open the note;
You were late today
But the sandwich was great.
I have to re-read the cursive writing twice, not believing what Mr. Malik has written. He....he liked the sandwich? He liked Niall-Special Turkey 'Off The Floor' Sandwich?
“Well fuck my rabbits,” I chuckled.
So, did you like it? was it okay? or more than okay? TELL ME YEAH?
-RIP Cory Monteith-
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