Today is the 1 year anniversary of Teenage War, and I can't believe how far it's come. And I have all of you to thank for, so thank you.
I remember when I first started it, I wanted it to be unlike some of the other books with the same ships because those books would focus on one ship and completely gloss over the others.
I wanted mine to be different, and I hope it was but in a good way.
I remember when I got so excited when I reached 1k views because all of my crappy books before never got that far but now this book has over 23K views! I'm so happy about that.
Writing has always been a way to express myself but in a different way. I would write if I was sad, angry, happy or just plain bored but writing and seeing how much you all love the book never fails to put a smile on my face.
From some constructed criticism to the spam chain in the comment section, I loved them all. So I wanted to update today because of the anniversary and I hope I can celebrate with some ice cream today if my Mom permits.
Even this whole week was stressful for me, from studying for finals to personal issues but just reading how much you all love the book and my ideas cheered me right up. I put all of my feelings and heart into this book and seeing how much you all enjoy it....I just don't have any words to describe how happy you've all made me.
I've made the greatest of friends, made a couple...nah, a few enemies along the way but Teenage War was not only just about those girls going through their personal war zones but also me myself.
I'll say to it again but to specific people:
Mistyaaml4ever : Thank for you for keeping my hot on my toes and the constant support you give me...oh and the heck you give but I love you for both of those. You were one of my inspirations for this book.
NightsongxD : Thank you for being there for rants, convos and now our weird. Good morning, Afternoon, Night thing. But you were also one of my inspiration for this book, so not only are you a great inspiration but also an even better friend
Breezy_Bubbles : My dear Onee-chan, you give me ideas and a shoulder to rant to. Whether it's about boy troubles, rant on life or jsut talking about how Amourshippers can get under our skin. You are one person that I shall love to the very end, you may not know how much you've contributed to this book but you have and it's a lot. <3
Mistyfangirl1 : Oh where to start with you? XD You also help keep me in check, someone I went to when I was suicidal and a great advise giver as well. My other Onee-chan that helped with the creation of the book from the beginning and I couldn't be happier to have you in my life.
YouDontKnowShipping : My WPBFL, you have given me sooo many ideas for chapters that my brain nearly overflowed. I know for some reason I inspire you but I want to tell you that inspire me so much, one of my greatest and some I can share my crappy love life with. I couldn't be more grateful for you being in my life.
LapisLazulli2 : When I saw that you made your book because you were inspired by me, I thought my heart was going to overflow with pride and love. You comment on nearly EVERY passage, you never miss a chance to tell me how great of a person I am and how much Teenage War has inspired you in your book makings and me myself. I want to thank you for making me smile and butting in on my romantic life XD
And Lastly to Nathan (That1InsanePotato ) : You hate me right now, Ok. But that's not going to stop me from saying thank for the inspiration and happiness you gave me these past few months. Letting me rant to you about a lot of things and how you were always able to make me smile one way or another. I do hope you stay safe and have a good life, I believe this would be the last time I would talk to you but if so. Thank you.
So thank you, thank you all for everything. You all mean the world to me <3
~ Pupsey
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